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PA underarmor buffs (and/or debuffs for lack thereof)


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It always bugged me how you could enter PA (which is supposedely very tight inside) with a full set of combat armor and like without much hindrance. Fallout wiki states underarmor not being REQUIRED per se, but it does improve comfort and performance with PAs. In game though, BOS uniform has no benefit over regular clothing unless you force yourself to wear it for RP purposes.


Here is what I think would be more "immersive"

- you are assumed to wear or carry a set of BOS uniform (or equivalent jumpsuit with appropriate keyword/tag) to use PA to its full capacity

- without direct interfacing to armor's systems, your armor operating abilities are hampered (reduced agility)

- likewise, bulky clothing/armor causes chafing (this could scale with the weight of the clothing/armor) leading to discomfort (reduced endurance)

- at the very least, the game should impose a few seconds delay (for undressing or changing into underarmor) to enter PA unless you are already wearing an underarmor

- better yet, automatically undress the PC change him/her into a preferred underarmor in the inventory when attempting to enter PA with the said delay

- conversely, maybe you could add BOS uniform specific boost activated when entering a PA

Edited by shameimaru
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In my games when I enter PA, FO4 and FO76, it automatically removes any combat armor I might be wearing. Yes I realize it doesn't use real-time for these effects to register. I know this from looking at my inventory before and after donning said PA. If I'm wearing a vault suit or other under-armor it still shows as equipped when in PA. I'm still not happy that you can't climb a stupid ladder, and I won't even get started on the lack of real drivable vehicles, with out a cheesy mod. Are you maybe looking for animations to show what the game normally does.

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The game assumes you are 'naked' in your power armor. Any buffs you have from worn equipment go away when you step into it. Even stuff on your patrolman sunglasses.....


In reality, you should be wearing *something* in your power armor. Even if it is just a vault suit/jumpsuit.

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Yeah, I am aware you get your regular clothing effects taken away. What I was getting at was jumpsuits that are tailor made to maximize PA effectiveness by lore don't do a thing in the game. Some sort of differentiation would go a long way toward actually start using jumpsuits for a good reason.

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'UnNaked Power Armor mod'

Yeah, I have seen that one, but, the idea of wearing my heavy combat armor, while in power armor, just doesn't work for me. :D I could see 'clothes' being ok, and eye wear, but, things like armor, or hats? Nope, don't think so. :D


Of course, I rarely use power armor in any event. I use the T-45 suit when rescuing Preston and the gang, but, after that, I mostly just collect the X-01 armor, 'cause it looks cool in my house. :D

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I just take off my gear that wouldn't make sense underneath and keep on what does.

Vaultsuits and road leathers are perfect, BOS Uniform and hood were literally made for it and the US Army would have worn Military Fatigues under their T-51.


I think a script removes your modular armour pieces while in the suit anyway, if I'm wrong it was another mod.

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I just take off my gear that wouldn't make sense underneath and keep on what does.

Vaultsuits and road leathers are perfect, BOS Uniform and hood were literally made for it and the US Army would have worn Military Fatigues under their T-51.


I think a script removes your modular armour pieces while in the suit anyway, if I'm wrong it was another mod.

I lose the buff for my vault suit as well..... Quite honestly, I think bein' nekkid in your power armor would chafe..... :D Not precisely 'comfortable'. :D

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