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Infinite Magelight


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Oh wait.. I know what I messed up.. I did a mistake when compressing the file .__.

I have relased a 1.2 version now, install that one.


Also, you dont need that multicast mod, you will still be able to spawn multiple lights without it.


In case that the problem still persist, try deactivating the multicast mod.

Edited by Theurg
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So far so good. I'm able to go from cell to cell in my house and they stay. Even if I leave the home entirely and come back they are still there. For some reason though, this version (1.2) isn't as bright as version 1.0. Not sure why, but it works better now for ceilings that are lower. If you have a high ceiling though, it doesn't do much at all. I'm going to mess around with this mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/4419//? and see if it makes a difference. There are areas where you need a brighter light, and areas where you need a dimmer light. So back to more testing, I'll let you know.


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Thanks for all the feedback :wink:


I dont think that the warmer magic lights will work correctly, Im worried it might only work for the regular magelight.


I will try to make another optional file which will add a second spell with higher light intensity. Speaking of which, the furniture thing, as you might have noticed, doesnt shine at all. It is more like a decoration than light source because I was not able to make it shine.



Edit: There, the 1.3 now adds a second spell, PM intensive, which triples the radius of light.


Edit 2: I might make 1.3.1 which adds a "semi-intensive" PM which will only double the radius, because now that Im further testing the intensive PM, it looks like too much (still useful, but in some cases you might want something between the normal PM and Intensive, so Im creating a semi-intensive aswell)

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Open your console, click on the light (be careful not to click on something else) and write: markfordelete and press enter. This worked for me :smile:

That's sweet, I gotta remember that.

Yeah, I didn't like the furniture thing.


I had this http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/4419//? installed before I tried the first version (1.0) , so I'm wondering if that had something to do with how bright the first one was compared to your new version. I uninstalled it before I tried your next version.


I'm curious how you plan on having more than one brightness. I would need some brighter lights for some areas and less of a light in others. I don't want to keep installing and uninstalling mods for different lighting. If you can only get one to work go with the brighter one.


I'm just happy that you made something like this to brighten the dark corners of my house mods. So don't strain your brain on this. What you've done so far is awesome.

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I'm curious how you plan on having more than one brightness. I would need some brighter lights for some areas and less of a light in others.


The 1.3.1 has already 3 different magelight spells: normal, semi-intensive and intensive (they all work at the same time.) You can buy them all from Farengar. Each has different level of brightness. (I also uploaded some pictures for comparison)


You should try it out ;P


Im glad you like the mod. if you have time, endorse it please, it would make me happy xD

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It is supposed to be three different spells. Hmm.. I dont know what went wrong. I am going to check it out.



Edit: I know where is the problem now.. I have made a mistake when uploading it again ._____. I will re-upload it, then download it, that should solve it.


Edit 2: No, that was not it, the things are still missing in Farengars store.

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Now this is funny, the books are on the desk, but if I take them I'm stealing them and everyone attacks me. When I mouse over them they say "steal" in big red letters. So I still can't get them. Did you and Farengar have a falling out or something?


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