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Help with spawn item code


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Could someone please help me with this mod called "The Determination of Alistair"?

Link here: https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/1616


It's modder has been gone for years and not replying anymore, i just want to ask for the item's spawn code, i'm already way past ostagar and the items requiring a new game to appear... Or if there's not a spawn code could someone add it into the items please.

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The mod does not include 'additem' type spawn scripts for the items.


  • In a new game, the 'starting' set replaces Alistair's splitmail as his equipped gear.
  • In an ongoing game, the 'veridium' DAzip file should auto-spawn the items on first load.


There's no way to add a spawn code to an item, because item files don't hold that information. You need an item-specific script to spawn things via console.


Without an item-specific script, your option is to use SirA's Add Any Item, with the cautionary advice that if you have installed many mods that add large numbers of new items (especially The Winter Forge) you may have issues with Add Any Item, as it can handle only a set number of mod-added items when it generates its database and script. (The usual workaround is to uninstall or remove The Winter Forge prior to running the Add Any Item executable, and then reinstall/replace TWF afterward.)

Edited by theskymoves
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If the Veridium set is not spawning, as can happen when the mod is installed when starting a new game, try uninstalling the DAzip. The force-load the game through the error message that the mod is missing, and save in a new slot. Reinstall the DAzip, and then load the save you just made. That may 'reset' the mod, and allow the script to spawn the items in the inventory.

Edited by theskymoves
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