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Hardcore Roleplaying: Advice/Teaching Needed


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As great as overhauls like SkyRe and Requiem are, I don't think they're really necessary or even particularly conducive to role playing. Immersive? Sure. Harder? Definitely? More enjoyable? Certainly for the right type of person.


But helps role play? Eh. Which is not a knock against Requiem at all (actually considering it for my next character).


I mean what if you want to play as a legendary Nord warrior from the off? Having your butt kicked by the first enemy you come across thanks to Requiem would not help with that role play at all.


Or maybe you want to play as a merchant and do no fighting at all. I'd recommend stuff like Trade and Barter, Your Market Stall, Traders of Skyrim, etc. long before Requiem.


That's why I wouldn't worry about mods until you have a general idea of your character or role. After that, then you can find mods that might help you feel more immersed in that role or be conducive to a suitable playing style and experience.

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SkyRe is just a perk system overhaul... it doesn't add immersion at all (used it a long time tho). Requiem changes so many things that it makes SkyRe feel really boring. I'd strongly suggest you to try it.


It creates role play in a sense of the original Skyrim, where you are the Dragonborn. It does not add roleplay outside of that (like as you say; being a merchant). You can however still be a Dragonborn and a merchant if you so wish. The vanilla game Dragonborn experience really doesn't appeal to me at all since it's just wayyy too easy and everyone in town is perfectly able to fight of a dragon. Why need a dragonborn at all? Why am I special? I can absorb a soul? for what purpose? those hero's in in Sovngarde are perfectly able to kill Alduin by themselves anyway, you can just stand there and watch...


I feel useless and just a bystander in vanilla (or SkyRe for that matter since it doesn't change it). I kill things and it means nothing to me because I didn't get challenged by them. In that sense Requiem changes everything, it creates challenge and purpose, your choices in game will matter, which makes the whole experience a lot better. Or at least for me.

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I'd rather not make this a debate on the merits of Requiem vs SkyRe. Like I said I haven't used Requiem myself but I've been hearing great things about it for months and have been looking into it more carefully the last couple weeks since I really want to try it out and I like what I've seen and will be taking it for a spin once I'm finished trying out some other mods on my current character whose story has come to an end.


But this thread is about hard core role playing. And I still don't see how Requiem adds much to any role outside the one set out for you as the Dragonborn who got caught crossing the border. So I don't think it fits well with what the OP was asking for.


Role play=/=Immersion=/=Realism, though all three can be very intertwined and related depending on the person.

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Well a lot of what the OP was asking for is in requiem



A way to tell the time without hitting Wait

Realistic hunger/thirst

Need for sleep

Weather affecting your character

A slower timescale (I don't remember the console command, and would rather not touch the console in a true RP)

Better encumbrance effects (I mean, why would I be able to carry ten tons of crap straight out of jail?)

Maybe a map of Skyrim that I can open from my inventory, instead of having to open the pause menu

And...lemme think...ah yeah. Disabling map-based fast travel.


time from sun, just gotta learn that

hunger/thirst you can add with RND which is compatible with Requiem

need for sleep - check

weather - need mod for that

timescale - check

encumbrance effect - check, actually requiem lowers your 300 cw to 80-110 (depends on race) and you get only 1 point more with a level up if you choose stamina (and stamina just 5 points up)

map of skyrim - need mod, but doesn't exist I think

fast travel - check


and a whole bunch more, like different stamina regen, no life regen, effects of low stamina, etc etc


He doesn't seem to be going a route outside of the main story line. And requiem doesn't say he cannot do that either. It makes the whole Dragonborn experience better and seeing what he writes, this is what he is looking for as well next to a few realism mods.


It's just a suggestion this mod, I'm not here to defend it to death. It's a free world :)

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Fair enough. As I said, I'm no expert on Requiem. Your first post didn't mention those things so I didn't know how many of those were included with Reqiem (for the record, SkyRe with the Uncapper can do all these things/is compatible with mods that do them as well :thumbsup: ).


To add to that, there's stuff like Climates of Tamriel, Wet and Cold and Frostfall for weather.


And for the map, there's a mod called Equip-able Maps (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/4424//?) that is probably the closest you can get to what the OP was asking for. It makes maps count as armor that you equip like a shield and can look at by using the block button. I don't think it would be all that useful in-game, but it's the best the nexus offers atm.

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Develop a backstory for your character. Skyrim is in major political turmoil so decide which side he is on and make decisions based on that.

For instance, I made a Nord barbarian. He was a ferocious beast of a man who believed in the Stormcloaks and Ulfric as the rightful ruler of Skyrim. He was incredibly racist, and loathed anyone who wasn't a Nord and would kill any Imperial or Thalmor escorting a Stormcloak prisoner, no matter the odds. He was hot-headed beyond belief and lived off the land.


He was literally only proficient in light armour, 2h weapons, archery, blocking, and blacksmithing, that's it. It made the game significantly harder playing only with a limited skill set but was very rewarding.

I also walked everywhere, not run or sprint, walked. I had a mod that would let me know when I was getting hungry, thirsty, or tired and come nightfall I would always have a camp set up off the road. It was generally a cold camp too, didn't want any bandits to kill me in my sleep. I had a mod to determine my core body temperature and a big fur cloak to keep warm. When I got a horse, I didn't push it either, it would trot along all the same as I wanted to save the horse's stamina for in case I needed to get away quickly. The only time I ran was in battle. Another thing is that I would only eat cooked meat, tried to eat vegetables and fruit where I could and had a single flask for water on me which I only filled at running water. I generally never carried food supplies with me unless it was cheese and bread, the meat I ate was from hunting game.

I never fast travelled anywhere and limited my saves to when I was turning the game off so if I screwed up, I had to start way back when I zoned in. I had no use for magic and barely drank potions. He believed that magic was work of the daedric lords and any spellcaster should be put to death, which he would attempt to do himself if he could.

Again, it made the game so difficult but a lot more fun.

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Hah hah, any mention of Save the Cat is chum in the water for aspiring writers. Good luck with your story, and if you start posting chapters mention it on this board and I'll go check it out on the fiction board.


I started a story myself but I don't like the way I can't write believable characters. That's like an artist who can't draw faces: not very useful. Maybe if I like your story my brain will grow an extra lobe or something and I'll be able to write. :P

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Yea the mod is great, just pretty hardcore... 1st quest on low level at Bleak Falls Barrow... you cannot go there yet if you wanna be an archer... they are basically unkillable... might wanna join companions first to get some silver weapons or temporarily switch to fire mage, or they'll own you :)


It's nice for a change to have a need to pick different skills for different purposes, becoming proficient in many ways, being punished from time to time for doing something foolish, instead of just hack and slash until Alduin crumbles before you and evaporates.

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