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lock body slots


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Hi !

First of all sorry for bad english.

My charachter has equippable finger nails, toe nails and ears.

If I'm jailed, or if I'm captured (using mods like Death Aternative for example), my charachter is stripped of eveything.

Always wondered if any mods to keep "locked" some equipped items do exist, but never found anything similar.

As I'm not a modder and I have almost zero skill in modding, I wanted to put here my idea.

I don't know how hard it may be to do, but I think anyone who has some mods skill may take few time to understand if easy or not.


All started with a mod for Skyrim LE (as far as I know it was never ported to Skyrim SE, but I just installed it and it works...of course you have the warning that the plugin is for another game, but it seems not creating issues, and I also have other mods that are working fine on SE despite they were done for LE...)

Anyway, the mod I refer is "Body Slots MCM" (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64976). The difference with the the SE mod "Body Slots - SKYUI" (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/49608?tab=description) is that the one mad for LE comes with an MCM menu.


Then the idea. Wouldn't be nice if, for any of the body slot, you could have a switch to set that specific body slot as "locked" or 'unlocked" ? If some items body parts (like the nails, ears, wings, tail, etc.) could be locked in the MCM menu` and become not equippable or not unequippable exacly as happen for character's hair ?


Well, thanks to anyone who may help on something like that

Edited by DarkDameth
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  • 5 months later...

I ran across this post while I was looking for something else...and I don't know if your issue has been solved...


You may be able to use SSEdit to change/modify the strip slots in the mod that strips you...


just a thought and trying to be helpful...

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I ran across this post while I was looking for something else...and I don't know if your issue has been solved...


You may be able to use SSEdit to change/modify the strip slots in the mod that strips you...


just a thought and trying to be helpful...


When one gets sent to jail, captured, etc., RemoveAllItems is used to take everything and put it into either the evidence container or the personal belongings container. The only way for an item to not be included is for that item to be a quest object.


In theory, then a quest could be set up with quest object flagged aliases that can be force filled with the items deemed necessary to remain equipped.


FYI - there is no such thing as "strip slots" that could be edited with SSEEdit. A mod might remove items equipped in certain slots using SKSE functions, but that isn't something that SSEEdit can modify.

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