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how many people are still playing morrowind?


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Not "still," but soon "again."


I played Morrowind on the Xbox (finished it once) until my Xbox died, then borrowed a copy of the original release and started I-don't-know-how-many games on it and finished two of them (one sneaky Hlaalu/Thieve's guild/Morag Tong and one honorable Redoran/Fighter's Guild/Temple). Now, after much urging from a couple of friends, and after walking away from it in disgust a few times (first when I discovered the hand-holding "Now I should ______" journal, again after I discovered the map markers and yet again after I did the Kvatch quests then went off to try to do some other stuff, only to find those damned gates popping up all over), I'm finally playing Oblvion, and, those (and other) faults notwithstanding, it's an okay game. It's pretty at least. But it just isn't even a fraction of the game Morrowind is, so I'm certainly going to go back and play Morrowind again when I'm fully bored with Oblivion. And the really nice part is that I only played the original release, so I not only get to look forward to playing Morrowind again, but to getting the GOTY edition and playing content that's entirely new to me.



I'm still playing both Oblivion and Morrowind whenever I can, but I'm newer to Morrowind, just having started early this summer. I'm totally hooked.


With my current but dying video card I was able to get beautiful graphics at high quality with Oblivion. Running MGE withMorrowind seems to strain my system much more, but new video card arriving soon, so we'll see what then.


:thumbsup: Don't forget to add lots of mods.

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I still play Morrowind occasionally, but for the most part I play Oblivion for the screenshooting. If I want to actually play a game, then I'll play MW, but if I just want to take pictures, then I'll play OB. Morrowind has a special place in my heart, since it's the first RPG I ever played. I watched my dad play it when I was really young, and I thought the cliff racers were huge bats and I thought they looked funny. After quite a few more years, I rediscovered it and started playing. It jump-started my gaming. Without it, I'd probably be a normal teenager instead of one who would rather play video games than go shopping. So I have Morrowind to thank for the person I am today, and I really wouldn't have it any other way. Maybe when I have kids I'll make them play it, too, so they can get the same experience. :D
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I'm still playing both Oblivion and Morrowind whenever I can, but I'm newer to Morrowind, just having started early this summer. I'm totally hooked.


With my current but dying video card I was able to get beautiful graphics at high quality with Oblivion. Running MGE withMorrowind seems to strain my system much more, but new video card arriving soon, so we'll see what then.


:thumbsup: Don't forget to add lots of mods.

With my healthy Radeon X1950 Pro, I have the same problem with Morrowind, and I guess that counts as one of its (few) flaws. Oblivion is not only prettier, but it runs more smoothly. Though it appears to me that a good part of the slowness of Morrowind isn't the graphics at all, but the AI. I know that I generally get more pronounced changes in the smoothness (or lack thereof) of the game by changing the AI distance than by changing the view distance. The only problem with that is if I turn the AI distance down too far, then creatures appear frozen when I first see them, and only start to move when I get closer to them. Sort of disconcerting......


I never installed many mods on my Morrowind (bit of unexpected alliteration there). Book rotate, real signposts, correct UV rocks and ore veins, merchant unequip, bitter coast sounds and improved no glow are all must-haves, as far as I'm concerned. I tried a couple of armor balancing mods and didn't really like any of them, so I made my own. Added some birthsigns and tried Galsiah's Character Development (seems to be set up to provide the most benefit to spellcasters, which I guess is okay if you want to play a spellcaster), use Better Bodies, though I don't care for Better Heads (makes all the races too similar, IMO) and not much else, other than a smattering of armor and weapons (Shalk Armor, Silt Strider Armor, quorn's full dreugh set and full studded leather set, khan raider's oriental weapons pack...) and that's about it.


I know there are a bunch of full quests and such out there, but I have plenty of fun with the quests that are already in the game. Maybe after I play it a couple more times I'll start to get bored with it and try some of the mod quests. And aside from the irritatingly poorly balanced, placed and utilized armor in the vanilla game (which I already fixed) I don't have any real problem with the way it has much of anything set up.


Would like to see a good leveling mod though-- something like Kobu's Oblivion mod.


See.... I should be playing Oblivion, but here I am, posting on a forum about Morrowind instead. I'm just in no big hurry to go to Sancre Tor and I'm tired of closing Oblivion gates and slogging through unnecessarily maze-like mines and caves and forts and ruins so I can waste seven lockpicks opening up chests that contain 53 gold pieces, weak potions of sorcery and the occasional flawed topaz.....


Eh.... got another post on the Oblivion board to catch up on before I (maybe) go back to playing the game........

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I haven't played Morrowind, which I have on X-Box, for eight months. I mean to get back to it though. The X-Box has such awesome performance and such a fast smooth framerate compared to the average PC. I also find myself constantly trashing on Oblivion and saying, "Morrowind was better because ... ) I hope that the next Elder Scrolls game takes the best aspects of Morrowind, Oblivion, and the most most popular mods, and puts it into an awesome game designed to run on an outdated computer so that every user can enjoy it.
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Morrowind was the first game I tried out after some years of abstinence in game-playing. I'd bougt a new computer a couple of days before, so I wanted to try out a game. I'd choosen Morrowind because it was the sequel to Daggerfall which I liked very much. The first impressions of MW were astonishing. Next day I'd bought a new graphic card. :biggrin:


Today MW (+ expansions) is still installed on my PC, with better textures and MGE. Oblivion was good, too, but it was not able to fascinate me in the way MW did.

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I never finished the main quest because I got involved in creating a massive plug-in called Bardwick Manor, which I never finished. Then I took a hiatus for a few years. I thought everyone would be playing Oblivion, but was pleasantly surprized to find that Morrowind was alive and well. I still haven't finished my mod and it just keeps growing... Some say I'm too easily distr- ooh, look! Shiny!
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The only thing Oblivion has over Morrowind besides being newer is the combat system, alchemy, poisons, and sneaking. Everything else falls short. Morrowinds start could be paced a little quicker but its a negligible price to pay for a true adventure. I just hope TESV isnt dumbed down like IV, and i really hope they dont do 100% voice acting. It would be much better to have 1/3 voice over and 2/3 read and actually have the content interesting and varied and much deeper.
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  • 3 weeks later...
iv just got back into the game after finding it whilst moving. I know people are still moding the crap out of it, and this tamriel rebuilt has provided somthing new to play.


just wondering if many of you still play it and why? for me i just think it has alot more character than oblivion


I got it out of the box yesterday and set it up for the umteenth time. It's well...it's magicaka that touches all the possible attributes of our way of life and gives us the ability to stretch our imagination. I learned some good guidelines while working for Cassius of the Blades. The Blades Master had some advice realistic enough to apply to daily life. And getting advice from the others gave me a form of communicating with others that I altered a little in daily life.

Artistically it gives us eye candy enough and more freedom then even Oblivion too. I found myself pulled out of lethargy I was slipping into by playing it.


It refreshed my spirit to explore.

I climbed to the top of the mountains and peered down upon the lands below from every place I could do it. And when I learned to levitate I found the eagles nest views and looked about at the wondrous places below watching life from near and far. I mean, in most of the arcade games I played you could not go sit on a cliff side and look around. Until you were right in front of some creature or character they did not exist. When I saw occasional creatures like falling objects from the sky I realized some of the games flaws, but did not care.


I learned to tangle with problems myself instead of complaining about the lousy problems computers run into with different packages of software.

Which got me started in the TESCS to see if I could make other peoples mods better. I played the mods that did not give me any problems while I spent time learning.


I left Arrilles shop yesterday and starting hunting through my thumbdrives for the small downloaded mods I gathered. Tomorrow I will dig through the CD pile to see if I have any that the new DVD drive can read.


Seems a shame to let such a flourishing game collect dust for very long.

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