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Displaying alternate recipes for an item - via a condition. Possible?


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I attempted this a long time back and failed, but would like to try again so need some help.


Basically I want 2 Workshop recipes for an object (one Hard and one Easy) and use some sort of condition (say via a global value) to have only one displayed in the Workshop.


The "condition" on a Constructable Object (COBJ) record works - but the scraping/storing of the resultant object doesn't work when you have 2 recipes (with mutually exclusive conditions) for the same object.


Duplicating the 'constructed' object record as well has similar issues - if you change the recipe condition mid-game then objects created with the first recipe are now no longer scrapable/storeable (as their recipe is disabled).


Has anyone got this to work 'transparently' to the user?


Enabling a 'scrap' recipe on the first object 'may' work - but I don't know if scrap recipes handle conditions..


Edit: Seems my memory of the issues was faulty. You can have 2 recipes for the same object, but the annoying thing is you do not get the option to 'store' (tab) the object unless the enabled recipe is the last (highest form ID) one. Otherwise you only get the Scrap option. If you have 'stored' one of the objects then you actually get 2 recipes displayed in the workshop menu - one to restore the 'stored' object, and the other to construct a new object.

Edited by PJMail
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Ok - I have decided to work with one object and 3 recipes.

In order of increasing FormID:-


Cheap recipe (GlobalCheapRecipe == 0)

Expensive recipe (GlobalCheapRecipe <> 0)

scrap recipe (returning components for cheap recipe)


This means objects created when 'expensive recipe' is enabled can always be 'stored' (so no loss of expensive components if you just want 'save' the object)

and if 'cheap recipe' is enabled then objects can always be scrapped to return the same components used to construct them (equivalent to storing them).


And no 'component farming' is possible (by constructing cheap, then scraping expensive).


The only quirk is if you have an object stored, and 'cheap recipe' enabled, then you get 2 identical objects displayed in workshop menu - one you can construct from 'store', and one you can construct from 'expensive' recipe (why? who knows).

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