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Weird Face Patches like diamonds


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So, i started a new Game (since my main one was unplayable)


And for some reason i have weird Patches around my character on it's face, beard and hair only.


Some mods that covers most of the head and bear may cover those places but im not sure if that will also affect the NPC's..



At this moment i just left Skyrim alone, don't want to touch anything else.. at this moment i have around 214 mods (of 280 i had) most are of Followers.


I also tried the LOOT, SSEEdit (both on last versions) also downloaded just in case the Face glitch mod here from Nexus but that didn't help at all.


Im not really sure if it's a mod or what, meaby it's something that i could fix "easy" (at least for me) with Bodyslide?


In Bodyslide studio i just changed some armors but, armors that my Player won't wear (or already can't) since they are for X genre that isn't my character... and already with the Prisoner clothes (even when im just creating a character, when the sliders come and all that) i already see those weird.. Diamond patches close to the Forehead and Chin areas, they ain't Dark.. but a little more bright, they don't match the standard color (Also, i just use Skyrim Standard hair, despite i have other hair mods installed.. at least for my Character i never have a problem)



If anyone had that kind of problem (Diamond patches above Character Forehead and Chin) let me know how to fix it please, it gives me quite a thing to re-install all the mods..


Thanks in advice :smile:



Again, Note:

I ran, LOOT & SSEEdit but none had errors, or the ones they had are something common for X mod that really doesn't affect much (or nothing).. no idea if this also has to do with the fact that i made another post on this section, about my problem with Vortex, when SkyrimSE.exe couldn't been found and i had to reinstall the game.. (meaby that's it?? and because of that i need to re-install all the mods i use again?)


I really don't know..

Edit: 26/9/21

When creating the character i've seen that the same glitch affects all the races to choose from, some show more than the others due to the head (i believe), but all suffer from the same facial glitch on the Chin & Forehead, making those parts looks like Diamonds more brighter than the rest of the body.


Edit: 27/9/21

As far i've seen, the error happens when i use the Skyrim vanilla head and body (at least head im sure of it) using another mod that gives other hairs hide/"remove" that problem. Rare as.. never had problems before.

Edited by LN320
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  • 3 years later...

I have come to believe that the options for facial components at character creation are specific to either vanilla heads or high-poly heads.  You simply have to scroll through the selections w/o beards or facial hair to see which one(s) work with your head shape.  Once you have that, then select your beard/brow/other tints.

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Yes, this very much boils down to higher-poly vs lower-poly.   The meshes are smooth-shaded, so they may look much more rounded than they really are.   But the 'diamonds' are the result of more detailed mesh clipping through the larger faces of less detailed one.

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