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Skyrim Nexus Mod Manager - All Servers are "Busy or Unavailable&#3


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(First, I'm really sorry if this is the incorrect spot. I didn't want to put it in bug reports, as I don't think it's considered one.)


So, after the cluster move, like a lot of people, I couldn't log in. I'd enter my information, and it would load the page, but I wouldn't be logged on. Well, I fixed it - not sure how long - by logging into the Fallout 3 Nexus rather than the Skyrim. Now, I can't download anything. For example, I downloaded Falskaar, and in NMM it constantly cycles through every server each time telling me the server is unavailable or busy, retrying. I've let it do this over and over, and none of the servers can connect. I'd love to get some help on this, or at least know other people have the same issue. Thanks a lot ^^

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