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Battle Health Regen Script Error

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I may be late but after some testing I found a problem while AXMaxHealth is still zero - so the dividing equation falls silently by "divide by zero" and as secondary effect it takes down whole script. As a workaround a phealth variable could be set to 100.

See this:

   set chealth to player.GetAV Health
   if AXMaxHealth != 0
      set phealth to ((chealth/AXMaxHealth)*100)
      set phealth to 100
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I may be late but after some testing I found a problem while AXMaxHealth is still zero - so the dividing equation falls silently by "divide by zero" and as secondary effect it takes down whole script. As a workaround a phealth variable could be set to 100.

See this:

   set chealth to player.GetAV Health
   if AXMaxHealth != 0
      set phealth to ((chealth/AXMaxHealth)*100)
      set phealth to 100


thanks but i am no longer having any issue with the AXMMaxHealth now the issue is the emergency regen, when i tested it now with the new script in my last post it doesnt trigger(new char died as a end result) but everything else does perfectly

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Mechanism of triggering emergency regen is unclear to me by looking at script only, but I clearly see that after the player's health is more than 10%, all days check will be ignored. So I would advise to put them to another part of the script, or into a quest script. Sorry, I'm unable to help you more.

Edited by RomanR
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Mechanism of triggering emergency regen is unclear to me by looking at script only, but I clearly see that after the player's health is more than 10%, all days check will be ignored. So I would advise to put them to another part of the script, or into a quest script. Sorry, I'm unable to help you more.

the emergency regen gets triggered when the player's health falls to 10% or lower then gives a powerful regen for a set duration in a week cooldown timer(once activated the player will have to wait a week to be able to use the effect again)

i reread the script once again when you put more than in your reply and checked it is less than or equal to

and how does the all days check get ignored, also the week timer is in a quest script (if that is what the mages guild chest uses for it)?

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Counting of days is alright, but checks for AXMRegenTimer.dayspassed and reseting variables are only within elseif phealth <= 10 ....endif condition. This condition is also only checked while the player is engaged in battle.

Edited by RomanR
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Counting of days is alright, but checks for AXMRegenTimer.dayspassed and reseting variables are only within elseif phealth <= 10 ....endif condition. This condition is also only checked while the player is engaged in battle.

to be honest i didnt know where else to put it in the script and even if the rest happens in combat is fine as it only ever works in combat anyway to so i dont think this is an issue.

is this the part that confuses you?

if ( AXMRegenTimer.dayspassed >= 1 ) && ( AXMRegenTimer.dayspassed < 7 )

if days passed is less than or equal to 1 and greater than 7 execute code

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After some rest I looked at regen script again and this is a temporaly result:

Scn AXMHealthBattleRegenScript

float chealth
float phealth
float hourtimer
float currentday
float daycheck
float rememertimer
short startday
short dayspassed
short update
short slowregen
short mediumregen
short fastregen
short emergencyregen

Begin OnStartCombat

 Set slowregen to 0
 Set mediumregen to 0
 Set fastregen to 0
 ;Set emergencyregen to 0

 ;if ( AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer == 0 )
 ; set AXMRegenTimer.currentday to GameDaysPassed
 ; set AXMRegenTimer.daycheck to GameDaysPassed
 ; set AXMRegenTimer.hourtimer to GameHour
 ; set AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer to 1
 ; set AXMRegenTimer.update to 1


Begin Gamemode

  if Player.IsInCombat == 1

	 Set chealth to Player.GetAV Health
	 Set phealth to ((chealth / AXMMaxHealth) * 100)

	if phealth >= 90
	 Player.RemoveSpell AXMSlowHRegen
	 Player.RemoveSpell AXMMediumHRegen
	 Player.RemoveSpell AXMFastHRegen

	elseif (phealth < 90) && (slowregen == 0)
	 Set slowregen to 1
	 player.AddSpell AXMSlowHRegen
	 if mediumregen == 1
	  player.RemoveSpell AXMMediumHRegen
	  Set mediumregen to 0

	elseif (phealth < 60) && (mediumregen == 0)
	 Set mediumregen to 1
	 player.AddSpell AXMMediumHRegen
	 if fastregen == 1
	  player.RemoveSpell AXMFastHRegen
	  Set fastregen to 0

	elseif (phealth < 30) && (fastregen == 0)
	 Set fastregen to 1
	 player.AddSpell AXMFastHRegen

	elseif phealth <= 10
		if ( AxRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer == 0 )
			player.AddSpell AXMDarkKingSelfPwr02
			set AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer to 1 ;first stage - adding spell
		;if ( AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer == 1 )
		;	if ( AXMRegenTimer.dayspassed >= 1 ) && ( AXMRegenTimer.dayspassed < 7 )
		;		if ( emergencyregen == 0 )
		;			player.AddSpell AXMDarkKingsSelfPwr02
		;			Set emergencyregen to ( emergencyregen + 1 )
		;		endif
		;	endif

		;if ( emergencyregen > 1 )
		;	set AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer to 0 
		;	set AXMRegenTimer.update to 0
		;	set emergencyregen to 0
		;	set AXMRegenTimer.dayspassed to 0
		;elseif ( emergencyregen == 1 )
		;	set AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer to 2
		;	if ( AXMRegenTimer.dayspassed >= 7 )
		;		set AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer to 0
		;		set AXMRegenTimer.update to 0
		;		set emergencyregen to 0
		;		set AXMRegenTimer.dayspassed to 0
		;	endif

  elseif Player.IsInCombat == 0
	if slowregen == 1
	 Player.RemoveSpell AXMSlowHRegen
 	 Set slowregen to 0
	elseif mediumregen == 1
	 Player.RemoveSpell AXMMediumHRegen
 	 Set mediumregen to 0
	elseif fastregen == 1
	 Player.RemoveSpell AXMFastHRegen
	 Set fastregen to 0

  if AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer != 0 ;triggered emergency regen
	if AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer == 1 ;&& player.HasSpell AXMDarkKingSelfPwr02 != 0
           ;HasSpell is OBSE function, you can remove it
	   set AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer to 2 ;stage 2 - ability added and active
	if AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer == 2
	   set rememertimer to 30 ;ability will be removed after 30s
	   ;also this is a good place to init 7 day cooldown stuff
	   set AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer to 3 ;stage 3 - counting down timer and removing ability
	if AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer == 3
	   if rememertimer <= 0
	      player.RemoveSpell AXMDarkKingSelfPwr02
	      set AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer to 4 ;stage 4 - ability removed, 7 day cooldown
	      set rememertimer to rememertimer - GetSecondsPassed
	if AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer == 4 ;7 day cooldown update and check
	   if AXMRegenTimer.dayspassed >= 7
	      set AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer to 0
	      set AXMRegenTimer.dayspassed to 0
	      ;reseting all over stuff
	      ;place for updating variables etc.

As you see, I'm focused on solving a triigger problem, so 7 day cooldown stuff is commented now, except 7 day check.

Edited by RomanR
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this actually worked

Scn AXMHealthBattleRegenScript

float chealth
float phealth
float hourtimer
float currentday
float daycheck
float timer
short startday
short dayspassed
short update
short slowregen
short mediumregen
short fastregen
short emergencyregen

Begin OnStartCombat

 Set slowregen to 0
 Set mediumregen to 0
 Set fastregen to 0


Begin Gamemode

  if Player.IsInCombat == 1

	 Set chealth to Player.GetAV Health
	 Set phealth to ((chealth / AXMMaxHealth) * 100)

	if phealth >= 90
	 Player.RemoveSpell AXMSlowHRegen
	 Player.RemoveSpell AXMMediumHRegen
	 Player.RemoveSpell AXMFastHRegen

	elseif (phealth < 90) && (slowregen == 0)
	 Set slowregen to 1
	 player.AddSpell AXMSlowHRegen
	 if mediumregen == 1
	  player.RemoveSpell AXMMediumHRegen
	  Set mediumregen to 0

	elseif (phealth < 60) && (mediumregen == 0)
	 Set mediumregen to 1
	 player.AddSpell AXMMediumHRegen
	 if fastregen == 1
	  player.RemoveSpell AXMFastHRegen
	  Set fastregen to 0

	elseif (phealth < 30) && (fastregen == 0)
	 Set fastregen to 1
	 player.AddSpell AXMFastHRegen

	elseif phealth <= 10
		if ( AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer == 0 )
			player.AddSpell AXMDarkKingsSelfPwr02
			set AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer to 1 ;first stage - adding spell

  elseif Player.IsInCombat == 0
	if slowregen == 1
	 Player.RemoveSpell AXMSlowHRegen
 	 Set slowregen to 0
	elseif mediumregen == 1
	 Player.RemoveSpell AXMMediumHRegen
 	 Set mediumregen to 0
	elseif fastregen == 1
	 Player.RemoveSpell AXMFastHRegen
	 Set fastregen to 0

  if AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer != 0 ;triggered emergency regen
	if AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer == 1
	   set AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer to 2 ;stage 2 - ability added and active
	if AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer == 2
	   set timer to 10 ;ability will be removed after 10s
	   ;also this is a good place to init 7 day cooldown stuff
	   set AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer to 3 ;stage 3 - counting down timer and removing ability
	if AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer == 3
	   if timer <= 0
	      player.RemoveSpell AXMDarkKingsSelfPwr02
	      set AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer to 4 ;stage 4 - ability removed, 7 day cooldown
	      set timer to timer - GetSecondsPassed
	if AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer == 4 ;7 day cooldown update and check
	   if AXMRegenTimer.dayspassed >= 7
	      set AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer to 0
	      set AXMRegenTimer.dayspassed to 0
	      ;reseting all over stuff
	      ;place for updating variables etc.

just changed the time to 10s instead of 30s also a few questions

	   ;also this is a good place to init 7 day cooldown stuff

1. is it the week stuff i had in?

2. is this already set for a week cooldown after activation

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This week stuff is incomplete, because I was waiting for your answer. As you confirmed that all is working so far, I present you last version of the script:

Scn AXMHealthBattleRegenScript

float chealth
float phealth
float hourtimer
float currentday
float daycheck
float timer
short startday
short dayspassed
short update
short slowregen
short mediumregen
short fastregen
short emergencyregen

Begin OnStartCombat

 Set slowregen to 0
 Set mediumregen to 0
 Set fastregen to 0


Begin Gamemode

  if Player.IsInCombat == 1

	 Set chealth to Player.GetAV Health
	 Set phealth to ((chealth / AXMMaxHealth) * 100)

	if phealth >= 90
	 Player.RemoveSpell AXMSlowHRegen
	 Player.RemoveSpell AXMMediumHRegen
	 Player.RemoveSpell AXMFastHRegen

	elseif (phealth < 90) && (slowregen == 0)
	 Set slowregen to 1
	 player.AddSpell AXMSlowHRegen
	 if mediumregen == 1
	  player.RemoveSpell AXMMediumHRegen
	  Set mediumregen to 0

	elseif (phealth < 60) && (mediumregen == 0)
	 Set mediumregen to 1
	 player.AddSpell AXMMediumHRegen
	 if fastregen == 1
	  player.RemoveSpell AXMFastHRegen
	  Set fastregen to 0

	elseif (phealth < 30) && (fastregen == 0)
	 Set fastregen to 1
	 player.AddSpell AXMFastHRegen

	elseif phealth <= 10
		if ( AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer == 0 )
			player.AddSpell AXMDarkKingsSelfPwr02
			set AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer to 1 ;first stage - adding spell

  elseif Player.IsInCombat == 0
	if slowregen == 1
	 Player.RemoveSpell AXMSlowHRegen
 	 Set slowregen to 0
	elseif mediumregen == 1
	 Player.RemoveSpell AXMMediumHRegen
 	 Set mediumregen to 0
	elseif fastregen == 1
	 Player.RemoveSpell AXMFastHRegen
	 Set fastregen to 0

  if AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer != 0 ;triggered emergency regen
	if AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer == 1
	   set AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer to 2 ;stage 2 - ability added and active
	if AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer == 2
	   set timer to 10 ;ability will be removed after 10s
	   set AXMRegenTimer.update to 0
	   set AXMRegenTimer.currentday to GameDaysPassed ;init for days
	   set AXMRegenTimer.daycheck to GameDaysPassed
	   set AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer to 3 ;stage 3 - counting down timer and removing ability
	if AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer == 3
	   if timer <= 0
	      player.RemoveSpell AXMDarkKingsSelfPwr02
	      set AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer to 4 ;stage 4 - ability removed, 7 day cooldown
	      set timer to timer - GetSecondsPassed
	if AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer == 4 ;7 day cooldown update and check
	   if AXMRegenTimer.dayspassed >= 7
	      set AXMRegenTimer.AXMRegenEmer to 0
	      set AXMRegenTimer.dayspassed to 0
	      set AXMRegenTimer.currentday to 0
	      set AXMRegenTimer.daycheck to 0
	      set AXMRegenTimer.update to 0
	      if AXMRegenTimer.update == 0 ; quest script is ready for request
	         set AXMRegenTimer.currentday to GameDaysPassed ;update actual day
	         set AXMRegenTimer.update to 1 ;request update in quest script

I also made changes in quest regen script:

Scn AXMRegenQuestScript

short AXMRegenEmer
short dayspassed
short update

float hourtimer
float currentday
float daycheck

Begin Gamemode

 if ( update > 0 )
	if ( currentday != daycheck ) ;not same day

		set dayspassed to ( dayspassed + 1 )
		set currentday to GameDaysPassed
		set daycheck to GameDaysPassed

        set update to 0


Begin Menumode

if ( update > 0 )
	if ( currentday != daycheck )

		set dayspassed to ( dayspassed + 1 )
		set currentday to GameDaysPassed
		set daycheck to GameDaysPassed

        set update to 0


Now it should be all.

Edited by RomanR
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