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  1. I reacted to older post because in my opinion your last one still shows misundertanding of this subject (or it's me?) and providing same wrong examples - seemingly low effort mods (in fact it can be a lot of work making a trainer, but still...), which "everyone" could make and so on this level it's very hard to prove anything. This results in running in circles, which blocks any effective debate. But of course using other's work without author's permission and pretending to be yours is a theft. But on other hand you really can't point a finger to somenone and call him a thief without any proof. You can feel robbed, but if your idea wasn't such unique and original as you though, it's more worth to make something better next time. And wording "everything that is done in UE is to replicate the ideas and mods of other authors" makes Unreal Engine modding scene like bunch of lousy plagiators and thieves, certainly it's not that bad? But it can also explain your confusion what is truly original work and just copying something. Lets make similar example - I modified a Tenseiryuu (Saint Dragon) game for PC-Engine to make my dragon invincible. Can I swell with pride that I'm propably the only one in Central Europe who did it? Maybe yes or maybe not. On gamehacking.org there is still only address for lives for example. But in reality it could be already done by some unnamed japanase hacker two decades ago.
  2. With due respect why should they? It shows rather low quality of modding scene for this game, which can't come with better ideas and work. The only cure is to make something more complex/unique. Only then you can at least prove there was something stolen from you if you feel like it, as your work can be identified as truly yours, and moderation team has a chance to react accordingly. @Happybara said it all already.
  3. You edited right variable it seems, but it still not working? Thats's strange, as I used this method before I used OBSE and EngineBugFixes plugin and it worked for me. Are you sure you edited the right Oblivion.ini file (again in My Games\Oblivion directory, where also Saves dir with your game saves are) ? To my knowledge the only official patches made from Bethesda are updates to newer version of Oblivion, there was never OBSE plugin made by them. If you are refering to EngineBugFixes, it's a plugin made by @Tiawar and is available here at Nexus too. So my suggestions: 1. Recheck if you edited right Oblivion.ini file or file was really written after edit. 2. If you are going to install EngineBugFixes, first check if you have Oblivion updated to version 1.2.0416 and OBSE is working. You can check it by entering console by pressing "~" when in game, enter Print "Hello." command and press Enter. If you get response "This command can not be called from the console." , OBSE runs. After install of plugin, to check if EngineBugFixes is loaded type EBFGetVersion command. If it's working you get response "EngineBugFixes current version is xxx (x.xx)" where x are numbers of version and revision of plugin. If it's working you don't need to edit Oblivion.ini anymore. 3. Check if it's really an A-Bomb bug. It affects animations like fire, opening doors and casting effects (like when you heal yourself) making them so slow it looks like they are almost frozen, but you can move and fight.
  4. This line contains simple checking, so I don't understand what could be a problem. But try this, it should work in same way if I understood correctly: scn Tr07q002ZeekScript short doOnce begin GameMode if (doOnce == 0) setGhost 1 set doOnce to 1 endif if (Getstage Tr07q002 30) Disable endif end
  5. A first one can be insufficient cleanups of string variables string maps (type of field) - without it a string variable will be saved to OBSE's co-save file over and over, resulting in save bloat. A second case is an runtime error - it mostly happens when script can't access a variable or value stored in it (variable has an invalid value or it tries to access something in a field out of its bounds - like of record index greater than a size of field itself). Both cases indicate a bug, so if you or author can't fix it, the best is to not use these mods.
  6. In my case I have only two and non graphical - bBorderRegionsEnabled=0 from [General] section and bSelectivePurgeUnusedOnFastTravel=1 from [BackgroundLoad]. Truly, most of tweaks aged mostly due a fact that now we have powerful CPUs and even integrated GPU can handle vanilla Oblivion with ease now. In [Display] section you can try to play with variables like bHighQuality20Lighting, bAllow30Shaders, bAllowPartialPrecision, iShadowMapResolution, bDoStaticAndArchShadows. In [Water] section you can add more reflections to water setting up bUseWaterReflectionsMisc/Statics/Trees/Actors variables for example. But you propably find that these changes are mostly cosmetic or neglitible to see. And so you begin to search for texture/model and graphics enhancer mods/tools as others did before you.
  7. What patch did you try to install and what exactly you did? In worst case you can always use the oldest method - by editing Oblivion.ini file (the one present in My Games\Oblivion directory, nowhere else). In [General] section find a line "fAnimationMult=1.0000". Change this parameter to 2.0000 and save a file. This will speed up animations after restart, but Oblivion will not be affected by A-Bomb bug at least.
  8. Does it happen if you try to run Skyrim directly via skse64_loader.exe too?
  9. Maybe, that guy loves to get an attention, that's for sure. But what I do know about billionaire's life? A biilion here, a billion there... he has propably too much money for his own good.
  10. Ironicaly without Elon buying it, there would be not Twitter(X) anymore and truth be told I always wondered why he ever bothered. For me it was another company lucky to aboard social media/messenger train at a right time. But when competion came they simply couldn't cope and they were on verge of bankruptcy themselves when Elon bought it. And it was quite amusing to read various news what happened when he found out and true state of things in Twitter. But I don't feel sorry for him, serves him right.
  11. What is interesting that SetPlayerSkeletonPath command works in my ancient v 21.4 too, although it's not even mentioned in its docs which came with it originaly. However when I played with it, while testing experimental script which targets Drake the Dragon's dragons, I began to suspect that OP origin of problems come due the straight assigning a skeleton file to player's base object.
  12. @Selene310187, I'm afraid that you are mistaken what SetRacePlayable does. This command, according to docs, changes "playable" flag only. This flag makes race selectable when using ShowRaceMenu command or on new game among some things. Skeleton is defined in NPC's base object definiton (and yes, you'll find player defined among them too). However with OBSE (as this mod uses it too), it should be possible to assign normal skeleton back upon loading a save. I would use this course of action: 1. Envelope such script in condition using GetGameLoaded function. 2. Checking actual player's race and determine if it's a beast race or not (propably best is to use GetRace function). 3. Checking if player has already right skeleton assigned using functions like GetModelPath/CompareModelPath. 4. If not, set it to right skeleton using SetModelPath command. And if someone ask why I won't do it myself, I answer that I'm quite hesitant to register on another mod site just to download one mod and due a complicated experience working on unfinished race mods in general.
  13. For example Curse of Hircine - Resurrected mod changes a player's skeleton upon werewolf transformation in (almost - using quest script which is running with 1s pause) realtime, using OBSE function SetModelPath:
  14. The only idea I have now is to extract these files and copy them as loose along with their directories. Sadly if it fails, I don't know what to suggest more.
  15. Using NifSkope I found this model uses three textures. With full paths they're: textures\JonSatrianiTelvanni\plangkye\txtelvceilingint01.dds textures\JonSatrianiTelvanni\plangkye\txtelvbark01.dds textures\JonSatrianiTelvanni\plangkye\txtelvfloorint03.dds These textures are included in archive with their normals and if I extract them and load model into NifSkope, it loads fine with all textures present. So maybe this is some problem with Archive Invalidation or something similar. The puzzling part is why it affects only this model according to your description.
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