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I got the game today from a friend while it was on 75% off Steam (FONVUE), installed your NMM, since I have had less then stellar experience trying to get mods to work on my own in the past, and having used Nexus to get mods for XCOM with little fuss or worry, I felt good enough to come back, and see what ya'll had for FO:NV. Behold my horror when suddenly I can't get a single file anywhere off Nexus.


No proxy involvement, unless using a router along with 4 other computers count's as this.

Avast Anti-Virus and Commodo

Firefox 64x latest version.

Commodo and Win7Ult 64bit Firewall

Windows 7 Ultimate 64x

Standard Firefox ad blocking, no script blockage at all.

Yes my Win7 is up to date.

Considering I get crazy hiccups on more than a few of my website if I don't, yes, my various other programs are updated regularly.

Couldn't really say, neither NMM or Manual download can find the file in question, and hte last time I DLed a mod from Nexus was around April.

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The sites are working for most people. Including the staff. And if we don't see your problem, it's difficult to figure out why you cannot do what we can. :rolleyes: How about giving us some hints. Just saying , "It doesn't work" Is worse than useless - It doesn't tell us anything!!! :wallbash:



What are you doing that we are not? Or what are we doing that you are not?

Are you using a proxy?

What Antivirus?

What Browser? Version? 32 or 64 bit?

What firewall.

What windows version? 32 or 64 bit?

Are you using any ad blocking? Script blocking?

Is your Windows up to date? Including all .net frameworks updates?

How about the usual programs - are they all updated - flash? Adobe? Java?

Anything else that might help?


I kinda figured the error code quote at the top woulda been helpful for identifying the problem?

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This issue has been going on for over a week now, on and off. It doesn't appear to be on the users end, so it must be Nexus screwing the files.


Unfortunately the only option we have appears to be this; wait. The downloads will come back up eventually (Hopefully) But until they can resolve the issues, it doesn't look like there's any other choice. Though you would think that they would be quicker to fix such an enormous problem.


From what I've heard, the issues should be gone come Monday. But that's quite a ways away.

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  • 3 years later...

If you want help, don't go resurrecting a three year old thread just to say "it doesn't work for me". Typically the people in the old thread are no longer around. That gives us nothing to go on to help you with.


What browser are you using?


Are you trying to download with NMM or manually?


Are you using a proxy server?


Do you have any anti-virus or firewall blocking in place?


Do you have Javascript enabled or are you using any script blockers like FireFox's "NoScript"?


Are you getting any error messages that indicate why it is failing?


At what point are you "clicking" and nothing is happening?


How long did you wait to see if anything happened?


PS: All caps is considered "shouting", and is just rude. It's more likely to get you ignored than attract help. I realize you didn't create the thread title, but you did choose to pick this thread to resurrect. Just another reason why creating your own thread is better.



Edited by dubiousintent
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