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NifSkope Woes


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OK, so I'm trying to edit a model of a weapon to suit my tastes and ended up making changes that, after seeing in the game world, I decided I liked better BEFORE I made the changes.


Somehow NifSkope keeps dredging up the errantly edited mesh rather than the fresh un-touched backup copy I keep pathing it to.


Based on this I can only conclude that NifSkope itself is somehow remembering these changes and applies them whenever I open the file despite the fact I uninstalled and reinstalled it (NifSkope) more than once. If that is indeed what is going on how do I male it "forget" these changes or otherwise get NifSkope to open the unchanged copy of the mesh file so I can start over again fresh?

Edited by GrimReapers1
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I'm far from an expert on nifskope, but I really don't think that's what's happening. I'v never seen any indication that it stores data on meshes after it's shut down. I'm sure you tried restoring the orginial nif from the BSA and loading it into nifskope, so I don't have a magic bullet answer for you, but I'm confident it's not storing your edits, whether between runs or even uninstalls.

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Yeah that's exactly what I did. I extracted them and made 2 folders.. one for editing and one to store the originals as backups. I was very careful not to edit the backups (I even re extracted a few times just to be sure) yet the problem persists. I'm totally stumped.

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