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Good skin for males and females?


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Caliente's mod may have a primary purpose of being inappropriate, but it does have a setting to keep the underwear. It's in the adult mod section, though, so I can't link it.

Is it for both genders?

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No, just for females. If you do a search on males, though, it shoudn't be hard to find one. They may, however, like CBBE, be under adult mods as something combined with a nude version (where you have to choose when you install it).


EDIT: Apparently "Better Males - Beautiful Nudes and faces" has an underwear version, but it's an option "download this instead" one, not a download the primary file and choose when installing one.

Edited by Strokend
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No, just for females. If you do a search on males, though, it shoudn't be hard to find one. They may, however, like CBBE, be under adult mods as something combined with a nude version (where you have to choose when you install it).


EDIT: Apparently "Better Males - Beautiful Nudes and faces" has an underwear version, but it's an option "download this instead" one, not a download the primary file and choose when installing one.

Right, well you obviously didn't read my question correctly. -.- Bye bye.

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