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[Dumping stack] What is it and how to solve?


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Hello there


I'm having some frequent CTDs and I think it's because of "dumping stacks" accourding to my papyrus log.


The last lines of my log are:





[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM] Dumping stack 2606170:
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Type: Normal
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Return register: None
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Has stack callback: No
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Stack trace:
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM] Dumping stack 2608002:
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Type: Normal
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Return register: None
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Has stack callback: No
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Stack trace:
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM] Dumping stack 2605590:
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Frame count: 1 (Page count: 1)
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     State: Running (Freeze state: Freezing)
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Type: Normal
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Return register: True
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Has stack callback: No
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Stack trace:
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - "dragonActorSCRIPT.psc" Line 99
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             IP: 374    Instruction: 10    Line: 99
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp4]: False
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp6]: [dragonactorscript < (0005A6CA)>]
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp5]: False
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::NoneVar]: None
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM] Dumping stack 2608003:
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Frame count: 2 (Page count: 2)
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     State: Running (Freeze state: Freezing)
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Type: Normal
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Return register: False
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Has stack callback: No
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Stack trace:
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]         [alias Vilkas on quest C00 (0004B2D9)].C00VilkasScript.HasMagicEffectKeywordInList() - "C00VilkasScript.psc" Line 109
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             IP: 108    Instruction: 5    Line: 109
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [akEffect]: [MagicEffect < (6101BFF5)>]
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [akList]: [[Keyword <MagicDamageFire (0001CEAD)>], [Keyword <MagicDamageShock (0001CEAF)>], [Keyword <MagicShout (00046B99)>], [Keyword <MagicInfluence (00078098)>], [Keyword <MagicDamageFrost (0001CEAE)>], [Keyword <DB10MagicHeavyFire (000FBFEE)>], [Keyword <MagicAlchHarmful (00042509)>], [Keyword <dunCGMagicHeavyFire (0010E4B3)>], [Keyword <MagicParalysis (0001EA70)>], [Keyword <MagicInfluenceFear (000424E0)>], [Keyword <MagicTrapGas (0009F28E)>], [Keyword <MagicInfluenceCharm (000424EE)>], [Keyword <MagicSlow (000B729E)>], [Keyword <MagicInfluenceFrenzy (000C44B6)>], [Keyword <MagicRune (00109D79)>], [Keyword <MagicTelekinesis (0007F404)>], [Keyword <DB10MagicLightFire (000FBFEF)>], [Keyword <MagicVampireDrain (00101BDE)>], [Keyword <MagicTrapPoison (001093BB)>], [Keyword <dunCGMagicLightFire (0010E4B4)>], None, None, None, None, None, None, None]
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp24]: 27
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp25]: True
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [aiIndex]: 2
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp26]: [Keyword <MagicShout (00046B99)>]
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp27]: False
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]         [alias Vilkas on quest C00 (0004B2D9)].C00VilkasScript.OnMagicEffectApply() - "C00VilkasScript.psc" Line ?
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             IP: 244    Instruction: 5
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [akCaster]: [Actor < (00000014)>]
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [akEffect]: [MagicEffect < (6101BFF5)>]
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::NoneVar]: None
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp7]: [Actor < (00000014)>]
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp8]: [Actor < (00000014)>]
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp9]: True
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp10]: False
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM] Dumping stack 526607:
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Frame count: 3 (Page count: 2)
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     State: Waiting on latent function (Freeze state: Freezing)
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Type: Normal
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Return register: 131693.171875
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Has stack callback: No
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Stack trace:
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]         <unknown self>.utility.Wait() - "<native>" Line ?
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             IP: 0
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [param1]: 2.000000
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]         [ (0003E970)].dunPOITrollBattleOnStart.UpdateLoop() - "dunPOITrollBattleOnStart.psc" Line 40
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             IP: 894    Instruction: 22    Line: 40
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp0]: True
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp1]: [Actor < (00000014)>]
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp2]: [dunPOITrollBattleOnStart < (0003E970)>]
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp3]: 131693.171875
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp4]: 2.000000
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp5]: False
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::NoneVar]: None
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp6]: None
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]         [ (0003E970)].dunPOITrollBattleOnStart.OnLoad() - "dunPOITrollBattleOnStart.psc" Line 12
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             IP: 0    Instruction: 0    Line: 12
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::NoneVar]: None
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM] Dumping stack 2607306:
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Frame count: 2 (Page count: 2)
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     State: Waiting on latent function (Freeze state: Freezing)
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Type: Normal
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Return register: 60.000000
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Has stack callback: Yes
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Stack trace:
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]         <unknown self>.utility.Wait() - "<native>" Line ?
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             IP: 0
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [param1]: 60.000000
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]         [ (0B00D139)].SF_mannyLoS_Quest_Scene_0100D139.Fragment_39() - "sf_mannylos_quest_scene_0100d139.psc" Line 64
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             IP: 3801    Instruction: 92    Line: 64
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp0]: 60.000000
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp1]: 36
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp2]: " PR: ON PV: ON LR: OFF"
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp3]: " PR: ON PV: ON LR: OFF LV: OFF"
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp4]: True
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [TimeLOS]: 15.396698
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [debugging_1]: "LoS ON:19.000000 OFF:7.000000 T:60.000000"
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [debugging]: " PR: ON PV: ON LR: OFF LV: OFF"
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp5]: True
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp6]: False
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::NoneVar]: None
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM] Dumping stack 2607972:
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Frame count: 2 (Page count: 1)
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     State: Waiting on latent function (Freeze state: Freezing)
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Type: Normal
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Return register: True
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Has stack callback: No
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Stack trace:
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]         <unknown self>.utility.Wait() - "<native>" Line ?
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             IP: 0
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [param1]: 1.000000
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]         [alias Player on quest xxxCMInit (5A065469)].xxxCMPlayerAliasScript.OnUpdate() - "xxxCMPlayerAliasScript.psc" Line 13
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             IP: 87    Instruction: 2    Line: 13
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp1]: True
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp2]: 1.000000
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::NoneVar]: None
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM] Dumping stack 2607998:
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Frame count: 2 (Page count: 2)
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     State: Running (Freeze state: Freezing)
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Type: Normal
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Return register: True
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Has stack callback: No
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Stack trace:
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]         [alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_LanternQuest2 (1A007FDB)]._wl_lanternoil_v3.TryToStopLantern() - "_WL_LanternOil_v3.psc" Line 2064
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             IP: 1180    Instruction: 18    Line: 2064
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp178]: [SPELL < (1A005F2E)>]
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp179]: True
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp180]: True
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]         [alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_LanternQuest2 (1A007FDB)]._wl_lanternoil_v3.OnUpdate() - "_WL_LanternOil_v3.psc" Line 905
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             IP: 18165    Instruction: 340    Line: 905
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp30]: 1
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp31]: False
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp35]: [Actor < (00000014)>]
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp32]: 0.000000
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp33]: 0.000000
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp34]: ""
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::NoneVar]: None
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [fThreadTimeDelta]: 0.000000
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [fThreadTimeDeltaSec]: 0.000000
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp36]: False
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [bLightTime]: False
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp37]: False
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp39]: False
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp40]: False
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp38]: False
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp41]: False
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [oFoundTorchbug]: None
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp42]: None
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp43]: None
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM] Dumping stack 2607975:
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Frame count: 2 (Page count: 1)
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     State: Waiting on latent function (Freeze state: Freezing)
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Type: Normal
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Return register: True
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Has stack callback: No
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Stack trace:
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]         <unknown self>.utility.Wait() - "<native>" Line ?
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             IP: 0
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [param1]: 1.000000
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]         [alias DCOPlayerAlias on quest DCOQuest (8F0022EC)].DCOPlayerScript.OnUpdate() - "DCOPlayerScript.psc" Line 15
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             IP: 87    Instruction: 2    Line: 15
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp1]: True
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp2]: 1.000000
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::NoneVar]: None
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM] Dumping stack 2607990:
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Frame count: 1 (Page count: 1)
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     State: Running (Freeze state: Freezing)
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Type: Normal
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Return register: None
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Has stack callback: No
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]     Stack trace:
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]         [MT_Quest_NPCFramework (9E040055)].mt_quest_npcframeworkscript.OnUpdate() - "MT_Quest_NPCFrameworkScript.psc" Line 217
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             IP: 1163    Instruction: 35    Line: 217
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::NoneVar]: None
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp0]: 36.644264
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp1]: True
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp2]: 73
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp3]: True
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp6]: 0.000000
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [cfIndex]: 0
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp4]: None
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp5]: None
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [WhileIndex]: 73
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp7]: [mt_quest_npcframeworkscript <MT_Quest_NPCFramework (9E040055)>]
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp8]: [Alias <alias MT_AliasBF72 on quest MT_Quest_NPCFramework (9E040055)>]
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [::temp9]: None
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [TargetAlias01]: [ReferenceAlias <alias MT_AliasBF72 on quest MT_Quest_NPCFramework (9E040055)>]
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [WhileIndex2]: 0
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [TargetAlias02]: None
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [WhileIndex3]: 0
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [TargetAlias03]: None
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [WhileIndex4]: 0
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM]             [TargetAlias04]: None
[07/31/2013 - 07:14:54PM] VM is thawing...
[07/31/2013 - 07:15:41PM] VM is freezing...
[07/31/2013 - 07:15:41PM] VM is frozen
[07/31/2013 - 07:15:42PM] Saving game...
[07/31/2013 - 07:15:42PM] VM is thawing...




Also, a bit higher in the log I saw this:



[07/31/2013 - 07:05:50PM] Suspended stack count is over our warning threshold, dumping stacks:


My load order:



# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.
Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm
Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm
Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp
Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp
Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp
Clanking Armor.esp
Improved Combat Sounds v2.2.esp
fantasy music overhaul.esp
fantasy music overhaul - unique town music.esp
High Level Enemies.esp
High Level Enemies - Dawnguard.esp
High Level Enemies - Dragonborn.esp
High Level Enemies - Falskaar.esp
High Level Enemies - Raised Ability Caps.esp
ZMY High Level Enemies Edits.esp
Book Covers Skyrim.esp
Lanterns Of Skyrim - CoT Nights lvl 8.esp
manny Lantern Caretakers.esp
Radiant and Unique Potions Poisons and Booze.esp
Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp
Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp
Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp
Convenient Horses.esp
Auto Unequip Ammo.esp
Dragon Soul Relinquishment.esp
Fhaarkas Font Mod - SkyUI.esp
AMB Glass Variants Lore.esp
Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp
Earrings Set1.esp
Glass Variants.esp
LeftHandRings - Dawnguard.esp
Lock Overhaul.esp
ERSO 03 - Mighty Dragons DD.esp
ERSO 03.3 - Mighty Dawnguard Dragons.esp
ERSO 03.4 - Mighty Dragonborn Dragons.esp
ERSO 04 - Mighty Odahviing.esp
ERSO 04.2 - Mighty Durnehviir.esp
ERSO 06 - Wait More Time Dragon Encounter x2.5.esp
ERSO 07 - Mighty Dragon Priests.esp
ERSO 14.02 - Harder barter 8-4.esp
ERSO 14.03 - Vendor Soul Gems Only Empty And Very Rare.esp
ERSO 14.04 - Vendors Without Animal Parts.esp
ERSO 14.05 - Vendor Without Minerals.esp
ERSO 14.06 - Vendor No Enchanted Weapons Armors.esp
ERSO 14.07 - Vendor Very Less Weapons Armors.esp
ERSO 14.08 - Respawn Vendor Stuff 15 days.esp
ERSO 17 - Training cost 4.0x.esp
ERSO 26 - Realistic Fall Damages.esp
ERSO 30 - Better Enemy AI Dawnguard&Dragonborn.esp
SkyRe_SIC Crossbowfix.esp
ZMY LeftHandRings & Earrings SkyRe Comp Patch.esp
Unique Uniques.esp
Destroy the Thieves Guild.esp
Inconsequential NPCs.esp
Inconsequential NPCs - Enhancement.esp
Run For Your Lives.esp
When Vampires Attack.esp
The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp
Bounty Gold.esp
Default Teammate Weapon Draw Distance.esp
Immersive Weapons.esp
ZMY Immersive Weapons Edits.esp
OBIS ApachiiSkyHair.esp
OBIS-USKP Patch.esp
OBIS-UDBP Patch.esp
OBIS-IW Patch.esp
dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp
Drinking Fountains of Skyrim.esp
ClimatesOfTamriel Falskaar.esp
Civil War Overhaul.esp
Dual Wield Parrying_SKSE.esp
Dodge Mod.esp
Locational Damage.esp
The Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.esp
Acquisitive Soul Gems.esp
Enhanced Soul Trap.esp
Honeystrand Meadery RND Patch.esp
Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp
TTYM - Think to Yourself Messages.esp
TTYM - Frostfall Module.esp
SkyRe-DB Patch.esp
ZMY Falskaar Comp Patch.esp
zMy Dodge Comp Patch.esp
ZMy Clanking Armors Comp Patch.esp
zMy Dragons Comp Patch.esp
ZMY Hoods Circlets Comp Patch.esp
ZMY Ingestible Comp Patch 2.esp
ZMY Book Comp Patch.esp
ZMY Container Comp Patch.esp
ZMY Enchantment & Magic Effects Comp Patch.esp
ZMY Armor Comp Patch.esp
ZMY Combat Style Comp Patch.esp
ZMY Explosion and Factions Comp Patch.esp
ZMY Gamesetting Comp Patch.esp
ZMY Misc Items Comp Patch.esp
ZMY Weapon Armor Keyword Reproc Patch.esp
ZMY Music Comp Patch.esp
ZMY Outfit Comp Patch.esp
ZMY Spell Comp Patch.esp
ZMY Story Node Comp Patch.esp
ZMY Weapon Comp Patch.esp
ZMY Transmute Soulgems.esp
ZMY Werewolf & Companions Comp Patch.esp
ZMY SIC RND Food Comp Patch.esp
ZMY Diseased Edits.esp
ZMY NPCs Comp Patch.esp
Bashed Patch, 0.esp
Automatic Variants.esp
qotsafans IA6 Invisible Helmets Patch.esp



What are those "dumping stacks" exactly? And how can I solve this issue?

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One of the causes of stack dumping is when the game tries to process too many script actions at one time. Especially when it is the same event on the same actor but being processed on two or more different scripts.


A good example of this is with Hearthfire without any USKP patches or my own fix. There is a HF script that parsed every item added or removed from the player's inventory. By itself it was alright but when added in with some mods especially mods that used the same event with the player's inventory, stack dumps could start happening especially when the game was trying to process hundreds or more items at one time. That script only needed to check the item to make sure it was a specific one before further processing, however it did not.


I'm not sure what exactly is causing your stack dumps. A wild guess would indicate at least heavy scripting if not improper scripting allowing unnecessary processing to occur. However, since your stack dump contains a variety of script sources I would lean towards heavy scripting rather than improper scripting. Tho it is possible that both are the cause.

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The strange thing is that this is the first time in my playthrough I'm having it. Yesterday and before, I didn't have any problem with it whatsoever.

I installed/updated the following mods today:

  • SMIM
  • Destroy the Thieves Guild
  • Live another life - Alternate Start
  • Bookcovers Skyrim
  • ENBoost

Can any of those have caused it?


I also started the Dawnguard Mainquest today. I don't know whether it can be related to that though.


I'll take a look at those updated mods and I'm hoping to find my answer there.


Edit: None of the above mods had any posts on their modpage regarding stack dumps. Any recommendations where I should start to look to fix the issue?

Edited by AndrealphusVIII
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Maybe you have tweaked your Papyrus Settings in Skyrim.ini to problematic settings...


Most notably these ones;






What settings do you have?


Some websites suggest settings which will destroy your papyrus script engine. Like RCRN tells people to allocate 2GB of memory to papyrus (lol...!) Others on top say to set the min max values at like 1MB - 5MB ... some change the Update budgets to 500 ... some even suggest to change all of them to ridiculous properties.


If you changed them, put them back at the defaults and see if your problems went away... here are the defaults;


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I remember in the past I had en error message from Frostfall my script system was going to slow for the game while skinning animals for Hunterborn. So I changed the settings, but after that I did several clean installs which should have reset those settings to their defaults?


I'll try changing them to those settings (except bEnableLogging, Trace and bLoadDebugInformation) and trying to figure out whether there is any difference.


Thanks in advance


Edit: I made the changes, but I'm still getting the error messages. It seems like they're mostly present when I'm near Jorvaskkr. I'm using Moolight Tales and ESF: Companions questline extended. Could they have something to do with it? Should I uninstall them?

Edited by AndrealphusVIII
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Stack Overflow

Stack Buffer Overflow

Papyrus ini Settings


Try the following:








You can also try increasing iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes to a multiple of the default value (2x, 4x etc) but don't exceed 2457600 as it may make the problem worse rather than better,

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My last papyrus log (I just went outside Breezehome and walked around Jorrvaskrr. I didn't crash though. I just ran around and exited the game manually to check my papyrus log):




[08/01/2013 - 03:39:31PM] Papyrus log opened (PC)
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:31PM] Update budget: 800.000000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 800.000000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms)
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:31PM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total)
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:35PM] Cannot open store for class "dlc1scwispwallscript", missing file?
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:35PM] Cannot open store for class "DLC2BenthicLurkerFXSCRIPT", missing file?
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:36PM] Cannot open store for class "PF__01018802", missing file?
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script PF__01018802 to  (11018802) because their base types do not match
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:36PM] Cannot open store for class "PF__01022031", missing file?
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script PF__01022031 to  (11022031) because their base types do not match
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:36PM] Cannot open store for class "chherdingquestscript", missing file?
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:36PM] Cannot open store for class "_arissa_inpc_behavior", missing file?
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:36PM] Cannot open store for class "MercerFreyPuzzleTrigger", missing file?
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:37PM] Error: Unable to bind script traptriggerbase to TweakTraps (A200C515) because their base types do not match
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:37PM] Error: Unable to bind script TrapBear to TweakTraps (A200C515) because their base types do not match
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:37PM] Cannot open store for class "SF_TweakP1Hangout_02017201", missing file?
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:37PM] Error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Hangout_02017201 to  (A2017201) because their base types do not match
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:37PM] Cannot open store for class "SF_TweakP1Pose_02017788", missing file?
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:37PM] Error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Pose_02017788 to  (A2017788) because their base types do not match
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:38PM] Error: Unable to bind script MercerFreyPuzzleTrigger to  (67036716) because their base types do not match
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:38PM] Error: Unable to bind script DLC2WaterScript to  (0401AAD8) because their base types do not match
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Error: Property Compatibility on script _de_getcampinglegal attached to alias DE_Player on quest _DE_Main_1_6 (11015CAE) cannot be bound because alias _DE_CompatibilityPlayer on quest _DE_Compatibility (110286F3) is not the right type
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Error: Property Compatibility on script _de_clothingmonitor_1_7 attached to alias DE_Player on quest _DE_Main_1_6 (11015CAE) cannot be bound because alias _DE_CompatibilityPlayer on quest _DE_Compatibility (110286F3) is not the right type
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Error: Property Compatibility on script _DE_WaterDetect attached to alias DE_Player on quest _DE_Main_1_6 (11015CAE) cannot be bound because alias _DE_CompatibilityPlayer on quest _DE_Compatibility (110286F3) is not the right type
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property InventorUpgradeDefault on script KRY_TVPlayerAliasScript attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest KRY_TradingMCMStartupQuest (1B001831) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Error: Unable to bind script TGKillScript to alias Brynjolf on quest TGDestroy (67000D62) because their base types do not match
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property ATMain on script AT_OnLoadScript attached to alias AliasforPlayer on quest AT_QST113 (6F0058DF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property DCOAirstrike on script DCOPlayerScript attached to alias DCOPlayerAlias on quest DCOQuest (900022EC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property magward on script mcuepressureplatescript attached to alias mcuetrappressureplate on quest 3DMCue (951D40F8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to  (9516711F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property doOnce on script HallofStoriesKeyholeScript attached to  (000847D6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property FieldCO on script SF_CWAttackCitySurrenderScene_00020FA1 attached to  (00020FA1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property FSMQ01PortalISM on script FSKR_SF_FSMQ01MeetGuardScene_0113E2D6 attached to  (0513E2D6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Dragon2 on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90016D21) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Dragon3 on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90016D21) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property DCOLimitBreakNotDone on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90016D21) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Dragon1 on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90016D21) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property doOnce on script HallofStoriesKeyholeScript attached to  (0004E2B9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to  (000CB588) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to  (5911EFFB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to  (5911EFFA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property m2sceneFg on script mq2_3dnpc45 attached to  (951A0098) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property PlayerREF on script FSKR_FSMQ01PedestalScript attached to  (0502815C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property PlayerREF on script FSKR_FSMQ01PedestalScript attached to  (05025059) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to  (A4009A7E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorMisc on script DisenchantScript attached to  (6300339F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponWarAxe on script DisenchantScript attached to  (6300339F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponBattleAxe on script DisenchantScript attached to  (6300339F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorGloves on script DisenchantScript attached to  (6300339F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponMace on script DisenchantScript attached to  (6300339F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponMisc on script DisenchantScript attached to  (6300339F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponWarHammer on script DisenchantScript attached to  (6300339F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorBoots on script DisenchantScript attached to  (6300339F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponGreatSword on script DisenchantScript attached to  (6300339F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorCuirass on script DisenchantScript attached to  (6300339F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponBow on script DisenchantScript attached to  (6300339F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorShield on script DisenchantScript attached to  (6300339F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorHelm on script DisenchantScript attached to  (6300339F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponSword on script DisenchantScript attached to  (6300339F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponDagger on script DisenchantScript attached to  (6300339F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorMisc on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001843) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponWarAxe on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001843) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponBattleAxe on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001843) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorGloves on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001843) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponMace on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001843) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponMisc on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001843) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponWarHammer on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001843) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorBoots on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001843) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponGreatSword on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001843) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorCuirass on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001843) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponBow on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001843) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorShield on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001843) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorHelm on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001843) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponSword on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001843) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponDagger on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001843) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorMisc on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001842) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponWarAxe on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001842) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponBattleAxe on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001842) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorGloves on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001842) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponMace on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001842) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponMisc on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001842) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponWarHammer on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001842) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorBoots on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001842) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponGreatSword on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001842) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorCuirass on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001842) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponBow on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001842) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorShield on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001842) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorHelm on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001842) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponSword on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001842) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponDagger on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001842) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to  (951B45F5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property DoorLook on script FSKR_SF_FSMQ08AgnarGoodbye_0107855F attached to  (0507855F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorMisc on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001841) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponWarAxe on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001841) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponBattleAxe on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001841) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorGloves on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001841) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponMace on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001841) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponMisc on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001841) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponWarHammer on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001841) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorBoots on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001841) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponGreatSword on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001841) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorCuirass on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001841) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponBow on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001841) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorShield on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001841) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorHelm on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001841) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponSword on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001841) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponDagger on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001841) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorMisc on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001837) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponWarAxe on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001837) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponBattleAxe on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001837) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorGloves on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001837) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponMace on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001837) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponMisc on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001837) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponWarHammer on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001837) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorBoots on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001837) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponGreatSword on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001837) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorCuirass on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001837) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponBow on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001837) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorShield on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001837) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorHelm on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001837) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponSword on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001837) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponDagger on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001837) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to  (A40099FC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Dragon2 on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90017297) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Dragon3 on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90017297) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property DCOLimitBreakNotDone on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90017297) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Dragon1 on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90017297) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Dragon2 on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90017295) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Dragon3 on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90017295) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property DCOLimitBreakNotDone on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90017295) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Dragon1 on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90017295) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Dragon2 on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90017294) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Dragon3 on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90017294) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property DCOLimitBreakNotDone on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90017294) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Dragon1 on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90017294) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property DA05FuneralScene on script QF_DA05_0002A49A attached to DA05 (0002A49A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property CR08ExclusionFaction on script QF_DA05_0002A49A attached to DA05 (0002A49A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property TG05 on script HallofStoriesKeyholeScript attached to  (000CEE2B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property doOnce on script HallofStoriesKeyholeScript attached to  (000CEE2B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property pTG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell on script QF_TG05_00021551 attached to TG05 (00021551) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Alias_DodgeModPlayerReference on script QF_DodgeModQuest_01000D62 attached to DodgeModQuest (8F000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property TG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell on script tg06questscript attached to TG06 (00021552) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property TG05 on script HallofStoriesKeyholeScript attached to  (670361AB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property doOnce on script HallofStoriesKeyholeScript attached to  (670361AB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property mq7bardscene3 on script mq7partybardscript attached to  (951B8EE1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property pTGDestroyNightingales09PostQuest on script TG09QuestScript attached to TG09 (00021555) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Error: Property DelvinMalloryGhost on script tgdestroyquestscript attached to TGDestroy (67000D62) cannot be bound because <NULL alias> (25) on <NULL quest> (67000D62) is not the right type
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to  (951C1C57) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Error: Property MGRitual04 on script uskpretroactive131script attached to USKPRetroactive131 (0D01906F) cannot be bound because MGRitual04 (000CD987) is not the right type
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to  (95166FF4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to  (951B459E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Meeting on script FSKR_FSMQ04PlayerChairSCRIPT attached to  (0504320C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Discussion on script FSKR_FSMQ04PlayerChairSCRIPT attached to  (0504320C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property DLC1VampireLordDisallow on script QF_VC01_0005C625 attached to VC01 (0005C625) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property DLC1VampireChange on script QF_VC01_0005C625 attached to VC01 (0005C625) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to  (000BBAF4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property  on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property InventorUpgradeDefault on script TV_MCMScript attached to KRY_TradingMCMStartupQuest (1B001831) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Dragon2 on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90017296) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Dragon3 on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90017296) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property DCOLimitBreakNotDone on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90017296) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Dragon1 on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90017296) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property DGIntimidateQuest on script FSKR_BrawlSetupScript attached to FalskaarUniqueDialogue (05022334) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorMisc on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001844) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponWarAxe on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001844) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponBattleAxe on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001844) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorGloves on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001844) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponMace on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001844) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponMisc on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001844) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponWarHammer on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001844) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorBoots on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001844) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponGreatSword on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001844) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorCuirass on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001844) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponBow on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001844) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorShield on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001844) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorHelm on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001844) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponSword on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001844) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponDagger on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001844) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property CurrentHomeLocation on script playersleepquestscript attached to PlayerSleepQuest (000FC1A2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property BYOHAdoptionSleepAbilityMale on script playersleepquestscript attached to PlayerSleepQuest (000FC1A2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property BYOHRelationshipAdoption on script playersleepquestscript attached to PlayerSleepQuest (000FC1A2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property BYOHAdoptionRestedMessageMale on script playersleepquestscript attached to PlayerSleepQuest (000FC1A2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property BYOHAdoptionRestedMessageFemale on script playersleepquestscript attached to PlayerSleepQuest (000FC1A2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property BYOHAdoptionSleepAbilityFemale on script playersleepquestscript attached to PlayerSleepQuest (000FC1A2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Alias_FieldCO on script QF_CWSiegeObj_00096E71 attached to CWSiegeObj (00096E71) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Merchant on script FSKR_SF_FSMQ04GoranOpenGateS_010415EB attached to  (050415EB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to  (951B45C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Error: Property HirelingRehireScript on script follower3dnpc attached to DialogueFollower3DNPC (9513184C) cannot be bound because DialogueFollower3DNPC (9513184C) is not the right type
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property RiftenWarehouse on script QF_FreeformRiften20_00085D40 attached to FreeformRiften20 (00085D40) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to  (000DD36D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Error: Property Prisoner02 on script defaultPrisonerDoorSCRIPT attached to  (951736BD) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (9517366E) is not the right type
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Error: Property Prisoner01 on script defaultPrisonerDoorSCRIPT attached to  (951736BD) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (9517366D) is not the right type
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Error: Property ExclusiveCellList on script avquestscript attached to AVQuestScript_qust (C6000D6D) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] Warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to  (000BBAF3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] VM is freezing...
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:44PM] VM is frozen
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Reverting game...
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Error: Unable to bind script MercerFreyPuzzleTrigger to  (67036716) because their base types do not match
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Error: Unable to bind script DLC2WaterScript to  (0401AAD8) because their base types do not match
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Pose_02017788 to  (A2017788) because their base types do not match
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Hangout_02017201 to  (A2017201) because their base types do not match
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Error: Unable to bind script traptriggerbase to TweakTraps (A200C515) because their base types do not match
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Error: Unable to bind script TrapBear to TweakTraps (A200C515) because their base types do not match
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Error: Unable to bind script PF__01018802 to  (11018802) because their base types do not match
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Error: Unable to bind script PF__01022031 to  (11022031) because their base types do not match
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Error: Unable to bind script TGKillScript to alias Brynjolf on quest TGDestroy (67000D62) because their base types do not match
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to  (9516711F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property doOnce on script HallofStoriesKeyholeScript attached to  (000847D6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property FieldCO on script SF_CWAttackCitySurrenderScene_00020FA1 attached to  (00020FA1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property FSMQ01PortalISM on script FSKR_SF_FSMQ01MeetGuardScene_0113E2D6 attached to  (0513E2D6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Dragon2 on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90016D21) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Dragon3 on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90016D21) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property DCOLimitBreakNotDone on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90016D21) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Dragon1 on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90016D21) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property doOnce on script HallofStoriesKeyholeScript attached to  (0004E2B9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to  (000CB588) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to  (5911EFFB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to  (951B459E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property m2sceneFg on script mq2_3dnpc45 attached to  (951A0098) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property InventorUpgradeDefault on script TV_MCMScript attached to KRY_TradingMCMStartupQuest (1B001831) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property PlayerREF on script FSKR_FSMQ01PedestalScript attached to  (0502815C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property PlayerREF on script FSKR_FSMQ01PedestalScript attached to  (05025059) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property ATMain on script AT_OnLoadScript attached to alias AliasforPlayer on quest AT_QST113 (6F0058DF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorMisc on script DisenchantScript attached to  (6300339F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponWarAxe on script DisenchantScript attached to  (6300339F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponBattleAxe on script DisenchantScript attached to  (6300339F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorGloves on script DisenchantScript attached to  (6300339F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponMace on script DisenchantScript attached to  (6300339F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponMisc on script DisenchantScript attached to  (6300339F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponWarHammer on script DisenchantScript attached to  (6300339F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorBoots on script DisenchantScript attached to  (6300339F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponGreatSword on script DisenchantScript attached to  (6300339F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorCuirass on script DisenchantScript attached to  (6300339F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponBow on script DisenchantScript attached to  (6300339F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorShield on script DisenchantScript attached to  (6300339F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorHelm on script DisenchantScript attached to  (6300339F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponSword on script DisenchantScript attached to  (6300339F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponDagger on script DisenchantScript attached to  (6300339F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property InventorUpgradeDefault on script KRY_TVPlayerAliasScript attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest KRY_TradingMCMStartupQuest (1B001831) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorMisc on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001843) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponWarAxe on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001843) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponBattleAxe on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001843) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorGloves on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001843) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponMace on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001843) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponMisc on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001843) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponWarHammer on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001843) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorBoots on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001843) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponGreatSword on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001843) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorCuirass on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001843) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponBow on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001843) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorShield on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001843) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorHelm on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001843) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponSword on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001843) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponDagger on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001843) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorMisc on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001842) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponWarAxe on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001842) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponBattleAxe on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001842) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorGloves on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001842) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponMace on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001842) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponMisc on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001842) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponWarHammer on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001842) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorBoots on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001842) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponGreatSword on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001842) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorCuirass on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001842) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponBow on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001842) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorShield on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001842) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorHelm on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001842) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponSword on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001842) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponDagger on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001842) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to  (951B45F5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorMisc on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001841) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponWarAxe on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001841) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponBattleAxe on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001841) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorGloves on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001841) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponMace on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001841) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponMisc on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001841) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponWarHammer on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001841) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorBoots on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001841) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponGreatSword on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001841) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorCuirass on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001841) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponBow on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001841) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorShield on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001841) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorHelm on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001841) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponSword on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001841) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponDagger on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001841) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorMisc on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001837) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponWarAxe on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001837) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponBattleAxe on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001837) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorGloves on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001837) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponMace on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001837) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponMisc on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001837) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponWarHammer on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001837) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorBoots on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001837) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponGreatSword on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001837) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorCuirass on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001837) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponBow on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001837) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorShield on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001837) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorHelm on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001837) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponSword on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001837) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponDagger on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001837) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to  (A40099FC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Dragon2 on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90017297) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Dragon3 on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90017297) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property DCOLimitBreakNotDone on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90017297) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Dragon1 on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90017297) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Dragon2 on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90017296) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Dragon3 on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90017296) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property DCOLimitBreakNotDone on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90017296) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Dragon1 on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90017296) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Dragon2 on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90017295) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Dragon3 on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90017295) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property DCOLimitBreakNotDone on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90017295) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Dragon1 on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90017295) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Dragon2 on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90017294) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Dragon3 on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90017294) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property DCOLimitBreakNotDone on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90017294) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Dragon1 on script PF_DCOUltraScene2_02016D21 attached to  (90017294) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property DCOAirstrike on script DCOPlayerScript attached to alias DCOPlayerAlias on quest DCOQuest (900022EC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to  (000BBAF3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Alias_FieldCO on script QF_CWSiegeObj_00096E71 attached to CWSiegeObj (00096E71) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property DA05FuneralScene on script QF_DA05_0002A49A attached to DA05 (0002A49A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property CR08ExclusionFaction on script QF_DA05_0002A49A attached to DA05 (0002A49A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property TG05 on script HallofStoriesKeyholeScript attached to  (000CEE2B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property doOnce on script HallofStoriesKeyholeScript attached to  (000CEE2B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property pTG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell on script QF_TG05_00021551 attached to TG05 (00021551) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Alias_DodgeModPlayerReference on script QF_DodgeModQuest_01000D62 attached to DodgeModQuest (8F000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property TG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell on script tg06questscript attached to TG06 (00021552) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to  (951C1C57) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RiftenWarehouse on script QF_FreeformRiften20_00085D40 attached to FreeformRiften20 (00085D40) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property TG05 on script HallofStoriesKeyholeScript attached to  (670361AB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property doOnce on script HallofStoriesKeyholeScript attached to  (670361AB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property DoorLook on script FSKR_SF_FSMQ08AgnarGoodbye_0107855F attached to  (0507855F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property mq7bardscene3 on script mq7partybardscript attached to  (951B8EE1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Merchant on script FSKR_SF_FSMQ04GoranOpenGateS_010415EB attached to  (050415EB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property DLC1VampireLordDisallow on script QF_VC01_0005C625 attached to VC01 (0005C625) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property DLC1VampireChange on script QF_VC01_0005C625 attached to VC01 (0005C625) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property pTGDestroyNightingales09PostQuest on script TG09QuestScript attached to TG09 (00021555) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Error: Property DelvinMalloryGhost on script tgdestroyquestscript attached to TGDestroy (67000D62) cannot be bound because <NULL alias> (25) on <NULL quest> (67000D62) is not the right type
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to  (5911EFFA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Error: Property MGRitual04 on script uskpretroactive131script attached to USKPRetroactive131 (0D01906F) cannot be bound because MGRitual04 (000CD987) is not the right type
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property DGIntimidateQuest on script FSKR_BrawlSetupScript attached to FalskaarUniqueDialogue (05022334) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property magward on script mcuepressureplatescript attached to alias mcuetrappressureplate on quest 3DMCue (951D40F8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Error: Property HirelingRehireScript on script follower3dnpc attached to DialogueFollower3DNPC (9513184C) cannot be bound because DialogueFollower3DNPC (9513184C) is not the right type
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to  (A4009A7E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to  (000DD36D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Meeting on script FSKR_FSMQ04PlayerChairSCRIPT attached to  (0504320C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Discussion on script FSKR_FSMQ04PlayerChairSCRIPT attached to  (0504320C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property  on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorMisc on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001844) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponWarAxe on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001844) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponBattleAxe on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001844) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorGloves on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001844) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponMace on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001844) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponMisc on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001844) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponWarHammer on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001844) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorBoots on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001844) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponGreatSword on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001844) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorCuirass on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001844) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponBow on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001844) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorShield on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001844) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestArmorHelm on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001844) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponSword on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001844) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property RefChestWeaponDagger on script DisenchantScript attached to  (63001844) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property CurrentHomeLocation on script playersleepquestscript attached to PlayerSleepQuest (000FC1A2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property BYOHAdoptionSleepAbilityMale on script playersleepquestscript attached to PlayerSleepQuest (000FC1A2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property BYOHRelationshipAdoption on script playersleepquestscript attached to PlayerSleepQuest (000FC1A2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property BYOHAdoptionRestedMessageMale on script playersleepquestscript attached to PlayerSleepQuest (000FC1A2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property BYOHAdoptionRestedMessageFemale on script playersleepquestscript attached to PlayerSleepQuest (000FC1A2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property BYOHAdoptionSleepAbilityFemale on script playersleepquestscript attached to PlayerSleepQuest (000FC1A2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to  (951B45C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to  (000BBAF4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to  (95166FF4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Error: Property Prisoner02 on script defaultPrisonerDoorSCRIPT attached to  (951736BD) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (9517366E) is not the right type
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Error: Property Prisoner01 on script defaultPrisonerDoorSCRIPT attached to  (951736BD) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (9517366D) is not the right type
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Error: Property ExclusiveCellList on script avquestscript attached to AVQuestScript_qust (C6000D6D) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to  (000CB447) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to  (000CB45F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to  (000CB463) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:45PM] Warning: Property Replacer on script DBPotteryRestore attached to  (000CB4AB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Loading game...
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Cannot open store for class "Tour_PF_WhiterunMove_0200DFA9", missing file?
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type Tour_PF_WhiterunMove_0200DFA9 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Cannot open store for class "Tour_PF_RiftenMover_0200DA43", missing file?
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type Tour_PF_RiftenMover_0200DA43 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Cannot open store for class "Tour_PF_HorseArrival_0200C485", missing file?
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type Tour_PF_HorseArrival_0200C485 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Cannot open store for class "_LP_SleepPackageScript", missing file?
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type _LP_SleepPackageScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Cannot open store for class "Tour_PF_StayAtWindhelm_0200FA9A", missing file?
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type Tour_PF_StayAtWindhelm_0200FA9A referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Cannot open store for class "Tour_PF_StayAtWhiterun_0200FA96", missing file?
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type Tour_PF_StayAtWhiterun_0200FA96 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Cannot open store for class "Tour_PF_SolitudeMover_0200DA3F", missing file?
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type Tour_PF_SolitudeMover_0200DA3F referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Cannot open store for class "Tour_PF_MarkarthMove_0200DA40", missing file?
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type Tour_PF_MarkarthMove_0200DA40 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Cannot open store for class "Tour_PF_MarkarthMover_0200DA41", missing file?
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type Tour_PF_MarkarthMover_0200DA41 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Cannot open store for class "Tour_PF_WindhelmMove_0200DA44", missing file?
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type Tour_PF_WindhelmMove_0200DA44 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Cannot open store for class "TourCartDriverScript", missing file?
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type TourCartDriverScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Cannot open store for class "Tour_PF_StayAtSolitude_0200FA97", missing file?
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type Tour_PF_StayAtSolitude_0200FA97 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Cannot open store for class "_LP_SleepBedQuestBedScript", missing file?
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type _LP_SleepBedQuestBedScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Cannot open store for class "Tour_PF_StayAtRiften_0200FA99", missing file?
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type Tour_PF_StayAtRiften_0200FA99 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Cannot open store for class "_LP_SleepQuestPlayerScript", missing file?
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type _LP_SleepQuestPlayerScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Cannot open store for class "Tour_PF_RiftenMove_0200DA42", missing file?
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type Tour_PF_RiftenMove_0200DA42 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Cannot open store for class "TourCartRiderScript", missing file?
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type TourCartRiderScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Cannot open store for class "Tour_PF_SolitudeMove_0200DA3E", missing file?
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type Tour_PF_SolitudeMove_0200DA3E referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Cannot open store for class "_lp_sleepquestscript", missing file?
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type _lp_sleepquestscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Cannot open store for class "TourCartDoppelgangerScript", missing file?
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type TourCartDoppelgangerScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Cannot open store for class "Tour_PF_WindhelmMover_0200DA45", missing file?
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type Tour_PF_WindhelmMover_0200DA45 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Cannot open store for class "Tour_PF_WhiterunMover_0200DFAA", missing file?
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type Tour_PF_WhiterunMover_0200DFAA referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Cannot open store for class "Tour_PF_StayAtMarkarth_0200FA98", missing file?
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type Tour_PF_StayAtMarkarth_0200FA98 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Cannot open store for class "tourcartsystemscript", missing file?
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type tourcartsystemscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartDoppelgangerScript in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type _LP_SleepBedQuestBedScript in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type _LP_SleepBedQuestBedScript in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartRiderScript in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type _LP_SleepBedQuestBedScript in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type _LP_SleepBedQuestBedScript in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type _LP_SleepBedQuestBedScript in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartRiderScript in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type _LP_SleepBedQuestBedScript in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type _LP_SleepBedQuestBedScript in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type Tour_PF_StayAtWindhelm_0200FA9A in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type Tour_PF_WindhelmMove_0200DA44 in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type Tour_PF_WindhelmMover_0200DA45 in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type Tour_PF_MarkarthMover_0200DA41 in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsystemscript in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type Tour_PF_SolitudeMover_0200DA3F in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type Tour_PF_StayAtSolitude_0200FA97 in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type Tour_PF_StayAtWhiterun_0200FA96 in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type _lp_sleepquestscript in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type _LP_SleepPackageScript in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type Tour_PF_StayAtRiften_0200FA99 in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type Tour_PF_StayAtMarkarth_0200FA98 in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type Tour_PF_RiftenMover_0200DA43 in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type Tour_PF_RiftenMove_0200DA42 in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type Tour_PF_WhiterunMover_0200DFAA in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type Tour_PF_MarkarthMove_0200DA40 in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type Tour_PF_SolitudeMove_0200DA3E in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type Tour_PF_HorseArrival_0200C485 in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type Tour_PF_WhiterunMove_0200DFA9 in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type _LP_SleepBedQuestBedScript in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type _LP_SleepBedQuestBedScript in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type _LP_SleepBedQuestBedScript in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartRiderScript in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type _LP_SleepBedQuestBedScript in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type _LP_SleepQuestPlayerScript in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartDoppelgangerScript in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartDoppelgangerScript in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartRiderScript in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartDoppelgangerScript in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartDoppelgangerScript in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:48PM] Warning: Could not find type _LP_SleepBedQuestBedScript in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] Warning: Could not find type _LP_SleepBedQuestBedScript in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] Warning: Could not find type _LP_SleepBedQuestBedScript in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] Warning: Could not find type _LP_SleepBedQuestBedScript in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartDoppelgangerScript in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartDriverScript in the type table in save
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] VM is thawing...
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] ================================================[ Moonlight Tales ]===============================================
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM]                 Performing compatibility check. Ignore the papyrus warnings that may appear bellow.               
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM]                         )      ( _                                               _ )      (                       
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM]                        ((    _ { ˇˇ-;         Awoooooooooooooooooooo!         ;-ˇˇ } _    ))                      
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM]                         )).-' {{ ;'`                                          `';     '-.((                       
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM]                        ( (  ;._ \                                              // _.;   ) )                      
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] ================================================[ Moonlight Tales ]===============================================
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] ============================================[Frostfall: Warning Start]============================================
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM]                                                                                                                   
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM]                Frostfall is now performing compatibility checks. Papyrus warnings about missing or                
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM]                         unloaded files may follow. This is NORMAL and can be ignored.                                
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM]                                                                                                                   
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] ============================================[Frostfall: Warning Start]============================================
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] Error: File "Wyrmstooth.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [alias _DE_CompatibilityPlayer on quest _DE_Compatibility (110286F3)]._de_compatibility.RunStartupCheck() - "_DE_Compatibility.psc" Line 362
    [alias _DE_CompatibilityPlayer on quest _DE_Compatibility (110286F3)]._de_compatibility.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_DE_Compatibility.psc" Line 247
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] Error: File "Chesko_LastSeed.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [alias _DE_CompatibilityPlayer on quest _DE_Compatibility (110286F3)]._de_compatibility.RunStartupCheck() - "_DE_Compatibility.psc" Line 445
    [alias _DE_CompatibilityPlayer on quest _DE_Compatibility (110286F3)]._de_compatibility.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_DE_Compatibility.psc" Line 247
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] Error: File "WetandCold.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [alias _DE_CompatibilityPlayer on quest _DE_Compatibility (110286F3)]._de_compatibility.RunStartupCheck() - "_DE_Compatibility.psc" Line 464
    [alias _DE_CompatibilityPlayer on quest _DE_Compatibility (110286F3)]._de_compatibility.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_DE_Compatibility.psc" Line 247
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] Error: File "ScenicCarriages.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [alias _DE_CompatibilityPlayer on quest _DE_Compatibility (110286F3)]._de_compatibility.RunStartupCheck() - "_DE_Compatibility.psc" Line 478
    [alias _DE_CompatibilityPlayer on quest _DE_Compatibility (110286F3)]._de_compatibility.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_DE_Compatibility.psc" Line 247
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] Error: File "Northborn Fur Hoods.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [alias _DE_CompatibilityPlayer on quest _DE_Compatibility (110286F3)]._de_compatibility.RunStartupCheck() - "_DE_Compatibility.psc" Line 500
    [alias _DE_CompatibilityPlayer on quest _DE_Compatibility (110286F3)]._de_compatibility.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_DE_Compatibility.psc" Line 247
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] Error: File "AesirArmor.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [alias _DE_CompatibilityPlayer on quest _DE_Compatibility (110286F3)]._de_compatibility.RunStartupCheck() - "_DE_Compatibility.psc" Line 587
    [alias _DE_CompatibilityPlayer on quest _DE_Compatibility (110286F3)]._de_compatibility.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_DE_Compatibility.psc" Line 247
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] Error: File "KnapsackEnhanced.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [alias _DE_CompatibilityPlayer on quest _DE_Compatibility (110286F3)]._de_compatibility.RunStartupCheck() - "_DE_Compatibility.psc" Line 630
    [alias _DE_CompatibilityPlayer on quest _DE_Compatibility (110286F3)]._de_compatibility.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_DE_Compatibility.psc" Line 247
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] InitWidgetLoader()
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] ========== Convenient Horses: Scanning for supported plugins...
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] Error: File "Convenient Horse Herding.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [CH (2F020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "chquestscript.psc" Line 99
    [CH (2F020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "chquestscript.psc" Line 129
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] Error: File "XFLMain.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [CH (2F020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "chquestscript.psc" Line 100
    [CH (2F020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "chquestscript.psc" Line 129
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] Error: File "HothFollower.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [CH (2F020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "chquestscript.psc" Line 101
    [CH (2F020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "chquestscript.psc" Line 129
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] Error: File "CompanionValfar.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [CH (2F020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "chquestscript.psc" Line 102
    [CH (2F020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "chquestscript.psc" Line 129
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] Error: File "CompanionArissa.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [CH (2F020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "chquestscript.psc" Line 103
    [CH (2F020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "chquestscript.psc" Line 129
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] ========== Convenient Horses: Scan complete.
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] ========== Auto Unequip Ammo: Scanning for supported plugins...
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] ========== Convenient Horses: Unregistered for all key press events.
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] Error: File "XFLMain.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [AUA (3100C6C2)].AUAQuestScript.GameLoaded() - "AUAQuestScript.psc" Line 40
    [AUA (3100C6C2)].AUAQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "AUAQuestScript.psc" Line 73
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] ========== Auto Unequip Ammo: Scan complete.
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] ========== Convenient Horses: Registered for 4 key press events.
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] SkyRe Traveller_Rank1 [Perk < (5908DCAA)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] SkyRe Traveller_Rank2 [Perk < (5908E232)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] SkyRe Traveller_Rank3 [Perk < (5908E234)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] SkyRe Traveller_Rank4 [Perk < (5908E235)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] SkyRe Traveller_Rank5 [Perk < (5908E236)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] SkyRe Forestry_Rank1 [Perk < (5F002F9F)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] SkyRe Forestry_Rank2 [Perk < (5F002FA0)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] SkyRe Forestry_Rank3 [Perk < (5F002FA1)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] SkyRe GlacialSwimmer [Perk < (5F002FA3)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] SkyRe Windbreaker [Perk < (5F002FA4)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] SkyRe WellInsulated [Perk < (5F002FA5)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] ============================================[ Frostfall: Warning End ]============================================
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM]                                                                                                                   
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM]                                        Frostfall compatibility check complete.                                    
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM]                                                                                                                   
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] ============================================[ Frostfall: Warning End ]============================================
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:49PM] Error: File "RaceCompatibility.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [alias MT_Player on quest MT_Quest_PlayerFramework (8B040003)].MT_Ref_CompatibilityScript.MT_Compatibility() - "MT_Ref_CompatibilityScript.psc" Line 60
    [alias MT_Player on quest MT_Quest_PlayerFramework (8B040003)].MT_Ref_CompatibilityScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "MT_Ref_CompatibilityScript.psc" Line 31
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:50PM]
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:50PM] =====Shooting Stars is searching for SKSE and SkyUI. Any errors below are harmless.=====
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:50PM]
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:50PM]  >>=======> Hunterborn is running compatibility checks.
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:50PM]
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:50PM]  >>=======> Ignore Papyrus errors about missing files, immediately below.
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:50PM] =====Shooting Stars is finished searching!=====
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:50PM]
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:50PM]  >>=======> Hunterborn compatibility checks are complete.
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:50PM] ================================================[ Moonlight Tales ]===============================================
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:50PM]  Compatibility check complete.                                                                                    
[08/01/2013 - 03:39:50PM] ================================================[ Moonlight Tales ]===============================================
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:05PM] Error:  (03004106): cannot enable an object with an enable state parent.
    [ (03004106)].ObjectReference.Enable() - "<native>" Line ?
    [ (03004105)].BYOHBreezehomeNavcutManager.OnCellDetach() - "BYOHBreezehomeNavcutManager.psc" Line 28
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:05PM] Error:  (03004269): cannot enable an object with an enable state parent.
    [ (03004269)].ObjectReference.Enable() - "<native>" Line ?
    [ (03004105)].BYOHBreezehomeNavcutManager.OnCellDetach() - "BYOHBreezehomeNavcutManager.psc" Line 29
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:05PM] Error:  (03004104): cannot enable an object with an enable state parent.
    [ (03004104)].ObjectReference.Enable() - "<native>" Line ?
    [ (03004105)].BYOHBreezehomeNavcutManager.OnCellDetach() - "BYOHBreezehomeNavcutManager.psc" Line 30
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Suspended stack count is over our warning threshold, dumping stacks:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] VM is freezing...
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] VM is frozen
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625000:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625006:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625007:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625012:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625013:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625019:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625020:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625024:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625038:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625051:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625053:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625055:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625058:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625066:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625069:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625070:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625071:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625076:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625079:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625082:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625084:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625088:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625090:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625098:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625101:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625103:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625104:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625107:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625108:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625112:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625113:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625117:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625118:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625122:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625123:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625132:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625142:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625144:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625146:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625147:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625152:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625158:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625159:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625162:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625163:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625166:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625167:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625173:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625175:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625181:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625182:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625186:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625193:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625195:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625198:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625199:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625205:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625212:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625213:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625216:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625217:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625225:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625228:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625230:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625231:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625233:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625236:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625241:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625243:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625247:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625248:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625250:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625252:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625256:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625262:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625268:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625270:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625273:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625277:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625281:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625285:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625289:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625291:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625293:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625294:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625300:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625304:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625309:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625310:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625312:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625315:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625321:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625322:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625325:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625327:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625329:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625330:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625337:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625338:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625341:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625347:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625354:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625356:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625363:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625364:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625366:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625368:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625372:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625377:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625378:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625379:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625380:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625388:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625389:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625391:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625393:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625397:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625399:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625406:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625409:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625413:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625416:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625420:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625423:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625428:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625431:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625434:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625436:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625443:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625444:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625447:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625448:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625454:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625463:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625464:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625468:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625474:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625475:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625479:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625483:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625484:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625487:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625488:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625494:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625495:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625498:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625505:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625506:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625511:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625513:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625523:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625525:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625529:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625530:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625534:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625535:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625548:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625549:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625551:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625557:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625558:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625562:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625565:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - (requested call)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 526607:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 3 (Page count: 2)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Waiting on latent function (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: 135756.390625
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         <unknown self>.utility.Wait() - "<native>" Line ?
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             IP: 0
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [param1]: 2.000000
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0003E970)].dunPOITrollBattleOnStart.UpdateLoop() - "dunPOITrollBattleOnStart.psc" Line 40
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             IP: 894    Instruction: 22    Line: 40
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::temp0]: True
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::temp1]: [Actor < (00000014)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::temp2]: [dunPOITrollBattleOnStart < (0003E970)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::temp3]: 135756.390625
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::temp4]: 2.000000
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::temp5]: False
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::NoneVar]: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::temp6]: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0003E970)].dunPOITrollBattleOnStart.OnLoad() - "dunPOITrollBattleOnStart.psc" Line 12
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             IP: 0    Instruction: 0    Line: 12
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::NoneVar]: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625560:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 2 (Page count: 2)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Running (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: False
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [alias Vilkas on quest C00 (0004B2D9)].C00VilkasScript.HasMagicEffectKeywordInList() - "C00VilkasScript.psc" Line 109
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             IP: 108    Instruction: 5    Line: 109
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [akEffect]: [MagicEffect < (7B0389EF)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [akList]: [[Keyword <MagicDamageFire (0001CEAD)>], [Keyword <MagicDamageShock (0001CEAF)>], [Keyword <MagicShout (00046B99)>], [Keyword <MagicInfluence (00078098)>], [Keyword <MagicDamageFrost (0001CEAE)>], [Keyword <DB10MagicHeavyFire (000FBFEE)>], [Keyword <MagicAlchHarmful (00042509)>], [Keyword <dunCGMagicHeavyFire (0010E4B3)>], [Keyword <MagicParalysis (0001EA70)>], [Keyword <MagicInfluenceFear (000424E0)>], [Keyword <MagicTrapGas (0009F28E)>], [Keyword <MagicInfluenceCharm (000424EE)>], [Keyword <MagicSlow (000B729E)>], [Keyword <MagicInfluenceFrenzy (000C44B6)>], [Keyword <MagicRune (00109D79)>], [Keyword <MagicTelekinesis (0007F404)>], [Keyword <DB10MagicLightFire (000FBFEF)>], [Keyword <MagicVampireDrain (00101BDE)>], [Keyword <MagicTrapPoison (001093BB)>], [Keyword <dunCGMagicLightFire (0010E4B4)>], None, None, None, None, None, None, None]
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::temp24]: 27
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::temp25]: True
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [aiIndex]: 11
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::temp26]: [Keyword <MagicInfluenceCharm (000424EE)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::temp27]: False
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [alias Vilkas on quest C00 (0004B2D9)].C00VilkasScript.OnMagicEffectApply() - "C00VilkasScript.psc" Line ?
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             IP: 244    Instruction: 5
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [akCaster]: [Actor < (00000014)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [akEffect]: [MagicEffect < (7B0389EF)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::NoneVar]: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::temp7]: [Actor < (00000014)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::temp8]: [Actor < (00000014)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::temp9]: True
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::temp10]: False
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2625550:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 6 (Page count: 4)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Running (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         <unknown self>.UI.SetNumber() - "UI.psc" Line 62
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             IP: 0    Instruction: 0    Line: 62
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [menuName]: "HUD Menu"
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [Target]: "_root.HUDMovieBaseInstance.CrosshairAlert._alpha"
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [value]: 100.000000
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::NoneVar]: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         <unknown self>.ihudutilityscript.setiHUDNumber() - "ihudutilityscript.psc" Line 20
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             IP: 75    Instruction: 2    Line: 20
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [element]: "_root.HUDMovieBaseInstance.CrosshairAlert"
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [Attribute]: "_alpha"
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [value]: 100.000000
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::temp12]: "_root.HUDMovieBaseInstance.CrosshairAlert._alpha"
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::NoneVar]: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [iHUDControlQuest (37000805)].ihudcrosshairscript.processCrosshair() - "ihudcrosshairscript.psc" Line 64
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             IP: 920    Instruction: 18    Line: 64
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::temp5]: False
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::temp6]: 0
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [showCrosshair]: True
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::NoneVar]: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [iHUDControlQuest (37000805)].ihudcrosshairscript.Show() - "ihudcrosshairscript.psc" Line 42
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             IP: 246    Instruction: 6    Line: 42
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [visible]: True
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::temp2]: 0.000000
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::temp3]: False
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::NoneVar]: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [iHUDControlQuest (37000805)].ihudcontrolscript.processHUD() - "ihudcontrolscript.psc" Line 125
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             IP: 252    Instruction: 4    Line: 125
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::NoneVar]: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::temp15]: True
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [iHUDControlQuest (37000805)].ihudcontrolscript.OnUpdate() - "ihudcontrolscript.psc" Line 114
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             IP: 368    Instruction: 10    Line: 114
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::temp13]: True
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::temp14]: 0.000000
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::NoneVar]: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM] Dumping stack 2624998:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Frame count: 1 (Page count: 1)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     State: Running (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]         [ (0005A6CA)].dragonactorscript.OnLoad() - "dragonActorSCRIPT.psc" Line 91
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             IP: 0    Instruction: 0    Line: 91
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::temp4]: False
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:53PM]             [::temp6]: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp5]: False
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::NoneVar]: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM] Dumping stack 2625145:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     Frame count: 2 (Page count: 2)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     State: Waiting on latent function (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     Return register: 60.000000
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     Has stack callback: Yes
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]         <unknown self>.utility.Wait() - "<native>" Line ?
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             IP: 0
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [param1]: 60.000000
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]         [ (0B00D139)].SF_mannyLoS_Quest_Scene_0100D139.Fragment_39() - "sf_mannylos_quest_scene_0100d139.psc" Line 64
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             IP: 3801    Instruction: 92    Line: 64
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp0]: 60.000000
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp1]: 36
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp2]: " PR: ON PV: ON LR: OFF"
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp3]: " PR: ON PV: ON LR: OFF LV: OFF"
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp4]: True
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [TimeLOS]: 16.613617
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [debugging_1]: "LoS ON:19.000000 OFF:7.000000 T:60.000000"
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [debugging]: " PR: ON PV: ON LR: OFF LV: OFF"
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp5]: True
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp6]: False
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::NoneVar]: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM] Dumping stack 2625553:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     Frame count: 2 (Page count: 2)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     State: Running (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     Return register: True
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]         [alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_LanternQuest2 (1C007FDB)]._wl_lanternoil_v3.TryToStopTorchbug() - "_WL_LanternOil_v3.psc" Line 3367
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             IP: 1628    Instruction: 22    Line: 3367
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp283]: True
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]         [alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_LanternQuest2 (1C007FDB)]._wl_lanternoil_v3.OnUpdate() - "_WL_LanternOil_v3.psc" Line 908
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             IP: 18258    Instruction: 342    Line: 908
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp30]: 1
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp31]: False
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp35]: [Actor < (00000014)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp32]: 0.000000
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp33]: 0.000000
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp34]: ""
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::NoneVar]: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [fThreadTimeDelta]: 0.000000
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [fThreadTimeDeltaSec]: 0.000000
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp36]: False
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [bLightTime]: False
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp37]: False
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp39]: False
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp40]: False
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp38]: False
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp41]: False
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [oFoundTorchbug]: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp42]: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp43]: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM] Dumping stack 2625563:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     Frame count: 1 (Page count: 1)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     State: Running (Freeze state: Frozen)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]         [alias Vilkas on quest C00 (0004B2D9)].C00VilkasScript.OnMagicEffectApply() - "C00VilkasScript.psc" Line ?
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             IP: 0    Instruction: 0
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [akCaster]: [Actor < (00000014)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [akEffect]: [MagicEffect < (9100EFBB)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM] Dumping stack 2625566:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     Frame count: 2 (Page count: 2)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     State: Running (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     Return register: [ObjectReference < (0001A6C1)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]         [DialogueDawnstar (0003829F)].dialogueswapgovernmentaliasesscript.TestForSwap() - "DialogueSwapGovernmentAliasesScript.psc" Line 66
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             IP: 96    Instruction: 3    Line: 66
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [mainAlias]: [ReferenceAlias <alias Housecarl on quest DialogueDawnstar (0003829F)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [backupAlias]: [ReferenceAlias <alias Housecarlbackup on quest DialogueDawnstar (0003829F)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp1]: [ObjectReference < (0001A6C1)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp2]: [Actor < (0001A6C1)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp3]: False
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp4]: False
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [mainActor]: [Actor < (0001A6C1)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::NoneVar]: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]         [DialogueDawnstar (0003829F)].dialogueswapgovernmentaliasesscript.OnUpdate() - "DialogueSwapGovernmentAliasesScript.psc" Line 53
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             IP: 400    Instruction: 16    Line: 53
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp0]: True
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::NoneVar]: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM] Dumping stack 2625567:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     Frame count: 1 (Page count: 1)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     State: Running (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]         [ (00074E1F)].CWDisableHoldPositionMarkerTrigger.OnTriggerEnter() - "CWDisableHoldPositionMarkerTrigger.psc" Line 38
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             IP: 36    Instruction: 2    Line: 38
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [akActionRef]: [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001A66A)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp2]: [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001A66A)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp3]: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp4]: False
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [ActorRef]: [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001A66A)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::NoneVar]: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM] Dumping stack 2625536:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     Frame count: 2 (Page count: 2)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     State: Waiting on latent function (Freeze state: Freezing)
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     Type: Normal
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     Return register: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     Has stack callback: No
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]     Stack trace:
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]         <unknown self>.utility.Wait() - "<native>" Line ?
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             IP: 0
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [param1]: 1.000000
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]         [ (11024B68)]._DE_ShelterDetectSensorScript.OnHit() - "_DE_ShelterDetectSensorScript.psc" Line 13
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             IP: 319    Instruction: 6    Line: 13
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [akAggressor]: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [akSource]: [SPELL < (11024B69)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [akProjectile]: [PROJECTILE < (1104365B)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [abPowerAttack]: False
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [abSneakAttack]: False
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [abBashAttack]: False
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [abHitBlocked]: False
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp0]: [SPELL < (11024B69)>]
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp1]: True
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::NoneVar]: None
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM]             [::temp2]: 39.028881
[08/01/2013 - 03:40:54PM] VM is thawing...
[08/01/2013 - 03:41:33PM] VM is freezing...
[08/01/2013 - 03:41:33PM] VM is frozen




I tried removing ESFCompanions, Werewolf Mastery + Moonlight Tales. Still having stack dumps though...


Is there anything else noticable wrong that may be causing the stack dumps?


I haven't tried to increase iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes yet. I will try that asap.


Could the stack errors maybe be caused by missing files?


Kind regards



Edit: It seems that dragonactorscript and 0005a6ca are repeated many times in my log. Could they be the culprit? I have searched for 0005a6ca and it seems to be a virtual location for Mirmulnir. Which could explain why I'm having the stack dumps, since I fought him recently. I'll try loading a save game from before that fight and see if there's any difference.

Edited by AndrealphusVIII
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