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Selling Ebony

Jenlyn Fayre

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First, I just want to say "WOO HOO!" because I reached level 3! Okay, now that that's out of the way...


I "picked up" some ebony at the Caldera Mines. Each piece is worth a hefty $200, but when I go to merchants, they only want to give me a lousy $78 or so each! Is there somewhere special I need to go to sell the ebony for a decent price, or is this another case of having to bribe the merchant into liking me (yeah, with what money?). The only other thing I can think of is to go to Sedya Neen where Arille the merchant likes me a lot.

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It'll be because they don't like you enough. I'm afraid it's bribe or just go to Arrille :P the more people like you the more you can sell items to them for. Mercantile can also help, but not much, and when it gets to a higher skill level you can actually get less than what you would otherwise if you're not careful.
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If you want someone to bribe, Nalcarya of White whatever is the one to go for because she has 3000 in her budget. Also if you do the first few Mages' Guild quests, Ajirra will love you (at no cost in bribes). She only has 800 though.
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