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Need help with voice acting for the clothes slot animation.


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I have made several types of drones. The ones that hang on the activators were easy to sound by simply adding sound to ck. But a drone - flashlight that flies after the player is in the clothing slot. I don't know how to add audio data to it. I tried adding sound in max along with animation, but this data is not exported to nif. Tried adding sound to light and addonNode (bsvalueNode) to ck - that doesn't work either. Maybe there is some kind of solution?

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  On 10/4/2021 at 12:37 AM, pepperman35 said:

Do the drone deploy and retract? If so, you might could use a script to emit the sound whilst deployed, and turn it off when retracted.


BTW, this is some incredible work you are demonstrating.

I don't know what you mean by deploy and retracts. It is simply "put on" like clothes in pipboy and "taken off" like clothes when not needed. I have it in my mouth slot instead of a cigarette, but you can put it in any slot. These are just animated clothes. I don't know papyrus, no idea how to use the script. (By the way, maybe there are some tutorials. I don't even know where to start fiddling with scripts, because I've never played any bethesda games.) Maybe I'll give you this drone, and you try to sound it?
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There are scripting masters that frequent these forums, SKK, Niston, etc who would be better qualified to advise on how one might go about scripting a sound to a wearable clothes item. Perhaps a post to see if such a thing is possible from a scripting standpoint. I think the fundamental question is whether or not a script could be used to play a specific should when a play "wears" a certain item. Have you made the necessary sound files?

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  On 10/4/2021 at 7:51 PM, pepperman35 said:

There are scripting masters that frequent these forums, SKK, Niston, etc who would be better qualified to advise on how one might go about scripting a sound to a wearable clothes item. Perhaps a post to see if such a thing is possible from a scripting standpoint. I think the fundamental question is whether or not a script could be used to play a specific should when a play "wears" a certain item. Have you made the necessary sound files?

Oh sure. In this case, only one closed cycle of the sound of the operation of electric motors is needed. I have a lot of such wav files.
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Here's a simple "play a sound when the player equips an certain item" script:

Scriptname YOURSCRIPTNAME extends Quest Const

Sound Property SoundToPlay Auto Const
Armor Property YourItem Auto Const

Event OnQuestInIt()
	RegisterForRemoteEvent(Game.GetPlayer(), "OnItemEquipped")

Event Actor.OnItemEquipped(Actor akSource, Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference)
	If akSource == Game.GetPlayer() && akBaseObject == YourItem
		ObjectReference SoundSource = Game.GetPlayer()      ;The source will be the player. You can use another object reference.

Create a new Quest and attach this script to it. Don't forget to fill the properties.

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