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Help with Climates of Tamriel: Night light level


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I am completely new to modding skyrim, and have very little experience modding in general. I just started researching the subject today and tinkering around with different mods to see how my computer would handle them, and if they were something I would enjoy. I downloaded the Nexus Mod Manager and used that to download most of the mods I'm running, including Climates of Tamriel.


My only issue with my current mod set is this: There is no difference between vanilla night light and modded, and I can't figure out how to change the levels of light. The option menu only has vanilla options, and I'm not sure how to access options for mods, or if it's something I'll have to change in the console, or whatever. Looking around the web some didn't turn any useful information, although several times I found the term ENB was used, which I assume is an acronym for something, but all I know is that it has something to do with lighting in Skyrim. Could there be another mod that is required for Climates of Tamriel to work properly? Or am I just missing something obvious that'll make me feel stupid when I find out? I did see a comparison of the different light levels in the mod, and I think level 2 is what would work best for me. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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When you install the mod, do they show up in Nexus Mod Manager under the Plugins tab?


It should be something like;




...esm (whatever DLCs you have


The options you installed.esp (Interiors/Dungeons/DLC's/Night level)


If they don't show up after install you either set the installation folder wrong in NMM (auto detect failed?) Check under options --> Skyrim tab


You have not enabled bEnableFileSelection in SkyrimPrefs.ini --> Open; My Documents\My Games\Skyrim\SkyrimPrefs.ini


Check if this options exists - if not, add it;






Manually check your Data folder (inside of Skyrim Steam installation folder) and check if the plugins are there.

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Wow, that was quick! So .esm is just a file format then? I checked the mod manager and it is listed there under plugins, but there was no .esp with interiors/dungeons/night level/etc. Do I need to download something else to go with the ClimatesOfTamriel.esm?


The installation folder on NMM is listed as:

Mod Directory C:\Games\Nexus Mod Manager\Skyrim\Mods

Install Info C:\Games\Nexus Mod Manager\Skyrim\Install Info

Skyrim Directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim

I assume it's all correct


The bEnableFileSelection in SkyrimPrefs.ini is set to 1, so I assume it's on


There are 2 files in the Data folder: one is a .esp and the other a .bsa


Everything seems to be in order, except for the lack of an .esp with interiors/dungeons/night level/etc. under plugins in the NMM. If I do need to download some sort of addon to go in the plugins list right after COT, could I possibly get a link? It'd help me a ton. Thanks for all the help so far.

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I uninstalled it, but I was wondering what all those links at the bottom of the CoT page were. The first time I just clicked the green Download (NMM) button at the top of the page, but what exactly are all those links near the bottom of the page? Are those addons to be installed along with the one I originally downloaded? Should I be looking through them for anything?


Edit: The second one on the list looks really cool. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20781/?

Edited by doomstrike53
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  • 9 months later...

Hey all,
I followed the instructions and I'm still having OP's problem. Everything's there in Data, all of the .esp's are there, and I've uninstalled/reinstalled twice, but with no change. LOOT didn't help either, but I'm sure it wouldn't anyway. CoT is my only mod that affects lighting. Any ideas?

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  • 2 years later...

I already have COT installed but my nights are too dark is it because I have Pure Weathers running with it at the same time?


Having more than one weather mod installed is generally not recommended and can cause lots of weird things - from snow falling out of blue skies to CTDs... Only use one weather mod at a time.


On a side note: If I remember right, Pure Weathers / Purity indeed makes nights quite dark.

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