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NVSE doesn't work at all.


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YES I have installed it correctly. You don't have to ask about it. ITS NOT IN THE DATA FOLDER.

http://nvse.silverlock.org/ I've tried both versions, beta and the recommended one.

I launch the game using NVSE_loader.exe, and it launches correctly. But when I enter the game I get an error saying that

my current version of nvse is 0.00, and the required one is 2.00. When I use the GetNVSEVersion command in the console it tells me, that there is no such command. I've tried launching nvse trough FOMM but still with the same effect.

Here's the nvse_loader log:



nvse loader 03000020 01CE8E9DF7FA927C
procPath = C:\Program Files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas enplczru\FalloutNV.exe
launching: FalloutNV.exe (C:\Program Files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas enplczru\FalloutNV.exe)
dwSignature = FEEF04BD
dwStrucVersion = 00010000
dwFileVersionMS = 00010004
dwFileVersionLS = 0000020D
dwProductVersionMS = 00010004
dwProductVersionLS = 0000020D
dwFileFlagsMask = 00000017
dwFileFlags = 00000000
dwFileOS = 00000004
dwFileType = 00000001
dwFileSubtype = 00000000
dwFileDateMS = 00000000
dwFileDateLS = 00000000
version = 000100040000020D
steam exe
hook call addr = 00ECC46B
load lib addr = 00FDF0B0
dll = C:\Program Files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas enplczru\nvse_1_4.dll
main thread id = 200
hookBase = 001D0000
loadLibraryAAddr = 76BE49BF
hook thread complete

I have some other custom files in the fallout folder, that are from the ENB of apocalypse mod.


Please, someone help. I really want to play with great mods :sad:

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Installing into your program files isn't recommended, Windows tries to protect them and it can all sorts of problems. Try moving your Steam games to somewhere like C:\Steam https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=7418-YUBN-8129 even if this doesn't fix it moving Steam will save you from additional problems later down the line.

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