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apatheticnarutard - BANNED

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apatheticnarutard banned.





Intentionally uploading content that you do not have permission or credit to share. Aggressively berating the original author in the mod description. You are no longer welcome in this community.


"some candy-ass pussy f@&#!t named {AUTHOR} or some s#*! deleted all his mods off nexus for reasons nobody can understand or give a s#*! about. so here's a reupload of one of those mods, except I made it this time prove I f*#@ing didn't."


"shor's stone. you can google up {AUTHOR}, the pussy f@&#!t who deleted it from nexus if you give a s#*! about supporting his f@&#!try. I did not get permission to do this, but I couldn't give a s#*!, call the cops."


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