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Thieves Guild as a Heavy Armor Battlemage?


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My current skyrim save is about... 10-20 hours and so far I've played as a Dark Elf mainly skilling Heavy Armor, Destruction and One-Handed ( a little bit Restoration). My levels are:

Heavy Armor: 38

Destruction: 42

One-Handed:: 43


OK. That said, I want to join the Thieves Guild right now. I actually already have and have done the first quest. Sneaking and Pickpocketing wasn't necessary there.

My question is, won't be sneaking and pickpocketing harder wearing heavy armor?? I obtained the Thieves Guild's armor and I wondered if I could just wear it while I'm doing quests for the Dark Brotherhood, the Thieves Guild etc and otherwise, I change back to my heavy armor. Is this a good idea? I really don't know. This way, I'd probably skill both Heavy and Light Armor but only wear one at a time. Yeah, I just wanted to know what you think about this.



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You don't really need sneaking it just helps in some way (especially Dark Brotherhood where you have to kill sometimes unnoticed and 1 of the Thieves guild mission where you have to sneak inside somewhere) but for the Thieves guild it's not really needed the only thing i could advice is try some illusion spell(invisible), sneaking(succesfully) with heavy levels it up faster if you combine it with invisibilty sneaking will level up really fast other then that well here's and old clip of oblivion that explains what i just said :p http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6S6D46Mp3o

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Thanks for your answer. I think I'll put away that Thieves Guild's armor and stick with my heavy armor. There will be a way to reduce the noise of heavy armor, I'm sure. So then I can do pickpocketing and assassinating (going to do the Dark Brotherhood too) without being caught.


And he's pretty brutal, that Ork Assassin :D

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Thats a spell. Makes you move with no noise for some time. I guess its in illusion school, but can be also in alteration, not shure.


Oh, i'm so bad at those magic-type thingies, never played mage charachter in whole TES series. Always go smahing heads, when run out of mana, and then just can't stop. Should try it some day)

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Muffle is a spell indeed forgot what school it was too but there is a Sneak perk that let your armor make less noise too. But you'll see it for yourself ;) as i don't play Skyrim that much(aka lack of time) but in the "past" i've made all kind of characters My main was became All in 1,i started off with 1handed+restoration(as nord) 2nd character was a woodelf (archery +sneak) 3th was a high elf(all magics(good mod might be euh... http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13450/?= no need to cast those armor spells anymore)) after that i starte using SkyRe+Frostfall and well made allmost the same kind of chars but with a specialisation So if you have a stupid question feel free to ask i'll try to respond asap ^^ a cool type i made for a friend once was a bound bow archer -thief :p

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Great mod, I'll give it a try.


@Urtel well the char I'm playing at the moment is my first mage character, and it's pretty awesome, but at the beginning you run out of magicka quite quickly and that's why I use Heavy Armor/One-Handed at the same time as destruction.

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Someone correct me if I am wrong. I think steed stone helps with sneaking. "Those under the sign of The Steed can carry more and do not suffer a movement penalty from armor." I think that movement penalty includes noise, so steed stone should remove that.


But anyway... My current character has heavy armor and steed stone and it´s pretty easy to sneak behind people and stab them with greatsword. Never bothered to use muffle.... So thief wearing heavy armor is viable option IMO.

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The Steed stone can help indeed but i pefer the thieves stone(=25% faster training in all sneak skills ) and the guy has propably an other stone selected because he's a BattleMage but invisibilit is better :D you canmake as much noise as you want they'll never see you so you'll never get detected Xd and for a battlemage this is a viable option or a trick from oblivion (idk if this still works) wear fur shoes ^^

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