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Ajira in Belmora-help

Jenlyn Fayre

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:help: Ajira had a bet with a woman that she would be a journeyman before her. I placed the fake soul gem on the woman's desk as Ajira requested. Ajira keeps asking me if I did it. How do I tell her that I did as she asked? There is no "Yes or no" option appearing for me to tell her and I'd like some more duties...
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You weren't told to put it ON the desk, rather IN it. ;) Activate the desk and take out the real soul gem, then put the fake one in there. Then talk to Ajira. That should do it.


You can also steal some of the soulgems from on top of the desk if you like, they're quite expensive and powerful, but if you do keep in mind you can't ask Galbedir to enchant anything for you in the future as she'll attack you if you try to use any soulgems of the type you stole.

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You can't. You'll have to reload an earlier savegame.


As for activating the desk well... use whatever button you press to pick up items while the word "Desk" is hovering in a box above the desk. (I don't know what that button is on the XBox).

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I made the same mistake and when I went back to correct it, Galbedier had her back to me the whole time.


Also, I didn't take the real soul gem or anything else, but later on I stole all of them. I had to levitate from the stairway and use telekinesis, but it was quite fun.


Also, I went into the console and typed "help" to see what I would find. One command was Toggle Full Help ('tfh"). With it on, I can see the ownership history of items, so I'll know who I've stolen them from.

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