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How to loot a firewood pile and have it disappear


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I had originally converted firewood piles into containers, but that isn't realistic. I thought it would be nice to make it into a "Tree" so it may disappear upon collecting the wood, but CK crashed when I tried to place a test wood pile I setup as a tree. Obviously its mesh isn't set to proper type. I did manage to create the wood pile as Flora instead so merely clicking on it adds a number of firewood to inventory, which is much better than a container, but the wood pile still remains.


Any clue how I can have the wood pile disappear once collected? I still want it to respawn eventually too. Any help be appreciated!


On a side note, the CK gives me four problems. One, when viewing a NPC only Full view works; face view only shows eyes and mouth. Two, after about a hour double-clicking to open anything will just stop working; I have to close the CK and reopen. Three, closing the CK gives me a failed to shutdown properly error. Four, I had my ESP become corrupted apparently as it crashes Skyrim and CK when try to load, but thankfully I have a backup so lost a couple hours of work instead whole thing.

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Regarding the firewood.


Don't think it is necessary to convert to flora or what have you. All you need to do is place an invisible activator on the firewood pile. Then use a script that on activation gives the player firewood and disables the firewood pile & activator. The same script would register for a single update for whatever length of time you'd like (say 24 hours) and re-enable the firewood pile & activator when the update event gets called.

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Adding activators would take forever to apply to every pile of firewood in Skyrim. I used the replace object feature to swap all the static piles with my flora piles. I have done similar with other statics, like hay stacks are flora that give straw when clicked.


I am looking to use activators on wells, since there are just a handful in all of Skyrim, so when activated they give you some bottles of water.

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