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script question: meaning of %=

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In the context of the code snippet below, could someone explain to me what %= does? I get that += advances iSoundToPlay by 1, but not getting how to interpret %= with regard to iSoundToPlay.

int iLastSound = -1

Function TriggerRandomHallucinationAudio()

;Play a random sound effect near the player

ObjectReference PlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer()

int iSoundToPlay = Utility.RandomInt(0, 3)

if iSoundToPlay == iLastSound

iSoundToPlay += 1

iSoundToPlay %= 4


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Its an ECMA standard script expression for remainder assignment. Never used it myself in Papyrus tho.


looking at that script maybe this is cleaner:


Int iSoundToPlay = iLastSound

While iSoundToPlay == iLastSound
iSoundToPlay = Utility.RandomInt(0, 3)
iLastSound = iSoundToPlay
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A side note I am extremely careful using unbounded while loops without an incrementing iBailout counter condition to avoid perpetucal hanging scripts, like:


Int iSoundToPlay = iLastSound

Int iBailout = 0

While (iSoundToPlay == iLastSound) && (iBailout < 5) ; limit to 5 frames
iSoundToPlay = Utility.RandomInt(0, 3)
iBailout +=1
iLastSound = iSoundToPlay


In this case a randomint pick where 3 of 4 values break the loop is low risk (unless the RNG is beyond broken) so not really necesary.

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Makes sense. Now let’s advance the discussion a bit, shall we. Let’s say I have generated a random number between 0 and 20 and I want to act on its values. Now one could set this up with a rather long IF ELSEIF statement but that seems a bit nasty to me. Is there a better mousetrap?


BTW, I am pulling this example from DLC03AtomSpringScript.

Edited by pepperman35
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If each value triggers a discrete outcome which can not be keyed to the value (an array, formlist or refcollectrion getat index), since Papyrus doesnt have a switch/case structure, If ... elseif is probably the way.


Looking at that DLC script I would drag my sound selection into a formlist of sounds and look up the index:


Int iSoundToPlay = iLastSound

Int iBailout = 0

Int iUpperValue = pMyFormListOfSounds.GetSize() -1 ; the 'ol index starts at zero thing

While (iSoundToPlay == iLastSound) && (iBailout < iUpperValue) ; limit to the length of the form list
iSoundToPlay = Utility.RandomInt(0, iUpperValue)
iBailout +=1
iLastSound = iSoundToPlay

Sound theSound = pMyFormListOfSounds.GetAt(iSoundToPlay) as Sound


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alright then, that sounds a little more efficient. Thanks for the response. I am getting way too involved in this moonshine business, might need a little taste of it myself. Medicinal purposes... cough...cough. Once again, I do appreciate you helping us padawan scripters.

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