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What beats these specs?


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This guy says he can use ANY ENB, with mods, and well MAX ultra settings, with fraps, and basically get smooth 60fps constant. with GTX 670 and i5 Ivy Bridge 3570k



Im pretty sure an I5 4670K beats his, not sure, but what about a 760 GTX OC? Im not very good with specs here, but I'd just like a little insight and detail to this. And will it be a good idea to get 2gb of vram or 4gb? And is 8gigs of ram PLENTY or should I need more?

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60 FPS with ENB +Fraps and everything on Max? I call bull unless he runs the game in 720p and/or without any major HD texture mods/vegitation mods.


I run a heavy textured game and very dense vegitation on this specs and I get ~40 FPS outside without any AA. Using ENB as well.


Core i5 2500K @ 4.7Ghz

8GB 1600Mhz CL7

Asus GTX680 4GB @ 1300/6800

Win7 x64

1080 single monitor


But then again, my game looks like this;








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Tried a lot of them, didn't like them, made my own eventually.

used Project ENB as base (because I once made an CoT + RLO version for bronze316, which unfortunately changed too much in his opinion) so after that became a dead end I have completely redone .fx files, .ini files, changed color balance, redone SweetFX as well. It's not on Nexus, it's not 'general' enough for that since it's made to be used together with a bunch of other mods and I'm really not in the mood to crash test it with every other possible mod people can throw at it to break it up... or make X versions for different situations, and support them.


However there's a few people using it.

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The only difference with that ENB is that it has set the most demanding effects to false and changed the filter qualities down to 'medium' (2) instead of the default 'ultra' (0) which you could basically do with any other ENB as well...

Might as well just use SweetFX then and gain even more performance, dropping ENB altogether... by using this: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/37846/

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Good replies guys :) Im trying to basically finish this rig thing, its all down to the damn GPU.

So is a GTX 770 2GB better than a GTX 670 Sli? This one guy has two of them. But the 770 looks beastly.


OR! Will the 760 GTX OC be enough to max it ALL out with ENB plus mods? THATS what I wanna do :P

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