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People don't get scared if you draw your sword and hold it other their heads.


Yes they do. they loose some disposition to you when you do that, the morrowind equivelent of fear.

Just tried that and no they don't maybe are you talking about when you hit them?


Disposition is not the equivilant of fear in Morrowind it is how much someone likes you.


EDIT: Hold on I just found that when you talk to a NPC while holding a weapon over their head it actually puts thier disposition up to 10! Then I tried on guards but it didn't work.

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The vampire disease, Porphyric Hemophilia, is remarkably similar to a combination of two real-life diseases, hemophilia (a hereditary blood-coagulation disorders in which the blood fails to clot normally because of a deficiency or abnormality of one of the clotting factors. Hemophilia, a recessive trait associated with the X-chromosome, is manifested almost exclusively in males.) and pyrophilia, any of several disorders of porphyrin metabolism, usually hereditary, characterized by the presence of large amounts of porphyrins in the blood and urine.

Kind of interesting...

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The vampire disease, Porphyric Hemophilia, is remarkably similar to a combination of two real-life diseases...

I could add that people suffering from porphyria were sometimes in the old days thought to be vampires due to several symptoms often associated with these creatures.


One of these is a sort of "allergy" to sunlight which causes rash and pustules to appear on the skin if you are outside during daylight.


Also, the fact that porphyria is caused by a failure of the body when creating heme (the thing in your blood that carries oxygen and gives blood its colour) also supported the common belief that vampires need to suck blood. (and that they could that way make up for the lost heme in blood)

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  • 1 month later...
Serogorath not Sheogorath

Are you attempting to correct me?


You are wrong. The correct name is Sheogorath. It's especially foolish of you to post in a thread after a month's time to falsely correct me.

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