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The woman with the red hair in balmoras fighters guild is a worshipper of clavius vile. though she wants the bitter cup, she has no interest in the Helm of clavius ville - witch should be much more wantable. You cant even talk to her about it.


You can complete mw in less than 5 hours.


M`aiq the lier is sheogorads servant

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I was trying to get to a dwemer ruin ( while on an Ald'Ruhn mage quest ) when I ran into this completly suicidal orc uber-samurai outside Suran. I think he called himself by the name of his sword, Umbra. He wants you to kill him.... so gloomy




I will try to fight him soon, as he has really nice-looking armor..... and its not really evil because he actually wants to die fighting. I could be cheap do a levitate-blast combo but i'd rather fight him fairly.... I just have to make a good sanctuary/shield spell first as he seems to be extremly strong.

Anyway he is hard to reach... and I dont remember his location exactly. I used levitate to fly over the area when I met him though.

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yeah, umbra, two handed, insanely powerful sword, killing him is a tough one if your playing a balanced game, if your under level 10, avoid him.


theres this woman in caldera, the khajit who becomes friends with you, she says that the woman worships an evil god.

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This "Woman in caldera" is actually in Pelagiad, and only becomes friends with you if you are a male character. plus, its best if you are in the thieves guild, as otherwise she wont trust you as much.


the Sload are an aquatic race that isnt seen, but often mentioned. their oily skin things are made into a soap that is expensive (If you dont have 50 drakes :P )


there is a bar for exotic dancers in Suran, where they employ acrobats to dance. the publican of that club is in debt many times.

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new bit of info!


vampires, although usually compelled by hunger for blood, are often used as lab rats (or lab bats, i suppose) by mages. some vampires use their powers for good, and become vigilantes, although they are still hated.


bretons are often labeled as passionate and eccentric. some become actors and bards, but most dont.


At 6 classes, you have a 100% penalty, which makes you pretty useless to begin with. But, once you go beyond 6, you have more than 100% percent penalties. Every day your character wakes up, he must roll a D4, and then multiply that number by the percentage above 100% (ex. 120% is a D6 x 20). The result is how much damage you take each day. If you die from this roll, you are automatically revived with one health, and you are assigned to the Bum Class and are reduced to level one. If you prefer, at this time you can roll a D4, and on a 4 you can switch to the more powerful Drifter Class instead, but all penalties remain the same.

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Somthing I always found interesting, Daedroths, the crocodile headed Daedra have names and sexes. A quest given to you by the fighters guild involves you accompanying an imperial soldier to hunt a female Daedroth.


I cannot recall her name, but this does hint that they have some sort of society, I wonder if she named herself? Do they have parents? Who knows with those Daedra and their wacky ways.

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Some random facts


Flame Atronachs die in lava.


NPC can't sit down even though they have chairs.


Guards don't help you when you get attacked but when you attack someone they'll come and attack you.


Slaves beg for you to free them yet when you do they stay in the same place.


You can eat diamonds yet they don't mess up your teeth!


People don't get scared if you draw your sword and hold it other their heads.

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