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Dawnguard: Be a Hated Vampire at level 4 again help


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Hey guys, I recently bought the Dawnguard DLC because I liked to extend on the vampire side of the game. but I was surprised to see that after the dlc is installed you are no longer chased and attacked by the townspeople for being a vampire. I REALLY don't like this, I loved the feeling of desperation you get when you have to sneak around looking for a victim. the vampire curse is no longer a curse to me, its unbalanced.

so I'd like to ask guys, can anyone make me an esp that will make people attack me at stage 4 vampirism? or does anyone know how to change it and can tell me how? any info would be appreciated.

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I don't have any other Mods installed, I used to have a small amount but I like playing it vanilla now. I have spent quite a while searching up answers and all forums I have looked at states that it is confirmed that stage 4 vampires no longer get chased. only in vampire lord form do people get chased now. so im not sure why you are still being chased at stage 4 vampirism.

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  • 2 months later...

This. Thisthisthis. I would love to see a mod that makes vampirism actually a little more challenging again. The fire/sun weakness has absolutely no balance with the powers you get as a vampire lord. :B Just my two cents.

Also, AlduinWorldEater is wrong; Dawnguard does make people stop chasing you around at stage 4 vampirism.

Edited by Digipup
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