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SkyUI Version problem.


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Hey, I've just got a new computer and I've installed the latest SKSE from http://skse.silverlock.org/. I then installed SkyUI from Nexus, went to Files and selected to download SkyUI_4_1 with Mod Manager.


This where the problem starts. When I go in-game and bring up the MCM Menu. I'm told "MCM Skyrim Edition 3.0" is that right? should it not be version 4.1?. Also the only mods I have on so far is SKSE and the SkyUI but I don't see the SkyUI option in the bar because it is just blank.


What have I done wrong?. I know I've not done something right but not sure what it is.



Edit: This is the MCM Menu I see/

Edit: Proof that I've got 4.1 selected on Mod Manager.

Edited by Royalty27
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  • 2 months later...

Hey, I've just got a new computer and I've installed the latest SKSE from http://skse.silverlock.org/. I then installed SkyUI from Nexus, went to Files and selected to download SkyUI_4_1 with Mod Manager.


This where the problem starts. When I go in-game and bring up the MCM Menu. I'm told "MCM Skyrim Edition 3.0" is that right? should it not be version 4.1?. Also the only mods I have on so far is SKSE and the SkyUI but I don't see the SkyUI option in the bar because it is just blank.


What have I done wrong?. I know I've not done something right but not sure what it is.



Edit: This is the MCM Menu I see/

Edit: Proof that I've got 4.1 selected on Mod Manager.

You haven't necessarily done anything wrong; the MCM system just uses a separate version number from SkyUI as a whole. Like if they release a SkyUI 4.2 but don't make any changes to the MCM system that modders need to take into account, then SkyUI 4.2 would still come with MCM 3.0.


The separate numbers are because the MCM system was first added with SkyUI 3.0, so it wouldn't have made sense to say "MCM 3.0" when the MCM system was brand new. It's since gone through two large updates; hence the version number.


Now, regarding MCM mods not showing up, as Jeir says, make sure you're starting the game with the skse_loader.exe; see the video tutorial linked on the SKSE page for reference. And realize that it may take a minute or two for the SkyUI and any other MCMs to appear when the game is first loaded; just because they aren't there right away, doesn't mean they're not working.

Edited by DreamKingMods
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  • 1 year later...

Bump, because I have waited a half hour, new save, fast traveled, slept, waited, quit to main menu and loaded again, and doing it again all in one run, and never have my mods popped up in mcm. Same problem as this guy.

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You shouldn't need to use an old version of Mod Organizer. Just tell it not to manage your BSA archive files. And make sure its INI files haven't turned off the invalidate old archive files feature. I forget the exact name of that setting, but it should be easy enough to find. With Mod Organizer you either need to turn off or carefully configure the archive management feature. Just using it in the default setting seems to cause problems. (With great power comes great responsibility.)
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You shouldn't need to use an old version of Mod Organizer. Just tell it not to manage your BSA archive files. And make sure its INI files haven't turned off the invalidate old archive files feature. I forget the exact name of that setting, but it should be easy enough to find. With Mod Organizer you either need to turn off or carefully configure the archive management feature. Just using it in the default setting seems to cause problems. (With great power comes great responsibility.)

That's not 100% true. There are no issues with MO and Skyrim and how the BSA files are handled, I suggest you keep them managed by MO.

There are however some minor issues with BSA management with the older games, Oblivion, Fallout3/NV where it might be beneficial to disable that feature, but your situation doesn't appear to be related to that.

Log1n, I've seen your posts on a number of threads and they all seem related to how you might be using MO, yet I don't recall seeing you post anything in either of MO's official support forums.

Might I suggest instead of asking authors of mods that aren't related to this issue, you come and post a question with us. I'm sure it is just a minor thing that you might even be able to rectify yourself with just a little guidance. Have you read the wiki or watched the videos?

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  • 3 years later...

Hab mich extra bei Nexus angemeldet. Bin Neu was das modden betrifft & mir gehts eigentlich nur um die Hässliche Caharkter Grafik :sick: & parr andere wichtigste Skyrim mods.


Erst hat es schon ewig gebraucht das das registrieren funktionierte,da Tagelang immer wieder keine Bestätigungsmail kam & nun das. Ich krieg die Kriese! :pinch:


Wäre Bitte Irgendjemand so Gütig mal einem sozusagen Grünling auf Deutch weiterzuhelfen,

bei dem ganzen English getexte schwirrt mir schnell der Kopf :confused: & alles übersetzen kostet Heutzutage einfach zuviel Tageszeit.


LG & Danke

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