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Need to find my character's custom skin value from save game


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So I had created a skin tint add on mod last year which worked great... until that last little ninja update to the CK a number of months back. It hosed a few of my mods, including totally obliterating my skin tint mod. All of the races still show as being edited, but all of the custom skin tones are now gone.

The only place they exist are on the saved characters I was using for testing.

It took a few days to make the mod, and I really don't want to have to do all of that guess work on the values again.


I've tried Wrye, FOMM and hex editors in an attempt to find the values for my now lost skin tones in those save game files, and am wondering, does anyone here know of a way I can retrieve that information? It can be either in hex, or in RGB values. Either way, I can use them to rebuild the mod.

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