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Alert sound when being summoned


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Thanks modders, for making this game even more enjoyable on PC than it is on
xBox! Awesome job on the mods so far, my game looks amazing and controls are excellent.


Here's a little tweak I reckon -although what do i know- won't be very hard to accomplish: A proper alert for when you're being summoned to another player's world.


I tend to pop down a summoning sign, kill everything there is to kill without losing the summoning sign and run off after the kids or go watch t.v. on the couch while I wait to be summoned. The sound we get when (if) we're being summoned now is quite hard to hear and only audible when the summon has already happened. It'd be great if we could have the "you are being summoned" message also trigger an alert or alarm sound, so we know we're to rush back to our keyboards and engage in jolly co-operation!


Thanks in advance, also from the poor folk trying to summon the afk Sun-bro!

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