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why do i die so much


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Some times when i play this game i get a curse or a spell and it effects me in anyway the spell goes but i have a god mode cheat on and with a spell like weakness 2 fire on a target some times it gets reflected so i kill'em sleep an wake up dead















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It isn't always easy to understand what you are saying. I was under the impression that the god mode cheat made you invulnerable? So how can you end up dead? Or did you turn it off after killing the opponent while the reflected spell was still active?


Could you be more specific about what you want answered and we will try to do so. But even without the cheat on you quickly learn how to avoid dying after you have played the game for a few days. By the sound of it you know the game fairly well, so you shouldn't be dying all that often!

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this is assuming you aren't cheating with godmode... but if you are taking damage from a spell that does (for example) fire damage for 60 seconds and you go to sleep, you'll keep taking that damage till you finish out that 60 seconds even if you go to sleep.


since it takes several hours to gain health back, your resting can't keep up with the damage and you die. i experienced that alot in the dark brotherhood quest in tribunal.


hope that helps

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You die because you are a cheater, and the gods have decided to smite you for your failure. Your dishonor has doomed you to death and eternity in my hellish Realm. First your character will die as you watch helplessly. Then you will join him in death, and I shall eat your soul!


The Mad Bird God has spoken. Now go, and prepare yourself for your fate.

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Lol Peregrine :lol:


I hafta agree with Malchik on the whole understanding thing. Sentances end with periods and you should capitalize the word I. Its not very easy when you type sentances that are difficult to understand or read because its hard and not cool well now i've sead my pece so i'm gona go nao



That last sentance was an exapmle. And yes, I used to be cheater untill Peregrine suggested I stop. For fear of my own soul, I stopped and now I dont cheat. Its a really effective method. :D

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