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The long-lost auto-favorites mod needs a comeback


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Pick up a potion, go into inventory, select Potions column, search for the new potion, favorite it.

Rinse and repeat... for hours upon hours. How tedious.


How about this instead: Pick up a potion. *boom*, it's already in the favorites.


Stupid Draugr Deathlord and his damn Disarm shout.

Pick up weapon, go into inventory, select Weapons column, search for your weapon, favorite it, open favorites, set your hotkey again.

Rinse and repeat... I'm almost tempted to leave my Daedric Mace of Fiery Hell on the floor to rot, now.


How about this: Pick up your weapon, open favorites, set your hotkey. Done.


It takes ages to navigate your way through the inventory screen. Which is why most of us use Categorized Favorites, so we get everything on one neat page.

How cool would it be to have a mod that automatically favorites items when you add them to your inventory? Maybe a SKSE plugin with a cfg file that contains specific keywords, so only the items you want get favorited?


There used to be a mod like that, but it died in early 2012 and doesn't work anymore.

Would anybody be interested in picking up the pieces?

I'm sure it's feasible through the magic of SKSE.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't auto-adding every item that you pick up to the favorites menu just turn the favorites menu into another inventory menu? It would get full pretty quick.

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