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Load orders - nothing works..


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I have spent so much time trying to get them to work, but no matter what I do I get crashes, mostly when using the PIP-boy.


I have downloaded to different softwares that is supposed to help me sort it out, but none of them even recognize that I have the game installed (or something else is wrong).


My current load order is as follows..


Shogo Heavy industries

Project Nevada core

Project Nevada cyberware

Project Nevada equipment

Project Nevada rebalance

Project Brazil


Jip Companions

Unlimited companions

TGsarmor collection vegas

New Vegas bounties.esp

New Vegas bounties II.esp

Weapons mods expanded






Any glaring mistakes here? And are there any other useful mods I should use to enhance my gaming experience?

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First and foremost: Do you actually have the Steam version of Fallout?


Second: Have you tried Fallout Mod Manager or Nexus Mod Manager?


1: Yes, I downloaded New Vegas through Steam.


2: I have NMM installed and use it to download and fiddle with all my mods.

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Try the method of halves.


1) Disable the bottom half. Still crashes?

1a) re-enable the bottom half and disable the top half.

1b) if step one eliminated the crashes, then you enable half of the lower + all the upper.


If disabling both the upper and lower did not help, this means you have two or more mods with an issue,

So to test which ones enable only the top 1/4, then on the next launch the bottom 1/4


This is faster and more certain then the 1 at a time method. Faster since you can eliminate blocks of mods at once. More certain since it will also show if you have more then 1 failing.


Tedious but this will tell which mod is failing. It is much simpler to trouble shoot 1 then 10.


Once you know which one(s) are failing, you start with just that one and see if it is a conflict or a installation issue. If it works with the trouble one by itself, you them start adding in blocks of the others to see which mod (or mods) it is having an issue with.


You might also consider some of the bugfix mods they sometimes help.


Also, the game itself is unstable on Windows 7 & 8. User mods add ALOT to the fun but make generally at the cost of a little more stability. Not saying "don't mod", just saying it takes a bit of troubleshooting and there is no one fix to all the crashes.

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Well for one you need


Project Nevada - WMX Support 1_3



I don't recognize a lot of those you have, I can tell you Shogo gave me issues, I suspect that project Brazil and Project Nevada will not play nice together.


Personally I would install WMX support, uncheck project brazil, do a BOSS load order sort. Then THIS IS IMPORTANT click on every esp in FOMM and check what it requires as a master file. You have a small mod list it will be easy to figure out. If you have a mod that requires falloutnv.esm and then some nonexistent in your load order esm or esp then that is your trouble mod.


When the game fails to boot this is because one of your esp files is trying to access another esm or esp that does not exist. Just click down and see which mod is doing this, it will show you in the description what files each mod needs to run. I garantee you will get it to boot into game if you do this.

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Also look for a Project Nevada Compatibility patch for Project Brazil....I don't know how Project Brazil FOMOD installer works...maybe it automatically prompts you and puts in the correct esp for compatibility? If not the mod site says something about a compatibility patch but I could not find a link...it might be in the mod file you downloaded.

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