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Hunch on elder scrolls VI


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Hey guys i was reading the wiki on elder scrolls and i came up with a theory for the elder scrolls VI

Ok so the dwemer dissapeared during the first era, they found something called "The heart of Lorkan" and they tried to get inside it/ manipulate it. the Chimer hated the idea and thought it was blasphamy so they waged war on the dwemer at the red mountain, during that battle the dwemer dissapeared because of a "Dragon break"

(from the wiki)

"A Dragon Break is a temporal phenomenon that involves a splitting of the natural timeline which results in branching parallel realities where the same events occur differently, or not at all. At the end of a dragon break, the timeline usually reconnects making all possibilities and outcomes truth, though some of them may contradict each other."

So. im thinking that the dragon break will end maybe during the 5th era and cause the dwemer timeline to crash with the one in the elder scrolls games, and multiple things could of happened to the dwemer during that time, for example

it said that multiple timelines we're created, maybe a timeline the dwemer were sent to was one where they won the red mountain battle and maybe conquered most of tamriel? and when the timelines clash together again the dwemer conquered tamriel could of "overlayed" itself over the Tes games tamriel so like suddenly out of no where dwemer forces/settlements ect suddenly appear where they built them in their timeline in the Tes games timeline, the dwemer just as confused as the tes timeline tamriel attack? maybe?

Just a hunch from what info iv gathered, thoughts?

Edited by Ackerman
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I like the idea of dwelling bit further in Dwemer related things. I don't like the idea of ever properly solving what happened to them. Some things are more fun when shrouded in mystery, I'll hate it if we ever actually see some.

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Which Wiki was this? I ask, because i've never heard of the Disappearance of the Dwemer being linked to a Dragon Break.


Personally, i suspect that TES VI will be either in Valenwood or Blackmarsh (Elsweyr would work as well, if it weren't for the number of Khajit sub races...) and will focus more centrally around the Thalmor and their agenda. It will either be an invasion of the Dominion, or something related to thwarting the Thalmor and whatever nefarious schemes they have.


As for the Dwemer attacking... Aside from the poorly explained Falmer thing, the Dwemer were not really prone to fighting with people. They were highly insular and much more interested in their own brand of spirituality than anything on the outside world. They were skilled in battle, of course, and had many contraptions designed for war, but it was more as a defensive measure than any means of conquest. Because of that, i don't see "Invade everything!" as being a Dwemer reaction.

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The Mer got their turn at the brass ring with Morrowind, with Skyrim the focus is definitely on Humans, and Oblivion was all about an Empire that welcomed all, Man, Beast and Mer alike, with liberty and equality of opportunity, and this was especially true for Argonian women who dominated the intellectual pursuits in Oblivion (authors, researchers, guild leaders; in terms of influence Tar Meena is probably second only to the Archmage.) I don't know if the designers intended it but in Oblivion Argonian women excel to a very noticeable degree.


Then it all goes wrong. In Skyrim the entire Argonian middle and upper classes are gone save two shopkeepers in Riften. Where are the Tar Meenas and Quill-Weaves? Is the Argonian population so tiny there simply hasn't been the talent pool to draw from, or is the discrimination so bad -- even in Solitude -- that a smart, ambitious Argonian can't seem to get ahead?


Well obviously the next installment of TES needs to deal with that: what happened to the Argonian intellectual class, that formidable overwhelmingly-female cadre who kept the Mage's Guild running, the presses printing, and the puzzles being solved in Oblivion? It's time to give the Beasts their turn at altering the course of history. Black Marsh is where the next installment should be.

Edited by RatcatcherOfKvatch
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The overwhelming majority of Argonians were recalled to Blackmarsh during the Oblivion Crisis. Only the strongest willed would resist the Hist, which is probably why you see to many higher class Argonians in Oblivion. Since then, and the succession of Blackmarsh from the Empire, few Argonians leave, partly due to the influence of the Hist, and partly due to the general lack of anything they want outside of Blackmarsh.


Those Argonians you see outside Blackmarsh in the 4th Era are probably renegades and outlaws, or otherwise enemies of the An-Xileel. So the reasons for the state of Argonians does make sense given their recent history... Still, i do tend to agree that Blackmarsh would make for an awesome TES6

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If it takes place in either Blackmarsh or Hammerfell, i suspect it will be about drumming up allies for the Empire. The An-Xileel would make superb allies, though would require the approval of the Hist (Hist Realm as the Daedric realm for that one maybe?) who are notoriously choosy when it comes to non-Argonains. Anything set in Hammerfell would do well to be focused around the Sword Saints. Elsweyr would probably have something to do with the true cause of the disappearance of the Moons. Valenwood could revolve around the Thalmor pissing off the Green Man. And of course Summerset would be about the Thalmor, possibly about the whole 'end of the world' scenario. Highrock could be the same, as the Adamantium Tower is the only one that remains.

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You get some serious Elder Scrolls Lore Ninja points for explaining late Third-Era Argonian demographics. Nice.

Your explanation only makes me want the Blackmarsh experience even more. The "Nord Aldmeri Frontal Assault" just doesn't strike me as an ES installment. It's too obvious. But the Argonians ... their best and brightest returned to Blackmarsh and kicked the Daedra's butts during the OC. They invaded part of Dunmer territory for mysterious reasons. The marked intellectual differentiation between male and female makes them very mysterious: why are the women calm, ambitious, and intellectual while the men are impulsive, adventurous, and unreflective? (These are just trends; City Swimmer and Teekeus both defy the trend.) What exactly does the Hist do to Argonian psychology? In Oblivion Argonians have very diverse interests and talents; does that individualism lead to conflict when the Hist-entity asserts its leadership? Is there an Argonian independence movement?

The player is supposed to come from humble beginnings and evolve into a major player key to some world-changing event. Dragonborn 2: Payback Time just doesn't seem to fit the idiom. It would've made more sense as DLC, but that ship has sailed.

An Argonian hero (like Skyrim's "Nord hero", ie person of any species who is hero to said people) who rises from anonymity to fulfill some master plan in Blackmarsh, something that puts Blackmarsh on the map and brings the Aldmeri their doom (or at least sets their twilight inevitably into motion) would be a cool twist, a tale crafted in the classic tradition of the series.

What's it like to live in Blackmarsh? Are there grand cities with entire quarters submerged? Maybe there's a mostly-submerged city with little accommodation for those who can't breathe underwater, a "landstrider slum" like Windhelm's Grey Quarter. I'd love to see what the Bethesda team could do to the place.

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