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Differnt ware form for each race. Ware Cat for Khajiit etc.


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Berton, imperial and redguard stay wolf.

Nord change to ware bare,

aragonians change to the wingless dragon man that is in another mod.

Khajiit ware tiger.

Dark elf. New texture of the ware wolf. less hair purple skin tint.

High elf. New texture of the ware wolf. Blond wolf.

Wood elf. New texture of ware wolf. Blond wolf (smaller than regular wolf)

Orc. Ware boar (from dagga fall)

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It's 'were' not 'ware' and I'm not sure a human becoming a wolfman ever made much sense either - but good luck with that request.


Lol true, but its less of a leap that a cold blooded lizard becoming a wolf man or a cat (the opposite of a dog ) becoming a wolf man. But point taken.

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Lol true, but its less of a leap that a cold blooded lizard becoming a wolf man or a cat (the opposite of a dog ) becoming a wolf man. But point taken.


Genetically a cat is not the opposite of a dog, they are actually fairly similar at least on a genetic/physiological level.

Granted, a reptilian humanoid hybrid is a bit further removed than a cat human hybrid, if we used reason with Skyrim then Argonians wouldn't be able to maintain body temperature and would go into a comatose state and die. Ie. the reason why snakes and other reptiles love sun bathing.


If you check, I believe I've seen a mod or two similar to what you were asking for though, so best of luck finding one.

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Another lore breaking idea.. you do realize that each "werebeast" is derived from a different strain of lycanthropy right? It's in the lore. Why do so many people not know this? Have you played any of the previous ES games? Have you ever been to the elder scrolls wiki? http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Lycanthropy

pffft! UESP all the way!

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