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Cell Reset (ihourstorespawncellcleared) clears Settlement fast travel links


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If you craft a 'fast travel' mat to move a settlement fast travel location, then wait for the cell reset (480 hours) via your preferred method, the linked ref change is lost.


Also happens for my Vertipads (which move the 'FastTravelFlightLandingFurnitureLinkedRef' linked ref).


News to me, but not you veteran FO4 wranglers out there I bet...


My question? Best method to restore that link.


I can add an 'ongamestart' to the script to fix it on game restart, but would prefer an event triggered by the actual cell reset.


Any ideas?


Updated: Only some settlements (modded ones?) Now thinking this is a mod induced bug, rather than a game one...

Edited by PJMail
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No, that is news to me. Cell Resets shouldn't clear linked refs like that.


Can try to get around this with the reset event on the linked objects(the parent linkers)


; Event is triggered when the refs parent cell is either reset or reset() is called on the ref.
Event OnReset()
    if GetLinkedRef() == none
        ; restore links using SetLinkedRef()
Edited by Rasikko
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Workshop locations where you can build stuff are not supposed to reset, ever. But it happens when the cell where the object is built is not tagged with the workshop location.

Modders sometimes do that because it's the only way to turn some places into settlements without breaking everything else in those places. So they take an unused cell nearby, tag that cell and set up the workshop there, but then extend the buildable zone boundaries from the "helper cell" to cover the actual area of interest without touching any of the cells there. It's a somewhat problematic practice (theres more than just this cell reset issue to it), but sometimes the only other choice is not to have a settlement in the desired area.


A simple test if this is the problem can be performed by trying to build a bar:

If you can build all vanilla bars in the spot, it's tagged properly. If you can only build the nuka cart (if you have Nuka World), then it's using the technique as described above - or just plain broken.


Cell reset is governed by a location's encounter zone, so if the actual location's encounter zone does not have the "never resets" flag, it will reset at some point.

The problem can usually be fixed by setting the flag on the respective location's encounter zone, altho that might or might not cause side effects for preexisting stuff tied to the particular encounter zone.

It might or might not be possible to set the flag from Papyrus script even. Check the EncounterZone script.


I personally use a mod that sets clearable locations to not reset before 100 years (ie never).

There exists a variant that adjusts this setting for all cells, so the problem can be, and does get, sidestepped by players.


Restoring the reflinks by script certainly seems doable as well.

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Extra info - my test was faulty and I find I cannot reproduce this issue - so looks like an issue with the reporting user's setup.

Also I now find they are on 1.10.50 and I forgot they use Scrap Everything (almost a reason to say 'you asked for it' - that mod is brutal).


@Rasikko - the linked ref is on the Settlement mapmarker, so no safe place to put an 'onreset', but a useful bit of information.

@Niston - Very interesting - I would never have guessed the encounter zone controls (or can stop) Cell resets. So easy to get strange effects then if your build boundary extends past that zone... What is that mod you referred to (that sets clearable locations to 100 years)?


I will consider this issue something brought on by that users setup/mod list and unable to pursue it further...

There is no way I can duplicate their setup so this will have to be one of those 'happens in somerare cases' sort of issue.


Thanks for all the good info though!

Edited by PJMail
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It's a mod I made early on, it has a bunch of other stuff in it as well. To adjust the cell reset setting create override in xEdit:

Game Setting -> iHoursToRespawnCellCleared


I have mine set to 1000 years (8760000 hours) even, not 100.

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Workshop locations where you can build stuff are not supposed to reset, ever. But it happens when the cell where the object is built is not tagged with the workshop location.

Modders sometimes do that because it's the only way to turn some places into settlements without breaking everything else in those places. So they take an unused cell nearby, tag that cell and set up the workshop there, but then extend the buildable zone boundaries from the "helper cell" to cover the actual area of interest without touching any of the cells there. It's a somewhat problematic practice (theres more than just this cell reset issue to it), but sometimes the only other choice is not to have a settlement in the desired area.


A simple test if this is the problem can be performed by trying to build a bar:

If you can build all vanilla bars in the spot, it's tagged properly. If you can only build the nuka cart (if you have Nuka World), then it's using the technique as described above - or just plain broken.


Cell reset is governed by a location's encounter zone, so if the actual location's encounter zone does not have the "never resets" flag, it will reset at some point.

The problem can usually be fixed by setting the flag on the respective location's encounter zone, altho that might or might not cause side effects for preexisting stuff tied to the particular encounter zone.

It might or might not be possible to set the flag from Papyrus script even. Check the EncounterZone script.


I personally use a mod that sets clearable locations to not reset before 100 years (ie never).

There exists a variant that adjusts this setting for all cells, so the problem can be, and does get, sidestepped by players.


Restoring the reflinks by script certainly seems doable as well.

To add to this...

Cells that are "problematic " sometimes allow you to build any type of vendor IF you open the workshop INSIDE that cell. The real test is does it work as intended ?...NO..The vendor will respond with default settler replies and dialogue. They wont give you the intended dialogue like "you look like you need a drink etc.. " for example..

Had this issue in my latest Overwatch location mod where 2 cells belonged to Corvega and i didnt want to break the location so i left them as is...but the result was as stated above...(everything else worked fine though )...

Note: clinic worked just fine which is weird and needs looking into. Maybe apply its differences to the other ve ndors and make them work as well.

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Really interesting! Does all this work exactly the same for interior Settlements (Vault 88, Mechanists Lair)?

I ask because boundaries etc are presumably applied differently (or at least trying to work out if all Interior Cells are covered)...


I don't know if this is a related question, but what effects NPC resets (where they reset back to default outfits etc)?

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