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Mannequin Equipment help requested


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Hi all, any help or guidance would be appreciated.

I'm attempting to use Mannequins as Iceheart Sisters "/mods/50295", Blank Mannequins plus Hearthfire, and I've loaded 225 NPCs into the list for randomization.

I'm also using UUAMR "/mods/42009", and have generated different bodies per race, and the required bodyslide armor sets for each (costs me approx 150 GB for armor meshes, no tri files, but well worth it).


Player character and all NPCs conform to these mods, each race having their own body and armor sets to match their racial bodyslide.


Now for the odd part.

To sum it up, all mannequins display a visually record-correct NPC, race, and bodyslide model when naked, AND when clothed with vanilla armor sets (removed the ArmorManakin WNAM Skin from Race record for this to work).

However, SOME 3rd party armor sets I've built (which do work on actual NPCs and player character), do not appear on the mannequins, while others do. The items show in their inventory, slot 32, but the mannequins remain naked and seemingly unequipped.

I've been fiddling with the Mannequin NPCs and ManakinRace, but no combination of changes seem to allow the invisible 3rd party armor sets to display on the mann's. If I'm in unfamiliar territory, k, I'll keep working on it, but if anyone has any ideas, I'm listening.

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Check the armor addon record(s) for the affected mod added armor. Make sure that the mannequin race is on the list of races allowed to wear the item.

ManakinRace is present in all Armor Addon records, vanilla and modded... I'm now considering this an engine glitch


I started a new game, went back to the mannequins, and experienced the same glitch using the same armor, but only on some mannequins... it works on some, fails to equip on some (same NPC race), or won't even transfer the equipment to the mannequin on others.


I'm not considering it a lost cause, yet, but might see if I can work out a different implementation

Edited by radiusrsatti
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kk, topic change but still related to said mod... I'm using a Template list for mannequins... I have 2 built, one referencing vanilla NPC formids, and the other referencing copies of those NPCs with new formids


If I use the vanilla NPC template list, it loads those NPCs in the mannequin placeholders (NPC formid, bodyshape, headparts, all of it), but because of the number of mannequins present, there are multiple copies of NPCs, Lydia, for example... therefore, Skyrim then can't differentiate between all those models if I were to, say, removeallitems from the Lydia following me, and NPC specific commands don't seem to function on said NPCs


So I created the 2nd list with copies of the same NPCs, with all final overwrite records of said NPCs, and the relevant headparts renamed to their new formids... Every time I load into the mannequin space, CTD... more specifcally, using .netScriptFramework dll, I get error messages similar to this one... it has also referenced Serana, Ingjard, Rakel, Sexica, and a couple others I can't remember after .bak renaming said headparts


Possible relevant objects (5)
[ 21] BSDynamicTriShape(Name: `MorwenHeadHP`)
[ 92] NiCamera(Name: `WorldRoot Camera`)
[ 135] NiCamera(Name: null)
[ 150] ShadowSceneNode(Name: `shadow scene node`)
[ 153] BSMultiBoundRoom(Name: null)


The NPCs whose headparts are causing these crashes are renamed duplicates of the headparts in use by Bijin, Pandorables, etc for those specific NPCs... meaning they all work just fine normally... if I remove them, mannequins are blackfaced, ofc, but the game loads normally


should I just break down and try this in CK instead of manually editing in xedit? is that the likely answer?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The NPCs whose headparts are causing these crashes are renamed duplicates of the headparts in use by Bijin, Pandorables, etc for those specific NPCs... meaning they all work just fine normally... if I remove them, mannequins are blackfaced, ofc, but the game loads normally




I neglected to copy the facetints for respective faces... works now :(

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