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Skyrim maximum memory usage ?


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how much memory is used before the game freeze ?

i use win7 64 bit,6gb ram, Nvidia geforce 650 ti

usually my game freeze when i reached 1,3 gb (from task manager and ellys mem info) while entering new cell or browsing long list of crafting item at forge, or entering door after browsing

is that normal because skyrim is suck or there is some setting tweaks ?

i expect my machine should hold 2-3 gb before freeze or ctd, is that possible or i ask too much?


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Skyrim tends to freeze when reaching 2GB of VRAM

Other issues could be conflict with mods, or even your CPU.



I was using Warzones with my CPU at 3.4GHz and my game was freezing in certain cells.

I overclocked my CPU to 4.3GHz and now those cells are perfectly fine.

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32bit app on x64 system can use 4gb virtual address space.

Skyrim will crash due to memory limitation at 3.1gb displayed in the working set of the memory.

use something else to monitor memory usage, not task manager.


try Skyrim Performance Monitor for instance.

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Like prod said, unfortunately Skyrim is limited directly by it being a 32-bit application. Your hardware has little to do with freezes or CTDs if you're maxing out the allotted space within the game itself.

That said, I had the same problem, generally got crashes around 2.6gb usage by Skyrim and had to restart the game to keep playing. Also, if you get stuck with the frozen/black screen and can't close out of Skyrim with task manager, try opening your task manager out of the game and changing the options to make Task Manager "Always On Top".

Some things you can do to address/reduce the issues with the limitations:

1. Install ENBoost, be sure to follow the instructions carefully and make sure you download ENBSeries and correctly install that to make it work right. I've found that this "patch" helps a lot with the 3.1gb ceiling issue.

2. Reduce resolution of texture mods. If you're running something like HD Skyrim 2k Textures, get the Lite download and install that, and if any of your other texture mods offer medium-resolution textures, install those instead of the high/ultra size ones. The difference is hardly noticeable and you won't really miss having 4k resolution fence posts or tree stumps or whatever it is in the long run if it means stability.

3. Uninstall "environmental sound" mods. Things like Climates of Tamriel's sound files and stuff, I've found use a lot of RAM for some reason. Or maybe not, but I disabled a few sound mods that added inconsequential stuff like birds and things in the background and got a drastic improvement in stability.

4. Remember that landscape is the real killer when it comes to the RAM limit. If all else fails, try to fast travel and stay indoors or within cities as much as possible.

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