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Is this the only way to do it in the G.E.C.K?


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Why does the G.E.C.K. do this? It's like Bethesda/Obsidian said, "Hm, you know what? We should make it so highways, something people walk on, are completely void of solidness, so players can fall through." WTF?! Do I really have to draw every single collision mesh? Can someone tell me an alternative?




It took me 20 minutes to do that. Any ideas?

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Is there a way to JUST see Lonesome road items? If not, that's fine. Thanks, again!


Put "overpass" in the filter box, then sort the result items by Form ID (the second column; usually hidden), descending. Items with a Form ID that is not starting with 00 are the ones you are looking for.

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Is there a way to JUST see Lonesome road items? If not, that's fine. Thanks, again!


Put "overpass" in the filter box, then sort the result items by Form ID (the second column; usually hidden), descending. Items with a Form ID that is not starting with 00 are the ones you are looking for.


You have an answer to everything. I am really appreciative. Thanks!

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