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Crossdressing In Skyrim


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how can a nation be founded entirely on shlongs? :ohmy:


I don't know... but I'm willing to find out. :dance:


Jk that was a funny comment though.



Probably an accidental necro bump, but...


Just ask Japan. HEYO!

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I had some success putting a dress on a male body using Bodyslide (check the pictures);
I do in fact plan to make mashes for all the vanilla clothes for the oposite genders (men in dresses, women in pants) but it's a slow going project, riddled with random pit traps, when doing the exact same thing gives different results and I can't figure out why...

So it's possible, but tedious. I might get there one day, or I might not...



EDIT: aw, bugger, I only just noticed that this thead was necro'd... ah well. May it rest in peace?

Edited by Syntia13
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