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After cloning a weapon and mods, receiver mods are showing up for original version. Keywords appear set up properly.

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I'm having a very mod-breaking issue that I'm currently struggling to work out. I've been working on a remaster of Combat Rifle Overhaul for the past month or so, learning as I go along. There was an issue with magazines disappearing from the mod list, and the only way to fix it aside from possible scripting, is to split the Pistol, 5.56, and .308 receivers into individual weapons instead, so a Light Rifle, Medium Rifle, and Heavy Rifle. I've been at work doing this, and I've got the Light Rifle about halfway done as far as getting all the mod parts sorted. But there is a serious problem, after I cloned and renamed all the receiver mods, also rekeying them to the new keyword ma_LightRifle, they won't show up. Instead at the same time, the receivers for the original Combat Rifle have become horrible broken, it's almost as if the newly created Light Rifle receivers are trying to merge with the versions they were created from.

I've been working almost entirely in FO4Edit because I find it simplier and easier to work with in many ways, but I thought the Creation Kit might hold information that FO4Edit cannot show, so I loaded the mod up into the Creation Kit. When I did this, I was met with a box titled IMPORTANT WARNING and containing the string below:

MASTERFILE: File 'Combat Rifle Overhaul Rebalanced.esp' contains forms which generated warnings on load. Check the EditorWarnings.txt file for <CURRENT> warnings.

Despite this, EditorWarnings.txt contains the exact same string of text with no further information. I can still freely use the Creation Kit and look at the weapon and mods. Looking at the Light Rifle, the keyword, and the Receivers in Creation Kit, everything still looks like it's set up properly. I have no idea what could possibly be wrong.

Edited by Panzerkatzen
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I did, created them as separate objects, renamed them, and assigned them to appropriate receivers. Here's a screenshot of the standard receiver setup.


It might be worth mentioning that opening it in Creation Kit a second time generates a list of FormID errors and severs the master connection between my overhaul and the parent. I'm not sure if that's part of the problem or just a CK issue. I'm also not sure if those errors are anything to worry about or if they're because CK severed the connection to the master.

Edited by Panzerkatzen
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I did figure it out, it's because I never finished setting up the Construction Objects. I thought they were just crafting recipes, so I didn't pay them much attention and considered them low priority until core work was done. I realized a few minutes ago they also point to the created OMOD, which does not show up unless a Construction Object is associated with it. A dumb mistake probably, but at a glance they didn't look so important.

Edited by Panzerkatzen
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I did figure it out, it's because I never finished setting up the Construction Objects. I thought they were just crafting recipes, so I didn't pay them much attention and considered them low priority until core work was done. I realized a few minutes ago they also point to the created OMOD, which does not show up unless a Construction Object is associated with it. A dumb mistake probably, but at a glance they didn't look so important.

That's why I asked if you duplicated (and assigned the "duplicated" OMODs to them!) the "craftable item"-things as well.

It is all linked together.

The constructible object points to the OMOD that gets created and that need the correct keywords so that it can be attached to the custom weapon. (I think, I have not made any custom weapons yet, but I have edited some of this stuff before, like adding new selectable ammo types to weapons).

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