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Off center shots,bullets


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English is not my native language,sorry if i mess up the spelling. Thanks a lot for the help!


So i noticed that ALL weapons bullets/shots are off center,like,slightly down crosshair so i uninstalled all mods except for a test room mod so i can track the mod causing it,but without mods the problem it's still there, so i tough that a mod messed up the game and then uninstalled the whole game and mods, leaving everything clean.


The thing is that didn't fix the bug,so,what now?


These are the things i tried:


The reinstall said before


Weapon Mesh Improvement (aka WMI), wich fix the mesh of weapons -> Didn't work


No bullet travel mod (self explanatory), I though maybe it was the projectile itself -> Didn't work /// I also complemented it with No weapon Spread and with a character maxed out


Change resolutions (i was playing Fullscreen 1920 x 1080) -> Also nope




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I thought that was to simulate the spread effect of bullet? FNV has Steady to zero spread, but F3 dont have anything like that so we have to live with it?


In wikia there's a table of features of guns, and in any gun there's a column tittled Spread~


Also, weapon condition can affect spread. Same weap, same skill, same bullet, 1st shot is different from 5th from 10th.

Edited by laclongquan
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