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Fallout 4 Ideas and Awesome features


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Everyone's excited about the upcoming Fallout 4 game which is supposedly will be unique and a lot better than the previous ones. And wouldn't it be awesome if the developers see their fans' wishlists and apply them? So, here is mine (it is a big one, I know. But there are SO many things on my mind) :

- First of all, enhance the models of the NPCs and the character's appearance (Like in Skyrim)

- Variety in weapons and make some pre-war and new weapons.

- Put some really epic sounds for the weapons. Sounds which will attract people and make them love shooting.

- maybe experience some events before the war occured. like time-traveling or something. To show how the war started.

- Different JOINABLE factions, which allows player to experience the storyline from different perspectives.

- New animations.

- More detailed gore and dismemberment.

- Maybe make the game take place in another country, other than America. (like Russia)

- Creepier atmosphere, better and ehanced lightings, different scary encounters. (like light flashing, somethings appears then vanish)

- Maybe join the military (if one existed). After you do, everyone respects you more.

- Better armor and clothing.

- Sprinting

- Kill animations (like in Skyrim when you kill someone from behind in sneak mode)

- Definitely keep the V.A.T.S.

- Maybe better pipboy (although this one is good) but maybe make it like pipboy 4000 (Improved more)

- Keep the option to choose Hardcore Mode.

- more weapons for silent kills.

- assassination missions or something. (side quests)

- Bounty Hunter missions (side quests)


- By progress, you can become the leader or master of a faction.

- When you use weapons or work with a specific skill you improve that skill. (example: you kill someone with a baseball bat, you improve your melee weapons skill. You hack a terminal, you improve your science skill, etc..)

- If possible, let the blood marks on bodies STAY, not vanish.

- Bodies don't disappear.

- Be capable of hiding bodies killed in sneak mode.

- Maybe talk about (in storyline) how things were with your dad (from fallout 3) before entering Vault 101. (Not essential, just a thought)

- If there mutants, make them MORE OF THEM

- Unlimited Followers

- THIS ONE MIGHT BE AWESOME: Make areas be filled with toxic air, beside the radiation. And insert the feature of wearing gas masks in such cases to breathe purely. And buy filters (like in Metro: 2033/ Last Light)

- Make the pipboy's light useful, especially at night.

- if possible, make some jumpscares to make the game creepier.

- New natural disasters occur sometimes as a result of the war. (like emissions in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.)

- Keep caravan cards or make a similar game. (that game made me a lot of caps)

- A Treausure hunting side quest.

- Have the ability to remove any attached weapon addon.

- Include in Hardcore mode: getting low on ammo and saving every bullet for the right time in order not to go dry.

- Better combat system. Like take cover and good tactics.

- As mentioned, make fallout 4 with a different engine!! (Skyrim's engine would be perfect)

- Better companion AI, and the ability to create a gang or a faction.

- Keep the reputation system and disguises, it's really awesome that way.

- The ability to take any secure house or something as a temporary shelter. (I hope they do this)

- Don't make it look like everything survived was from in the 50s-60s (clothing, armor, weapons, furniture, etc..)

- Ability to pay someone to take you to a location (like in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.) maybe instead of Fast Travel.

- More realistic crippling

- The ability to take over a town. (Sounds good, right?)

- IF this is possible, the game might become a lot more amazing if there was a sanity/insanity feature. Like when staying in a dark or mutant/ghoul-infested place, the sanity drains. And when you become like insane, you start hallucinating and seeing unreal things.

- More raider/fiend bases and encounters

- First person body view, if possible. (See the rest of you body - lower part- in first person view)

- More facial hair and hairstyles (especially for males) .

- Better animations = better gaming

- If possible, this may be really good. have the ability to hold a flashlight while holding a single-handed weapon (like pistols) and attach a flashlight to weapons which will substitute the pipboy light. (which is a lot better and creepier especially in dark rooms and buildings)

- Drinking effects (like being dizzy, having sometimes a blurry screen, and lose accuracy)

- In Fallout 3, I used to face a problem at the beginning where I care a lot about not being shot, losing health, being crippled, not having enough stimpaks, and raiders all around. I want that feature back. It was somehow not present in Fallout: New Vegas.

- Sleeping doesn't heal crippled body parts, doctors do. (more realistic)

- IF possible, for all the SLENDER fans, we'd really might like a creature which appears only at night, and teleports. Looking at it drains health (and if the sanity feature will be included, let it drain sanity also)

- Some mutants come out at night and gets damage from light (this way, the flashlight will be a protection and lighting mean)

- battles take more time.

I have much more ideas but these are like the top and essential (in my opinion). I hope these would be read and considered.
if someone has anything else, share it with everyone

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this is like the 5th FallOut related topic to pop up recently. so ill just post the link to all the others so you can read those. most everyone has posted their idea in at least one of them, if not more then one or all of them (i think which is my case) :P


in order from most recent:

Started Today

Started 7/15. Last Post Today

Started 7/20. Last Post 7/27

Started 5/29. Last Post 7/12


i wouldnt bother posting in those last two threads. those conversations have ended, and there is no need to continue them. i post them merely so you can read our thoughts. the first two however, as i listed, are still being posted in, so feel free to join those discussions.


Also, Welcome to The Nexus :D

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