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lol- fallout 3 hilarious findings


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I was at a friends house last night and he rented fallout (i prepare for boredom since i have the game) my friend who has only played the game twice didn't now the danger of old olny and walked straight into it. five death claws jump out at him (he was in 3rd person) he lost two limbs and he hadn't evan drown his pistol.
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there were several things that hours of non stop playing and having absolutely no life you can find


while exploring some tunnels not sure where the game failed to load a few walls that blocks you from going in to the nothingness of the game. curiously i explore it looking at it shooting it a few times then saved my game and proceeded to walk backwards through the abyss. my character starts falling then somehow he passes the same place that i was just at not once but 3 times picking up speed every time then the game drops me on to the ground of the tunnel and it kills me instantly.


another one was right after i got the bloody mess perk. i was in a massive fire fight between me super mutants and talon company mercs. i was killing them left and right the fight took about 10 minutes to finish (massive amount spawned in that particular area.) when it was all done and i was looting i saw something that just wasnt right. there was a head with eyes and two arms floating in the air with the flesh stripped off of it. just staring at me grinning.


and then one of my first weapons i created and sucessfully added to the map. it had the ability to paralyze anything you shot. well i just thought it would just temporary freeze animation and leave the creature still standing. but when someone was running at me and i pulled that weapon i shot the guy and it reminded me of that video i saw of the fainting goats. the guy just siezed up and shook as he fell to the ground. (on a related note some people when shot with that weapon had a tendency to melt into a mutated pile of skin.)


and still my favorite is the yao guai that i killed when it was in full sprint after me and the thing flips over my head over the top of a hill and did cartwheels all the way down the hill.

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I wouldn't exactly consider this hilarious, but while I was exploring the landscape I came upon a raider den that harbored a "Super Mutant Gargantuan" which was probably twice to three times the size of a behemoth. In the midst of the gunfire, someone (probably me) shot the generator that was keeping the fence electrified and unleashed the monster. The raiders didn't exactly leave me in good health, so as one could imagine it was a very quick battle involving one blast of his fist.


A little while earlier I saw a super mutant named "Uncle Joe" or something that was talking about a super mutant producing facility. Could the two be related? I'm not going to find out until I get some more firepower.

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Yesterday i was wandering around sd mart when i saw a guy being attacked by raiders ,after saving him the guy say to me:

s-s-stop g-give me all your money,n-now.

then u get 3 answers to choose from :

-ok,there you go

-ok,let me just draw my weapon

-son,you better go away before you hurt yourself


i chose the 3rd one and then he actually ran away after saying: "t-thats not the first time you do this,is it?"


i never saw him again , well alive. ;D

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so, who else found one of the many references to fallout 2? for me it was the toilet (the one in fallout 2 where you plant dynamite and it blows the place sky high (due to all the methane supposedly)), i'm not 100% certain but it seemed to be a similar sort of thing...


i found a random toilet out in the wasteland which seemed to be surrounded by gas (oh yes)... so, i lob in a frag grenade and see a minature nuclear explosion (i got blown backwards as i wasn't far enough away) but unfortunately the toilet was still there when i went back... i'm not sure if this was meant to be a random encounter or not but it made me laugh....


was this definitely a reference to fallout 2 do ya think or is this wishful thinking?

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I was playing one night, going through a house that was full of Raiders, when one of them runs round the corner and scares the piss out of me.

I flipped over to vats and blew her head into hamburger with the Dan Wesson PPC (awesome gun) from about arms length away. The rest of him just flies backwards, except for his gun, which is doing lazy cart wheels in the air in between us...


Also, in another Raider camp, I wasn't doing too good, when two raiders bust in with assault rifles. I go back in to vats, and target both their heads with my shotgun. The first one goes down, no problem, no gibs. The second shot goes off and... splatters the head of the dead raider. He had fallen just right to block my shot on the second one.

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Three Dog said

My mask, Leroux's Hockey Mask

looked ridiculous. :verymad:

Actually, he was referring to the Ghoul Mask... Ledoux's quest isn't part of his broadcast, but the

ghoul insurrection at Tenpenny Tower


I never wore the ghoul mask even once. The mask I mentioned however, was pretty much constantly on, as I am a VATS machine.

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