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lol- fallout 3 hilarious findings


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I was in rivet city once when i noticed shrapnel coming out of a door, so I was talking to him and them I entered the room he left, turns out it was their room and I just go myself locked in.


That's probably the only time I have ever lost Karma doing the right thing and trying to get out.

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My friend came over to play with me and we started playing on Fallout3. He went around killing everything but found tht he could not kill the trader caravans, so, he went to canterbury commons just to kill all the brahmin by setting them alight with the shishkebab. He kept reloading just to do it... He really hates those Brahmin...
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  • 3 weeks later...
I was replaying the who dares win mission when I killed a group of Enclave soldiers, after I had looted the bodies and was heading up to the top of the crawler when I noticed one of the bodies was spazzing out all over the place. I use a lot of mods The 20th century weapons mod ( a must have mod) and the replacer body mods and the original fallout weapons mod as well so that may have done something cause it ?, I also have a screen of it.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Similar to another post ive played the game before and i came across the supermutant in the electrified fence but no raiders this time just him but he had the weapons of another supermutant type that carries that firehydrant thing with the shopping cart on his back well i was low level then like level 5 only a few weapons i pulled out my 10 militmeter pistol and shot one round through the fence at him and he instantly appeared on the outside of the fence like 5 feet away from me but i was still within swinging distance so he swung his firehydrant at my head and it hit directly and my characters head exploded! and my body went flying across the map like out of sight
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I once had a raider jump off a SatCom array, only to land next to me, giving me Morrowind flashbacks.

Having a Sentry Bot telling me to 'Have A Nice Day' shortly before opening fire.

Watching a seemingly invincible raider get chased by the Evergreen Mills Behemoth, shortly before it killed the monster with a 10mm pistol.

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Watching a seemingly invincible raider get chased by the Evergreen Mills Behemoth, shortly before it killed the monster with a 10mm pistol.


Okay, I'm going to add that raider to my list of "people in fallout 3 i REALY don't wanna met" :blink:


Well, if you do bump into the guy, you can "cheat" and just go into the console, click on him and type "kill". Let's see if he still stand against the all mighty console codes.

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I like using reversed pocketpicking to give the kids in little lamplight different kinds of enclave armor, when you come back a few days after the place looks like a city of dwarven warriors, or the kindergarten of the enclave ;) ...also you can get pyjamas or the mole helmet this way, the latter one i really like in combination with leather armor for me, antagonizers outfit for clover and the mechanists outfit for jericho....really screwed super....well...villian theme-team but fits the surreal charakter of the game!


[english=not my mothertoungue - in the case i made too many mistakes, please excuse me, its been a while since school]

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The NPC's in Fallout 3 have sticky fingers, this has happened to me twice this month, I was releasing a captive from the mutants and went in the same direction as her and she was headed towards that friendship subway entrance surrounded by raiders of course, she doubled back and came up to me and took a weapon off of me, damn thief!.. ;D


Then again today, I gave all the members of Lyon's pride a WHAT Area 51 laser weapon with the groovatron except Sarah because she get's hostile towards you when you use the groovatron on her, I left her with her tri-beam laser, so off the Lyon's pride and I and the robot go to take back project purity from the Enclave, on are way there during battle Sarah grabbed a WHAT area 51 laser weapon off of me during the battle, damn she most of been jealous that everyone in the Lyon's pride had a weapon like mine except her!.. ;D



Er, what?


Vanilla NPCs don't take things from you outside of a dialog, and even then only when it's scripted to do so, such as arming the people in Big Town. Must be a mod you're running.

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