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Everything posted by evilneko

  1. Not only that, they seem to think they are climbing out of said holes! :excl: Anyway, every generation seems to have its people who think theirs will be the last, that they're living in the end times. Ain't happened yet. I tend to think that if there were to be an end times, it'd be something not man-made. Pretty much all of the world's current crises are man-made. We can fix them. Asteroids bearing down on us from space (to use a cliche example), not so much. I'd like to take this opportunity to say good bye. Due to recent events I no longer intend to participate in the Nexus Forums.
  2. currently: pissed about koutetsu's banning.
  3. There's a direct link to the file in the window that opens up. Most mods are just too small to bother with using a download manager for though.
  4. I think that's probably the article that the Escapist piece I read was based on. Like I said previously I've lost all interest in D3 now. Probably gonna suck just as much as D2 did anyway.
  5. For Battlefield, it's more than likely a firewalling issue. Connections are being rejected at one or even both ends. This may be caused by a firewall, or by security policy applied to the user's account preventing the game from creating the socket in the first place. Disabling the firewalls on each computer (or preferably, specifically configuring them to allow all types of traffic for the game. Third-party firewalls such as Outpost often have a "Learning Mode" that can be used to let the firewall build its own rules, very useful for games.) and running the game as admin should get around the problem. As for filesharing, Network Type should be set to private. Public will disable and block file sharing. In the Network and Sharing center, make sure File Sharing and Password-Protected File Sharing are enabled. Now share a folder. By default, the Everyone group has Read access. You can add the Authenticated Users group if you want and set their access to Full Control (or Co-Owner as it's called by its "friendly" name). This way, anyone can read the folder. If they supply a valid (to that computer) username and password, they can also add, change, or delete files. On the other computer, open Windows Explorer and type in \\ComputerName\ShareName in the address bar. It should prompt for a username and password. Since Everyone has Read access, it doesn't matter what you put in if you just want to grab a file. If you want to add or delete however you'll need to use the logon details for an account that actually exists on that machine. See this technet article for step-by-step with pictures: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb727037.aspx#EFAA
  6. Via The Escapist: Oh, I love it when you lie to me. Lie to me some more! Lie to me some more, please!
  7. I think this thread illustrates what a minefield the chatroom is. One more reason to steer clear.
  8. S&P (and only S&P) downgraded us because of the huge deal the right wing made about the debt ceiling. I'm sure you've all heard just how many times it's been raised in the past, and that it's not unusual and in fact normal to only raise it at the last minute. It's only natural that it should be raised when needed since Congress authorizes the spending anyway--if they didn't want to spend more, they should've voted down more spending bills. Add to this that the debt ceiling itself could very well be unconstitutional at least as it is currently implemented. This, IMO, is why the lunatic fringe was trying so hard to get a "Balanced Budget Amendment" tacked on. I am supremely glad that no such requirement made it into the final bill. It probably wouldn't have been ratified anyway, but it could've been used to make the debt ceiling constitutional (by repealing a certain section of the 14th), and on top of that is not only nonsensical but harmful to the country. Both parties failed epically in this whole debacle. At least they got the FAA re-authorized... funny they managed that what, the day after I posted about it... I never did like this particular right-wing plank. Probably because it simply isn't true. Taxes for the upper brackets are the lowest they've been in years already. Corporate profits are at an all-time high. Trickle-down economics simply doesn't work. The focus should be on the middle and lower classes. Unemployment checks, welfare, social security, medicare and medicaid all do more to stimulate the economy than tax cuts for the rich. Yeah, entitlements. I just went there. And you know what? That bailout thing? Worked. A Good Thing. Stimulus? Worked too. Brought jobs. Both parties are obviously nuts. Currently at least the Dems are the lesser of the two evils, but can we get a decent third pary in here?
  9. I guess maybe I'll try installing on my laptop... see how it goes with an unpatched install.
  10. It's an unrelated issue.
  11. What does file sharing have to do with lanning Battlefield 2?
  12. That's part of the problem and part of why trademark exists, actually. If I make a game that sucks and call it "Eldar Skrolls" it hurts the reputation of "The Elder Scrolls." See Notch's blog post.
  13. No, it was staged so that Republicans could try to look good for their more extreme base (read: Tea Party), at least for a while. The Democrats--and Obama in particular--have absolutely not endeared themselves to their voters. Pretty much the only win for the left was the removal of the senseless balanced budget amendment. The whole kerfluffle was a Republican victory. Hopefully a pyrrhic victory, as swing voters disgusted with the right's tactics decide to turn elsewhere, but a victory nonetheless. But more than the democrats, and the left in general, the real losers are we the American people. Not only will jobs be lost and the economy slowed thanks to the cuts, but the whole circus around the debt ceiling "problem" distracted attention away from another, very real problem putting thousands out of work and costing the government hundreds of millions in revenue: the shutdown of the FAA. Were it not for the debt ceiling circus, this would have been the top story. We raise the debt ceiling, realizing that it is necessary to raise it in order to build underneath it so that it doesn't fall. Fixed.
  14. So... I thought it might be because of a change I made in the ini file to allow multiple master loads, but it wasn't.
  15. Have you watched a CPU monitor while playing? Pretty sure Oblivion does fine, though I haven't played it in forever and don't remember. Fallout 3 and NV sure do. All four of my cores are in use during play and you can even watch usage drop on one or two of them when you bring up the menu. :thumbsup:
  16. Based on this post I think you shouldn't post your question here and anyone answering it would be risking mod wrath.
  17. Today, I tried to place a plain vanilla item (specifically, a heavy incinerator) into the world. Nothing. I wondered if maybe it was just the particular cell I was trying to place it in (near Gun Runners), so I tried placing one in Goodsprings. Nothing. :/ At least it didn't crash though. I have verified I have the latest GECK (1.4).
  18. That's such a huge load of BS... ugh. Apparently he subscribes to Players Are Morons 300%.
  19. So I finally got a bug up my bum to re-make the pyrokinesis mod I used in FO3 for NV. Rather than look up instructions how to port an esp (probably involving remastering with FNVEdit I guess) I just screenshotted the relevant windows in the FO3 GECK and then used the pics as a guide to remake the thing in NV, and make a couple changes along the way. I figured it'd be cleaner that way, plus it wouldn't reference cells from FO3. With my shiny new esp in hand, I check the form IDs in FOMM and fire up the game, expecting to blow Gun Runners sky high with a few well-placed fireballs, or maybe just shove a flaming fist up the ass of that one guy outside the booth. Naturally it didn't work. I couldn't add my fiery mental weapons no matter what. I double-checked the mod index. I double-checked the form ID. I even added an item from another mod successfully. Then I noticed the error said "Invalid inventory object" -- not item not found. So I googled, and from what I found I got the impression that maybe the form ID was in conflict with another item. So I changed it in TESnip (you know, included with FOMM), since the GECK, in its infinite wisdom, has no such capability. And that didn't work either. Worse yet it didn't seem to recognize the new form ID. It would say item not found, if I tried using the new form ID. If I tried the old id, it would say invalid. I double and triple-checked, in GECK and FOMM, the form ID shown was the new one I had assigned manually. I still couldn't get it to actually work. Then I got the bright idea of actually placing the weapons into the world, and so I did, drag and drop and make sure they're on the ground and not below it and save the esp. And when I went to close the GECK, it crashed. I loaded the game, and nothing. The esp does have the new cell information, but the items sure aren't there. Also for some reason, whenever the mod is last in my load order, at index 32, the game refuses to find it, old or new ID doesn't matter. If I move it up to 31 and use that index, no problem. ....Halp?
  20. I don't much like the oval buttons. They remind me of shady download sites. I like the current square/rectangular ones better. That logo... is that a placeholder? I hope it is. >.> Also, anyone else noticing the thumbnails being distorted? For example, here: http://platform.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19009 The user-uploaded images are distorted as thumbnails.
  21. Pretty sure simply having the "Side Bets" quest also unlocks the bunker. I didn't use the intercom either.
  22. I browsed for a bit signed out and didn't see one. Did see a somewhat racy Age of Conan ad though. >.>
  23. You can disable Flash. That'll prevent it from happening while allowing less annoying stuff through. Some browsers can only disable it globally (such as IE), but good ones (Opera, Iron, Firefox with the right extensions) can disable it on a per-site basis.
  24. New Vegas Stutter Remover doesn't smooth it out for you?
  25. I suppose you could just get the one you think sounds best, then get the GECK and modify the crit damage to something really high. Doesn't need to be too super high, since sneak crits are double what a normal crit is.
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