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lol- fallout 3 hilarious findings


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Yeah, the Mister Gutsies, RL-3 included are really a blast. Honestly, they're pretty much the among most memorable character(s) for me.


I finally found a Pulse Pistol from EVE, and that thing is one hell of a weapon. It's got some pretty wicked death animations - when I first saw

*spoilers for EVE*

a guy lifted up ten feet into the air and explode, I knew I was in for an awesome show. The Pulse Pistol is the most fun compact death dealer I've had since the Firelance, and the ammo for it is much more common, too. Half those special death animations knock my character on his @$$ when close-up though, which can be a little annoying.

*end spoiler*

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  • 3 months later...
I stumbled on an encampment of super mutants that also had one of those big SUPER super mutant guys with em. Their camp was made out of over turned train cars. One car was flipped on its side and had a couple of those shopping cart cages inside of it. Inside one of the cages was a teddy bear! He must've been one bad azz little bear! I took him home though cause I collect the bears and keep em on my heart-shaped bed in megaton.
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being chased by a deathclaw near the wasteland guy that livesin the broken bus part near fort independance i run by and out of the ble some raiders open fire on teh deathclaw saving my but and getting killed by it but doing enough damage to it i could kill it with my 10 mm smg in vats
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Only one thing funny ever happened to me.


I was traversing the wasteland. Going up a hill just to see what was on the other side. Suddenly, I hear a super mutant screaming. I look all around but can't find anything so I just ignore it. After a few seconds it gets louder when suddenly a super mutant comes flying over the hill and lands somewhere outside of my view distance. I decide to check over the hill just to see what could have made this super mutant suddenly start flying. There was nothing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is my first post. I often see a lot of things flying or hovering from a foot to over 50 feet in the air. Most of the time its clutter, which hits the ground once it's touched and often many rocks and bushes.


One time, I was walking under one of those broken highway bridges when a mutant fell a few feet in front of me. He died as he hit the ground, but it freaked me out none the less. I figure he must not have been paying attention on that bridge.


On another occasion, I just picked up that special Sniper Rifle from that church (forgot where exactly) and I left the area heading south when I noticed something hundreds of feet in the air burning, It was so high above me that I couldn't quite make out what it was, so I used my new Sniper Rifle to zoom in. To my surprise, it was a car! So very high in the air just hovering and burning. I guess it must have recently blown up and sent skyward where it never came back down.


What I see quite a lot, and I'm sure many others have, is a funny "silly-putty" air dance of a killed NPC or creature. If anybody remembers the product Silly-Putty, it was kind of a play dough which use to stretch and bounce beyond any other plasticine of it's kind. I find the odd stretching and bending of the NPC's and creatures very amusing to watch, but it sometimes crashed my game after a short time. Just like in Oblivion, Fallout 3 characters clipped through objects throw a violent willy, so sometimes I cause it to happen for amusement.

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