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lol- fallout 3 hilarious findings


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Funniest thing I have seen yet:


I went exploring the Super Duper Mart for Moira, and outside at the random spawn point ended up getting a pair of hunters with a dead mole rat. No big deal, traded a bit then went on my way. A few days later I came back through fast traveling to begin my explorations toward GNR, when Bryan Wilks spawns and starts running toward me to initiate the quest "Those!" For some crazy reason, the hunters decided they really didn't like Bryan and opened fire on him before he could get to me. They chased him all over the parking lot and eventually toward Springvale before I lost sight of them all. I was laughing so hard I couldn't see through the tears, all I could see was two guys with hunting rifles chasing a kid, screaming at him and firing again and again.

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LOL, that's simply hilarious, Handofbane.


Bryan Wilks usually gives me the quest at the Super Duper Mart as well. He never showed up on my current playthrough though, despite my traversing the Mart premises numerous times. I finally decided to travel to Grayditch anyway, thinking I'd perhaps meet him along the way.


As I approached the fenced barricade a fire ant spied me and began crawling in my direction. I was just about to activate VATS to nade the critter when Bryan suddenly popped up out of nowhere to deliver his quest dialog, nearly getting both our butts fried in the process. "Um, I hate to interrupt our discussion, kid, but..."


I needn't have worried, though, as the ant was courteous enough to postpone his attack and politely wait until Bryan had finished giving me the details of the town's plight.

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While doing the Big Trouble in Big Town quest, I gave Red the MIRV Fat Man and a bunch of mini-nukes (I was using a cheat mod I'd whipped up that gave me a endlessly respawning repository of mini-nukes, so I wouldn't need to worry about Fat Man ammo). I then managed to completely forget about this because we didn't run into any hostiles on the way back to Big Town. Later, while fighting the Super Mutants, I hear this "fwoomp" sound and all of a sudden me, the mutants, and half of Big Town's residents disappear in a series of mini-nuke explosions.


I don't let people have my Fat Mans anymore.

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im using the mmm mod and a dmg upped version of the Andragorns Apocalyptic Armoury set all those guns to 160 dmg and above.. and was going to the beth ruins.. it was a long walk so i fast traveld there.. not so smart move.. when the loading was done i found myself in the middle of a gang of maybe 30 raiders or so.. with m16's and big ass shot guns.. think i was able to pull off 2 shots before myself and i was reduced to fragments... that was kinda funny.. havent fast traveled much sinse :P
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While doing the Big Trouble in Big Town quest, I gave Red the MIRV Fat Man and a bunch of mini-nukes (I was using a cheat mod I'd whipped up that gave me a endlessly respawning repository of mini-nukes, so I wouldn't need to worry about Fat Man ammo). I then managed to completely forget about this because we didn't run into any hostiles on the way back to Big Town. Later, while fighting the Super Mutants, I hear this "fwoomp" sound and all of a sudden me, the mutants, and half of Big Town's residents disappear in a series of mini-nuke explosions.


I don't let people have my Fat Mans anymore.


that reminds of a time I was off to deliver Lucy West's letter, I pretty much always go by a barn with a random encounter marker


& one time I approached I didn't hear or see anything so I was cautious. Inside was some large meat chunks that contained a fatman A& nuke, apparently an npc thoought it wise to use it as a close range weapon

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Reminds me of the time I decided to burn Paradise Falls to the ground, with slaves AND slavers inside. I started with just waiting. I waited, and waited, and waited. Then, finally, it seemed that they were going to eat (this is complete luck, mind you.) at the same time. They crowded around Ymir, and I took my chance. I lobbed a single Fat Boy nuke off at them, and gosh, I've never seen so many limbs in the sky! I remember my mate next to me had to rush to the bathroom simply because wherever you turned there would be an arm or a leg hitting the ground.
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Any of you find the unique weapons put in by the FOOK mod. Well i only assume they are unique. The yithian blaster

in the basement of the dunwich building

was the first I found. It bummed me out as I play these games OCD and have to have a fully repaired version of everything in the game. All of a sudden, here is a gun that isn't in the fook manual, and even all mighty google can't find it. I taught myself GECK mainly just to determine which mod gave me that weapon, as i didn't believe FOOK would put in an undocumented weapon.


I only say all that because it's in a cool location, relates to the building from the cthulu book and all that.

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