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lol- fallout 3 hilarious findings


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One time i was walking thru the wastes quite happily taking a stroll... no worries. Then suddenly out of nowhere 6 Albino Radscorpions spawn right in front of me. scared sh*tless i turn around and run like a bat out of hell then start running backwards and shooting them at the same time untill i bump into something... a Deathclaw. *sigh* as if my day couldnt get any worse. cornered with no escape i decided to accept my fate pulled out my mirv aimed downwards *BANG*. worse. day. ever.
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I was cleaning out a raider post in the wilds. I had killed all but one - who was on a cliff above me. He would pop up and take a shot, then immediately drop back down. He couldn't depress his weapon enough to hit me and was ducking too quick for a good shot. I threw a frag grenade hoping to do some damage to him and possibly force him to move to a place where I could get a shot. It must have landed right under him as he came flying over the cliff and landed right at my feet.


Another time, I had sniped 3 raiders on an overpass. When I went up to collect their loot I could only find 2. I figured the game had cleaned the third one up and went on. The overpass was a dead end and I had to come back the same way. When I got near the place where the late raiders were, the third raider came falling out of the sky to land on a burned out car.


I was trapped on a ledge by a supermutant. I knocked him off the cliff with a shot from a gauss rifle and he fell into the pond below - where he was attacked by a mirelurk. When he got out of the pond, he ran right into a deathclaw that finished him off.

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haha funny posts here :biggrin: '


my funnyest moment was when i played thru the first time doing the mian quest i walk up to rivet city talk to the intercom and waited

when the bridge finnaly was extended i walk over to talk with harkness(whos really wasnt to pleased to see me :tongue: )

when i was done a guy dropped dead next to me, i scared so hard a pressed the left mouse button and shot harkness and then the whole security force raped me :biggrin:


what happend was mr lopez jumped / fel of the ledge killing himself (and me :biggrin: :tongue: )

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Umm i think one of my best moments was when i was at the GNR plaza doing the main quest. I kept hitting the intercom and he wouldnt let me in , at this time i didnt know i still had to kill the behemoth. So i turn around and i see it rushing me and i guess you can figure out the rest for yourselves :/
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  • 4 weeks later...
well mine is when i wandering the waste then suddenly stumble upon dozen of cockroach i was like :blink: cockroach out in the waste ? the most hillarious part is when i met cockroach king himself,i read it somewhere before but i didn't know its a human then again i was like :blink: for a few second.i'm expecting giant roaches with pleanty loot in it, not a retarded middle age guy with funny hat.
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Ive had all sorts of amsuing things. Like last night. I decided to go for a stroll to the Capitol building. Well,silly me,I forgot to wipe everything out before hand. So the muties werent too bad as Bittercup had a Bren Gun. Then the Talons found me. She got KO'd and then I got raped by the sentry bots because I pack light.



That was round 1 of the Mall Sweep.


Round 2

I finnally manage to kill off the majority supermutants. Learning my lesson,I gave Bittercup something better,I gave her a Browning M2 HMG. Were doing pretty good and then BAM 40 rockets out of nowhere are landing all around us and were stuck on this little ledge.I tried to leave and have her cover me. Then Bam,raped by full auto shotty.


Round 3

I shot anything that was breathing with my Shrike Ares and my M14.Well my Shrike was getting pretty beat up by the time I made it to the building.Got inside and was like crap..So I started lobbing grenades to thin out the enemies.I did pretty good. Did some scavving and explored the building a bit. So I cleared out the one area and I turned any turrets on that I could find.They wiped out the Behemoth for me.So I go to the Hall of Collums and I proceed to doube team everything. Cleared out the section then I left to go out to the Mall. I must have missed a few cause I went back and theres like 30 people fighting.With Bittercup mowing them down,I could take better shots.


Finally made it outside again.And now the BOS is attacking the muties. But I come out.theres like 50 or more easily waiting for me many with rockets. I go outside and all i see is a bunch of rockets at me. I manage to duck and get out of the worst of it and Im just blowing everything away.Then I get a message "Bittercup is unconscience" Im like crap. So I rush back to cover her,then out of nowhere i hear an M2 going off,subtly mowing me and Bittercup down.I have like no health and im spamming my heath kits and my visions all grey and blurry and I'm high on who knows what trying to stay alive. We finally manage to kill off the muties.


So I go back to my Big Town home and the BOS are wandering around AND! they even have the nerve to come into MY house! I wouldn't be surprised if they start making off with my weapons..


I was like alright that was fun,but i wanna kill zombies. So I went to the Metro were that annoying Ghoul is. I'm walking through and I hear their battle cry and I'm like alright its only like 5 of them. Boy was i wrong As soon as I started shooting,Anything in the area came at me. BC got KO'd again(Im going to give her like power armor or something for the heavy areas) and Im stuck in a corner with these things that are twice my height trying to nom my brains for brunch.And I said to myself,this sucks I am not getting out of here alive. So,out comes the grenades and M79 commando. I proceed to chuck all 4 of my nades and managing to kill quite a few doing so but I couldn't get out of my corner. Then i said goodbye world and blew myself up. Last time Im going in the metro tunnels.


I still pack light,I have a custom combat knife cause its cool,an M14,a Shrike Ares,grenades and my trusty SW500 mag.Bittercup tends to end up as my packmule lol.BC runs the M2 Browning and shes mean with it,Shes also got an equptment pack so she can carry more of my random junk.

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This is my weird finding. This is NOT my snapshot, but I have been to evergreen mills bazaar before.


And yes this is NOT a mod, this is the vanilla game. Evergreen Mills Bazaar can be found on the way to Smith and Caseys garage if you start from Megaton and set your marker then just go there by foot. Doing that your bound to find it.

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  • 4 months later...
idk if this belong in here but i was doing the regulators mod quest and about to pwn the baddie and get the finger needed to complete the quest it was a little past the dunwhich building i was going solo i think then out of nowhere a dang Albino Radscorpion came out nowhere and nearly scared the s**** out of me. i ran like a B for a bit then out of nowhere a Deathclaw came out of nowhere and killed the Albino Radscorpion! I wanted to thx it but it tried to kill me but fortunately the RR Companion girls zap it with the Alien Blaster i gave them, feel sorry for Deathclaw it saved me from one of those scary f***s but i guess its the law of the wasteland....
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Well there was the time, as a low-level Character just wandering about, I meleed with some Wild Dogs. Knocked the head clean off one - it went flying off into the distance. Killed the rest of the dogs, did some healing and looting, reorganized some equipment, etc..


Then looked off into the distance, thinking of where to head next. And there was that dog's head, still bouncing and rolling down the hill a long way away.

Edited by 7thsealord
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